View Full Version : fan on

05/08/2008, 12:17 AM
ok. I think my thermostat is stuck open.
I have had my baby in the garage since I got fired almost a month ago. So I had to jump her. And once she started running I noticed my fan didn't kick off.
Am I right in thinking there's something wrong here, or did my years in auto class kick in properly? Wouldnt the fan only stay on because the thermostat is stuck in the open position?
The conditions were; cold engine, jump start, temp in the low 60's. I started the VX up and the fan was running top speed. I let it sit for at least 15 minutes with the hood up and watched the fan continue. Then drove to the mall to start my new job and I popped the hood and watched it for another 5 minutes. Stayed running.
Sorry if this is such a run on for nothing but I just want to be thorough.
Thanx. Any help would be apreciated.


05/08/2008, 03:36 AM
ive never seen my main fan not running:_confused

05/08/2008, 05:46 AM
If your t-stat is stuck open, the engine won't get up to normal operating temperature.

Was your A/C on?

(btw, I don't recall what normal operation of the fan is supposed to be - I'm just throwing around some ideas)

05/08/2008, 11:55 AM
I might just be worrying to much. I think eric might have a point. I'm just used to electric fans.

And no. I only use my A/C if a cutie riding with me starts complaining about the heat. I roll with my windows down.

What bothered me was the fan just seemed to be spinning way to fast for too long.

Anybody here able to tell me if the fan is always on or not?


05/08/2008, 12:43 PM
PM Zeus. He was planning on upgrading to an electric fan. He might know how the mechanical unit performs. Just don't tell him I sent you - that'll only get you a smart-a** response:)

05/08/2008, 06:43 PM
what fan are you talking about??
big fan =mechanical, always spinning.
small fan in front of radiator= only on with A/C

05/08/2008, 07:16 PM
ok. I think my thermostat is stuck open.
I have had my baby in the garage since I got fired almost a month ago. So I had to jump her. And once she started running I noticed my fan didn't kick off.
Am I right in thinking there's something wrong here, or did my years in auto class kick in properly? Wouldnt the fan only stay on because the thermostat is stuck in the open position?
The conditions were; cold engine, jump start, temp in the low 60's. I started the VX up and the fan was running top speed. I let it sit for at least 15 minutes with the hood up and watched the fan continue. Then drove to the mall to start my new job and I popped the hood and watched it for another 5 minutes. Stayed running.
Sorry if this is such a run on for nothing but I just want to be thorough.
Thanx. Any help would be apreciated.


As stated earlier, the main fan is belt driven/clutch controlled...will always be spinning if the engine is running.

If your thermostat was stuck open, your temp gauge wouldn't come up to normal operating temp., as the coolant would be circulating through the radiator full time...:_wrench:

Sounds to me as if everything is normal.

05/08/2008, 10:12 PM
And I sound like a fool again. I need to brush up on my mech info and understanding of the VX engine. I am so used to electric fans so I thought the main fan had a kicker like the A/C motor. I'm only 4 years out of my auto class and already rusty...

Thanx guys. I guess there's nothing wrong then.

05/09/2008, 05:52 AM
And I sound like a fool again. I need to brush up on my mech info and understanding of the VX engine. I am so used to electric fans so I thought the main fan had a kicker like the A/C motor. I'm only 4 years out of my auto class and already rusty...

Thanx guys. I guess there's nothing wrong then.

Don't feel too bad...the greater majority of us,( I include myself in this statement) started off "VX life" in your shoes...having little experince with "modern" vehicle technology.

The last cars I did any "serious" work on before the VX, were a 64 Impala, & a 70 Mustang...gave me a grasp of the basics, but little else that would be helpful in understanding the workings of a modern EFI system with computer controlled "everything".

Just keep hangin' around, & reading the forums...it's amazing how much information you can find around here...:_wrench:

Also, THANKS, to all those that have contributed to my continuing education on this, my favorite subject ever...:thumbup:

05/09/2008, 08:54 AM
Just keep hangin' around, & reading the forums...it's amazing how much information you can find around here...:_wrench:

Yeah, what he said! I was 100% completely automotive ignorant prior to owning my VX. After I blew up my 2000 Xterra and was fatefully returned with my 2001 VX, I decided its high time I learn at least the basics, and have a better understanding of how things work and what needs to be done to keep things going smooth and strong. Now, exactly 2 years later, I am 100% more in the know, and a lot more confident when it comes to working on and caring for vehicles.

:) Bart

05/09/2008, 10:27 AM
Same here I had only changed oil prior to the VX - well a little more but not much. My tool collection - supplies and knowledged has expanded since then.

09/06/2014, 12:52 PM
Does anyone know if this is correct.

That the Auxilliary Electric Radiator fan only comes on when AC is being used and off during any other use ?