View Full Version : and the silence begins...

05/12/2008, 12:48 PM
Hey, where is everyone... oh, that's right - MOAB. Grrr... I am usually very quiet here, but it's always a bummer to log in and not see very many posts. Ok all you non MOAB VXers we need to talk about something interesting to keep us from remembering we aren't driving to MOAB ourselves.

Hope you all are having a great time and a safe trip. Maybe next year for me.

05/12/2008, 03:54 PM
HI ya, i to thought it quite here :D

perhaps i could chat about my new number plates for my vx. "vx 157" been its 157/174 made :D

enough about me, what have you done to your vx lately? :bgwb:

05/12/2008, 04:30 PM
Ahhh yes, the silence...because we are here:

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/thumbs/yes.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/11149)

05/12/2008, 05:25 PM
Still snow on the La Sal's in the background! Looks like they had a good winter of snow. Have fun. Keep the daily photo's coming!

P.S. Started a thread for all the Moab stories/photos! (http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?threadid=13499)

05/12/2008, 05:30 PM
I leave for Moab at 6am tomorrow!:p

05/12/2008, 09:36 PM
That is a very loud silence, Bart!
Make sure to tell the Reno VX crew I am with you guys in spirit!
Have a blast and take lots 'O pix...

05/13/2008, 07:14 AM
Mostly us eastern states folks left behind. But thats ok, we have plenty of urban curb-crawling to do in our neck 'o the woods. ;)

05/13/2008, 07:19 AM
yea.. we'll be having out own small meet near philly friday! locals should definitely try to make it out


05/13/2008, 06:18 PM
Sorry I can't make the Philly Meet, but I have to work. However, I have found a
new mod for the "toy." Solar powered turn signals with wide angle mirrors for the
rear view mirrors. Made by TurnSmart. I'll try and put a picture up when I finish.
Also put in a mini air horn; didn't like the 'wimpy' one! Meanwhile, I'll wait for all those great pictures from Moab.

05/14/2008, 07:42 AM
Always on a weekday with you Penn Staters. What gives? :p

Figures too since I don't have a race or have to work this weekend. Ah well, guess it's still gonna be a good weekend to flush the S/C oil and change it out.

05/14/2008, 07:56 AM
haha thats just when the shows end up being.. friday nights.. we were thinking about going down to the track in cecil county on saturday.. had 2 VXs a fox body mustang, a new gto, a vw R32 and a wrx to go..

..now the wrx is totaled.. the gto and r32 arent available to go.. so we're postponing that meet too