View Full Version : Check engine

05/17/2008, 04:13 PM
Ok the other day I took the fiance out for a drive over the mountains. Very bumpy rocky and steep. Well half way up one climb the abs light comes on. I reach the top and shut the vx off thinking maybe my fluid was a little low (it was) and had just sloshed around and set the light off. Start it up and of course it's off. So I continue next climb (quite harder) check engine light comes on. Not something to tell the off-road uninitiated whilst a very steep rocky climb that is already freaking her out (i told her anyways) I get to the top and try shutting it off again and popping the hood and poking around. I don't find anything and it's running fine still. When I get off the mountain i take it to Autozone to have them plug in their little deal and read the code. Something about a speed sensor (which they only stock for a vx without TOD?????) So the next day I drive it around with the light on. Climb underneath hoping i just jostled something loose but don't find anything. Start heading home and it mysteriously goes off (the check engine light). hasn't come on since. Any ideas? Anyone had this happen before?

05/17/2008, 10:34 PM
Not really sure.. but if you search CEL or check light.. or speed sensor.. maybe things will appear for you.. the information here is collected from many who are not with us anymore... TRy the search function it probably will be faster then waiting for all the hardcore VXers to get back from MOAB>insert curses here<

05/19/2008, 05:38 AM
Search for the specific error code the Autozone guy pulled off for you. The speed sensor is used by the both the ABS and ToD systems, so the two warnign lights are probably related.

05/23/2008, 01:33 PM
Well either way it's not on anymore so I'm hoping it was just a freak occurance. Maybe it did break but the VX just fixed itself. Had a cherokee that'd do the same things, break then fix itself.

05/23/2008, 01:42 PM
I threw "check engine" twice on the Moab trip.

Both times on Steep climbs at altitude in HOT weather....

Seems the VX 02 sensor does this sometimes in those conditions...then resets.
I think a couple of others got the same....


05/23/2008, 01:49 PM
Well those were definitely the conditions. At least I'm not the only one. That makes me feel better.

05/23/2008, 02:40 PM
I think altitude plays a large part in this problem, I also believe being supercharged magnifies it.

I threw 3-5 cel's a day after we got out of the flat land, on the way to Moab.
No less than 4-5 a day while in Moab, & the same on the way home.
Since I've been back at "normal" altitude, no cel's at all.

Fortunately for my sanity :rolleyesg, I can read & clear codes on the fly with my scan gauge. (from Tone)

08/06/2008, 05:14 AM
This happened to me yesterday and then again today.

On my way to work yesterday it popped on while I was coming to a stop at a light about a mile from my house. I stopped at a convenience store, and then to work and it was on the whole time. fairly cool out, and the light probably came on before the engine was fully warm.

at lunch I went out to run an errand and it was on when I left work, but when I got back in the VX to drive back to work the light was off.

it was still off when I went home for the night, and I took another drive after work too. I was planning on stopping at an auto parts store to get the code read but figured there was no use...

This morning the light came on again, popped up again while I was coming to a stop less than a mile from my home, again very cool, engine not completely warm yet, a little rainy too.

Maybe I'll stop at the auto parts store even if the light goes back out..

08/06/2008, 12:02 PM
My solution that has been working for 4 years now?????

Take out the CEL bulb!!!!! 112k miles and never had a real issue outside of wear and tear and stupid dealership tranny mistake.

08/06/2008, 12:04 PM
and while your taking the CEL bulb out you might as well take the ABS bulb out too, you are bound to have that one come on and off eventually, and really in the VX it is almost better without ABS. seriously

08/06/2008, 03:24 PM
After checking both lights repeatedly with my mileage over 116k now, I've come to the conclusion that y'all are correct. If you don't hear anything squeaking, don't smell anything, pop the hood and all fluids are good... those lights are a trick to get you to come in and have checkups done. Screw it. :bgwo:

08/06/2008, 09:39 PM
I live at 4400 feet, had the truck at ~10,000 feet last weekend (uintahs), Wheeled with Todd Adams, and Justin (zeus) at 8,504 feet, 50,000 miles and never seen a light flicker.

Hope I don't see any anytime soon!!

Maybe it's acclimatized :D

08/07/2008, 11:09 AM
unfortunately I live in NH and we have annual state inspections.

if the CEL is on it means that the ECU is throwing a code and the vehicle wont pass inspection as a result.

lucky me the CEL came on the day before I had my appointment :mad:

I had it checked at a local autoparts place: P0405 the EGR valve position sensor has low voltage... There's a guide on planetisuzoo on how to fix it for a trooper... you can get new and used replacement valves on ebay for about $50-$120 shipped...

the shop wanted $200 for the part plus $120 for 2 hours labor :rolleyes:

that's an expensive CEL.

I've ordered an OBDII reader so I can scan my own codes (and reset them)... not to mention they're handy to have. and I'll try the DIY fix... failing that I'll buy a used one no way I'm paying over $300 for some emissions garbage that's killing my mileage anyway.

08/07/2008, 12:45 PM
unfortunately I live in NH and we have annual state inspections.

if the CEL is on it means that the ECU is throwing a code and the vehicle wont pass inspection as a result.

lucky me the CEL came on the day before I had my appointment :mad:

I had it checked at a local autoparts place: P0405 the EGR valve position sensor has low voltage... There's a guide on planetisuzoo on how to fix it for a trooper... you can get new and used replacement valves on ebay for about $50-$120 shipped...

the shop wanted $200 for the part plus $120 for 2 hours labor :rolleyes:

that's an expensive CEL.

I've ordered an OBDII reader so I can scan my own codes (and reset them)... not to mention they're handy to have. and I'll try the DIY fix... failing that I'll buy a used one no way I'm paying over $300 for some emissions garbage that's killing my mileage anyway.

the EGR actually helps your mileage.. at least if its clogged up.. try cleaning it first and making sure that the wires are properly connected to it

08/07/2008, 06:39 PM
the EGR actually helps your mileage.. at least if its clogged up.. try cleaning it first and making sure that the wires are properly connected to it
yeah I'll definitely try cleaning it first.

I would think that an EGR would hurt you mileage since it's routing the exhaust fumes (which is theoretically devoid of oxygen) back to your intake... wouldn't the reduction in burnable air cause a less complete burn?

08/07/2008, 10:57 PM
if the CEL is on it means that the ECU is throwing a code and the vehicle wont pass inspection as a result.

That is what I thought, but all they seem to ever check every single time is the emissions. I live in Houston and we have very strict inspections, and I used to always have troubles getting the VX inspected until I took that bulb out. I do not think they check for fault codes unless there is a light.

08/08/2008, 03:20 PM
yeah I'll definitely try cleaning it first.

I would think that an EGR would hurt you mileage since it's routing the exhaust fumes (which is theoretically devoid of oxygen) back to your intake... wouldn't the reduction in burnable air cause a less complete burn?

i meant to say... replacing your egr will help improve gas mileage.. when it get clogged up gas mileage suffers.. i dunno if you would gain anything by removing it all together :_confused

08/08/2008, 03:33 PM
I would think that an EGR would hurt you mileage since it's routing the exhaust fumes (which is theoretically devoid of oxygen) back to your intake... wouldn't the reduction in burnable air cause a less complete burn?

Maybe, but also contains un-burned fuel...:naughty:

08/09/2008, 07:01 AM
Hi ABS sensor faults are generally caused by a build up of brake dust over the sensor or the exciter rings - either a jet wash or remove the disc and clean them up works just fine - mine was coming on every so often - but since i cleaned the exciter rings and sensor face it hasn't come on once and the TOD seems to work better