View Full Version : Odd Experience with VX Admirer's

06/24/2003, 08:52 AM
I've been meaning to relate this experience for some time now. It actually happened back in May 2003. Although my wife, Beth, and I live in Huntsville, AL (northern part of the state), I was born and raised in East Tennessee (East, Middle, and West being an important distinction if you're from TN) in whats called the Foothills of the Smokies (not far from Knoxville and close to Gatlinburg). Being very close to my family, Beth and I go home every chance we get, and we headed out for such a visit one Friday after work, our first such trip in our new (to us) VX. On the interstate between South Pittsburg and Chattanooga, TN, this little blue car pulls alongside us, and, in my peripheral vision (I was driving), I can see its just kind of sitting there, not passing, not falling back. Especially given how quick they had come up on us, this perplexes me. Slowly the car starts to come forward and I notice the girl in the passenger seat is pointing at the front of the VX, and she and the guy in the driver's seat are chattering away, pointing and grinning. The car drops back again and then pulls back up, this time with the girl hanging out the window taking a picture of the front end. Beth and I are laughing and a bit incredulous at this point. Neither the girl or the guy has made eye contact with us, or waved, or anything. The car drops back a bit behind, and I see the camera flash again, they pull beside us and again a flash. The car pulls back ahead and the girl flashes another picture before dropping back again. Beth and I are wondering if this is for real. Finally the car pulls back ahead and the girl is looking at us, grinning from ear to ear, giving us a very friendly wave. They travelled on, and we pulled off into the rest stop. I have never had anything like that happen in any other car I've driven. It sure made us feel special, especially my wife, since the VX is primarily hers, and she takes such pride in it. You can't help but grin and puff up a bit when something like this happens. Anyone else have any VehiCROSS "celebrity" moments?

06/24/2003, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by SABR2TH
You can't help but grin and puff up a bit when something like this happens. Anyone else have any VehiCROSS "celebrity" moments? Not much in the way of fame, but I did get tempted (http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1274[/url) ;)

06/24/2003, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by SABR2TH
It actually happened back in May 03.

Hey! That's my birthday! :)

06/24/2003, 01:19 PM
Thanks for sharing that VXperience, reminds me of how special these little trucks are.:cool: The best I,ve ever done is turn some heads, Maybe they thought the VX was an extra-terrestrial ;eekb; (hope to see more post like that one)

06/24/2003, 02:09 PM
OK, this just happened on Sunday. I'm shoppingin Wally-world (Wal-Mart). I come out and it's raining to beat the band. I mean a down-pour. I run to my VX, jump in and through the bags in the passanger seat. I just get ready to start her up, when I get the crap scared out of me. :eek: Some guy, got to be about 55, taps on my window. I look over and he's making the hand jester for me to roll down my window. :confused: Now, you have to picture it, this guy is standing at my window, in a DOWN-POUR. No unbrella at all. I open the window and he starts: What is this thing, who makes it? I see your NASA sign on it. You work for NASA? I mean, I see it even says 'Nasa Project' on the front? So, I start thinking, how long has this guy been walking around my VX? He must have been waiting in his car, just to talk to me? Weird, anyone who wants to know about my VX that bad, has a FEW screws loose :smack: I give him the quick, 'Isuzu, VehiCROSS, limited edition, no longer made, 2000, have a nice day' speach. Man it was to funny.

06/24/2003, 06:51 PM
I have a love hate relationship with these people.

I get stopped all the time while at the gas station, getting in and out of the car at my job, going to a friends house for a party and simply just driving down the road minding my own business.

I love it in a sense, as I have never owned anything in my life that complete strangers have just stopped, gawked at it and then had the urge to actually come up and start chatting with me about it. The look of amazment as they stare down the VX while they talk to you reminds me of how I was when I first saw the VX.

I like the nice comments that they make like "Wow this thing is cool, sweet, awesome, crazy and just simply amazing" to name a few.

But on the other hand, you get the haters ... who make rude comments like .."Man, that thing is ugly, What the hell is THAT!, what a POS and ;puke: " etc.

