View Full Version : what do you think of this?

04/16/2008, 10:38 AM
does anybody think this will work? http://www.hydrorunner.com/products.html

04/16/2008, 12:20 PM
Totally BOGUS
Electrolysis is a very archaic and well researched process to turn H2O into H2 and O2 gasses. However, I can see at least three huge flaws w/ the claims this device makes...

1) A basic knowledge of chemestry and thermodynamics will tell you that the amount of energy produced by the combustion of Hydrogen and oxygen can never exceed the energy needed for electrolysis.

2) A vehicle engine, even if fitted w/ a specialized alternator can not produce the amount of electricity needed to electrolyse a significant quantity of water

3) They claim, you only refill the water tank w/ 2 liters of water every 3-6k mi. I would estimate that 2L of H2O would only make enough H2 & O2 for a short trip. Even if combined w/ conventional fuels this would not result in any significant MPG increase.

I'd rather spend $3.5k on a S/charger and test the hypothesis that liquifying 4 tires simultaneously = fun

04/16/2008, 01:38 PM
What are "governmental vehicles"?

It looks like a restyled PC case. I smell a scam.

04/16/2008, 03:45 PM

don moore
04/16/2008, 06:31 PM
i use this system for my dodge ram van..
Now its runs better ...

04/16/2008, 08:08 PM
It looks like a restyled PC case. I smell a scam.

Not even restyled.....:

