View Full Version : Bad luck!

04/14/2008, 12:11 PM
Today i am filling up my tank as usual but at the end you know how the pump stops automatically when its full?, well this time for some reason that only god knows it didnt!!
it spilled like a gallon of gas on the floor and over all the cladding under the gas cap! now instead of being black (that in the last meet i got a lot of compliments on how good condition my cladding was and how black it was) now it is grey just in that part and i have tried washing it and doing everything i can anybody knows how to clean this so that it goes back black?

04/14/2008, 12:30 PM
I have spilled gas on mine. I just washed it and then used my usual Meguiars Natural Shine.

04/14/2008, 12:45 PM
that works for the cladding?

04/14/2008, 12:49 PM
Yep! Apply it to a damp rag them rub it onto the cladding (don't apply it dirrectly to the cladding) for best results.

04/14/2008, 01:43 PM
I just wash and use Mother's Back to Black, works like a charm normally, even when I have overfilled.

04/14/2008, 02:29 PM
I have gotten gas on my VX several times. No permanant damage. I think most of it evaporates over a few days, and then I just wash like normal, apply a liberal coat of Trim Shine, and I am back to shiny and black.


04/14/2008, 02:36 PM
Endurance will also fix the gray and once it wears off there's no difference between the spilled and other areas.

-- John

04/14/2008, 10:32 PM
I have spilled on my cladding a few times... No worries the grey will go away with a few washes, maybe even one depending on how well you wash it. Then just grease up the cladding as usual and it'll be nice and black and shiny again!


04/15/2008, 06:59 AM
I have spilled on my cladding a few times... No worries the grey will go away with a few washes, maybe even one depending on how well you wash it. Then just grease up the cladding as usual and it'll be nice and black and shiny again!


Which works better?...bacon grease or lard?:rolleyesg

04/15/2008, 08:57 AM
Which works better?...bacon grease or lard?:rolleyesg

Pam!!!!! Easy spray on applicator. :rolleyes:

04/15/2008, 09:15 AM
lol are you serious about the Pam?? cause im abuot to try sparying it lol idk if its a joke or not

04/15/2008, 09:46 AM
lol are you serious about the Pam?? cause im abuot to try sparying it lol idk if its a joke or not

:p LOL. Let me know if it works... I hear the flavored Pam works better than the regular stuff... Maybe the butter flavor??? LOL

Do I hear a whole new meaning to Butters? :rolleyes:

And yes, we're joking... :p

04/15/2008, 12:00 PM
:p LOL. Let me know if it works... I hear the flavored Pam works better than the regular stuff... Maybe the butter flavor??? LOL

Do I hear a whole new meaning to Butters? :rolleyes:

And yes, we're joking... :p

So THATS how Beej always kept his cladding so spiffy...AND the real reason he was hiding butter packets in his back door.:rolleyesg...:smilewink