I had a guy right behind Fenway Park in Boston on the way to a ball game one night (surrounded by 100's of people mind you) yell out "Hey, THAT'S AN UGLY %^$%(*& CAR!!! " Every one just turned and looked at me and my VX. I felt like an *** but I always take the good with the bad :)

It's always kinda wierd when your just truckin down the highway listening to tha radio and you notice a car int he corner of your eye just sitting right beside you with the passenger just staring like your an endagered caged animal driving down the road :freek:

06/25/2003, 07:10 AM
Hey Sabr2th- I thought I was the only one with a VX cruising Huntsville! Oh well we can share the town I suppose. Where did you buy your VX? I live way out in West Limestone County so I wont be cramping your style. LOL

06/25/2003, 07:56 AM
Ok, I got a good one for ya. Happened yesterday on my way home from work. Gridlock on northbound I 270, all I wanna do is get my arse to Starbucks for a Tazoberry and sit back on a chair outside and enjoy the sun. This little car rolls up to my left with the radio blasting and 4 girls, probably fresh out of high school, are all dancing around inside, and singing to the music. My first thought was "Oh lord", and then changed to "damn I wish I was younger, cause them tight little halter tops are mind boggling!". Of course, I blast my radio too, especially in raffic like that, just to keep my sanity. Well, one girl starts hollaring out "Hey, you need to wash your car.... or truck.... whetever it is". I just laughed and said "Maybe you all can wash it for me." They all started with the whole "Woooooo, lets do it! Wooooo". I just kinda laughed and kept easing along in the traffic. A few minutes later they catch back up alongside me on my passenger side. The girl in the back seat behind the driver, practically hanging out of the car hollars something and I dont hear it, so I put my hand up to my ear and hollar "What?!". All at the same time they all hollar "You car is sexy and so are you! Wooooooooo!!". Lucky for me, they were on the ramp to get off the highway. I seriously think a few laws could have been broken had that gone much further. A guy can only take so much of 4 teasing, nubile, little hotties. :angel:

06/25/2003, 08:04 AM
LOL Wormgod! Yeah, I don't remember the girls looking like that when I was high school! Ah, the things they can do with fabric these days! ;eekg;

I haven't gotten any negative comments yet, but I was visiting a friend in Tallahassee recently and on his first ride in the VX asked "do you feel like everyone's looking at ya?". It's kinda funny how you catch people looking or their heads swiveling out of the corner of your eye. It's definitely good ego maintenance!

06/25/2003, 09:07 AM
I've let my father and girlfriend drive my VX on occasion. They both have commented to me seperately about how many people stare at them when they drive it. My girlfriend enjoyed the attention... I think my dad secrectly did as well.

But hell, that's half the reason I bought the car (and traded in my Jeep Wrangler for it!)

I was gonna sell my VX last winter for a BMW M3 ... but the more I thought about it, as cool as the M3 is, it just can't stand up to the uniqueness of the VX.

06/25/2003, 02:23 PM
from getting my engine installed... and so far:

5 minutes after picking her up from the dealer, while I was using the coin op do it yourself pressure wash bay, I had an employee AND a customer of the car wash come over to ask me questions.

Last night while I was driving around at midnight to listen to the new engine, a Neon full of mixed teens pulled up to me at a light. The girl in the passenger side was trying to scream something to me past the driver, and over their radio.

And today, a co-worker (remember, I have already owned it for just over 2 months) was walking through the parking lot past my car. He evidently never noticed it before. But he stared walking around the whole vehicle to get every angle and started asking me questions as well.

Is there a posted record of how many people have made comments in a 24 hour period?

06/25/2003, 02:57 PM
I was driving through my neighborhood on my way home from work yesterday and a guy was staring as I approached and so I checked six and saw him spin around on his heel to catch a glimpse as I passed him. Then he started to walk again but kept his head turned for a moment. What will always be fun about these is that there are lots of people who have never seen a single one of 'em, and for some of them it's sort of like the moth to the flame. They get mesmerized. I was half expecting this guy to walk right into a pole or something. And mine is an astral silver VX, so it's lower-profile than, say, a proton yellow. Those must really get some looks.

I think if you're a single guy who has a beach around that you can drive on, cruising one of these up and down the beach would have to be an excellent way to meet girls. LOL! I agree Wormgod - I recently got married and now it seems like there are gorgeous girls everywhere I look, and I don't know where all of them were before. My wife has nothing to worry about, but I swear someone upstairs sure likes to test the hell out of married men to see what they're made of, because all of a sudden everywhere I go is just overflowing with hotties. Heck, the VXer I met last week - she had this fuzzy red thing hanging on her rear-view mirror that said "Hottie", and she wasn't lying, either.

