View Full Version : Mortgage - Refinance - Purchase

05/13/2008, 01:57 PM
Shameless plug.

I know alot of people and more than we would like to admit are in bad shape with their homes. I have dealt with a growing number of people in need of refinancing versus purchasing due to income restraints of all sorts.

So I am here offering my service to you all.
I am not paid by broker fees or any of that crap.
I work for a lender and they are one of the few that are FHA approved and we are backed by Bank of America. I can close your loan in about 7 days versus a typical bank. I have the power to release fees from applications so what I will do for ANY VX member or family of, is knock off:
Rate Lock Fees
Application Fees
Origination and Brokerage fees

Let me know if I can help you all.

05/13/2008, 02:23 PM
Where were you 2 months ago when I cosigned for my daughter's first house?:)

JK - I appreciate the offer but I'm not in need at the moment.

05/13/2008, 03:39 PM
I was here.

05/13/2008, 04:23 PM
Just refi'd a month ago.. Didn't know you were in the business.. :(

05/13/2008, 06:30 PM
I could have helped you but you didnt know and I did not make it public really. Our rates are from wall street via the bond market no inflation or discount points needed unless desired.

05/14/2008, 08:04 AM
I am going through a re-fi right now. Been in my "interest only" for 2 years and have dreaded it since signing, so I am making the 30 fixed leap. The broker I am working with did my original so I went with him again. Very cool cat. I am currently locked at a 6.25 but have to go to closing by May 30th to keep it.

Sadly, my county is now considered a red zone due to the amount of homes for sale and the high amount of foreclosures. Very large homes that people bought to show social and financial status, and now can no longer maintain the purchase. And yep, it has hurt me BAD. According to my appraiser (who also came out to appraise last fall), because of the surrounding property issues, it is gonna be pretty tough getting the value vs the loan amount accepted by the lender. But, he assures me, he plays hardball and with my excellent credit and work history, he has plenty of fuel to start the fight. Keeping my fingers crossed.

I feel for anyone who is in the brokerage business in an area that is being hard hit because of the big "R" that Bush swears is non existent. I can only imagine the flaming hoops and pitfalls involved. :(

05/16/2008, 11:18 AM
Business is good. But only good becuase it seems the whole nation is refinancing. I am now primarily doing re-fi's or maybe 8 to every 2 purchases.

It just came to me one day at my desk since I am constantly logged in to offer my services here for no charges. I have heard many sad scenarios many that I or anyone can not help. We have more programs than most anyone due to our morphing of a bank and lender.

05/16/2008, 01:22 PM
Wifey works mortgages too. It's suprising the number of programs that are available if you're in trouble & if you can talk your rep into it.

05/21/2008, 12:37 PM
We have all the programs and we have seen the worst of cases as well.....

06/16/2008, 10:36 AM
I have had a few contact me thus far....anyone else interested?

06/17/2008, 07:40 AM
Email is coming back as no user

06/17/2008, 07:48 AM
Email me directly at work........... jharris@surepoint.com

08/15/2008, 05:49 AM

11/11/2008, 02:00 PM
Bump....I can probably fit another person in this month. I know alot of people are in the crunch. Feel free to even email me with questions as well.

11/12/2008, 09:38 AM
Not entirely. Obviously the lower the better. I do a mortgage analysis within minutes. Just email me at work jharris@surepoint.com