06/26/2003, 07:41 AM
Funny you bring up beach Heraclid, cause I just got my beach pass for Assateague Isle and am going in a few weeks. The funniest part about it is, my buddies who are going with me are more excited about it than me. They seem to think that with the VX in our corner, women will throw rocks at all the other guys out there. In all honesty, I just look forward to getting it out on the beach and doing some shore skimming with it, heh. Ok ok, fine, I *DO* look forward to seeing if it will attract some women too. Heck, I need all the luck I can get these days. ;Db;

06/26/2003, 07:48 AM
What does a pass run ?
Is it for a specific day, week, month?

I'm planning a road trip to visit friends in Virginia Beach sometime this summer. And I was wondering how much it would cost to go play in the sand somewhere.

06/26/2003, 11:33 AM
Well, the one I have is for Assateague only. Your vehicle must meet their requirements, such as ground clearance, 4wd, worthy tires, a jack, and no fluid leaks. The pass cost $70 and lasts until Dec. I think a cool little weekend camp out of the beach with a couple VX's could be a wild little time. ;)

06/26/2003, 04:26 PM
I used to have a book that was about a horse or something - "Misty of Chincoteague", maybe? Anyway, seems like that book references Chincoteague and Assateague.

I agree that skimming the shoreline would be nice, but the idea of getting sand in every little place imagineable on the VehiCross intimidates me a bit. :)

06/26/2003, 05:01 PM
Is it salt water? cause thats a definate no-no

06/26/2003, 05:05 PM
Yeah, that too. If you're asking about here, yes, it is the Atlantic Ocean and I'd have to get down to at least St. Augustine for a place to drive on the beach legally anyway. Especially since some sunbathers got run over not that long ago and they banned it a few more places as a result. As for Assateague, I believe it is saltwater (on the Atlantic) as well... that or at least brackish.

06/26/2003, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by Heraclid
Especially since some sunbathers got run over not that long ago

Dude...That would suck!!! :freek:

06/26/2003, 08:36 PM

How can you run over sunbathers?


Easy, you just don't lead them as much!

Git some! Git some! ...........

06/27/2003, 08:44 AM
Yep, it is the all so salty Atlantic Ocean. Cold, murky, and salty to boot. Not too far down the road from the campground is a self car wash, all pressurised. Comes in handy for those sandy excursions. Getting a fresh lube after your trip would be a plus too.

The great thing about Assateague is the simple ability to park on the beach, set up a tent, pop the tailgate and doors open, turn on the tunes, and sit back. Do some surf fishing or sunbath or bodyboard, but all the while, your VX can be sitting right there, like man's best friend should, keeping watch over you. ;)

06/27/2003, 08:56 AM
It's not like we in the northeast dont get our share of salt in the winter time...

I would think going to a standard drive-through wash would do a better job of cleaning the salt from the undercarriage ... if you can find a 'good' properly maintained one.

That sounds great... I've driven through the area to get to VA Beach a few times in the past couple yrs, never went to the coastline though.

I definitely need some downtime.. sit and stare at the ocean for a few hours.

06/28/2003, 07:20 AM
Just FYI,

I use to live in Viginia Beach several years ago and the ONLY vehicles I remember seeing on the beach where the life guards.

Things could have chnaged though since then :confused:

06/28/2003, 07:26 AM
I live near Philadelphia... My friend and his wife live in VA Beach...

Instead of I95, If I take Rt13 and Rt1 south, through Delaware and Maryland, I travel down through where Asatigue and Chincotige are located...

06/28/2003, 08:24 AM
SABR2TH, I also live in East Tennessee. Johnson City to be exact. I've only seen one other VX in town. I think the worst compliment and possibly also the most frequent is..........that is so cute! Look here, those 4 cylinder unit-body things are cute. The VX is MEAN!

06/28/2003, 08:36 AM
When I first brought it home.. my sister said it looks like a big sneaker....
... then a couple nights ago, a friend of mine saw it for the first time. She said 'it resembles a shoe.'


Okay, yes, it has the functionality of a sneaker, in that it is all terrain.
However you wont see me putting a Nike swash, or 3 Adidas stripes on her any time soon!

07/01/2003, 01:37 AM
Originally posted by Spike
When I first brought it home.. my sister said it looks like a big sneaker....
... then a couple nights ago, a friend of mine saw it for the first time. She said 'it resembles a shoe.'


Okay, yes, it has the functionality of a sneaker, in that it is all terrain.
However you wont see me putting a Nike swash, or 3 Adidas stripes on her any time soon! Now you know why Isuzu named it "V- CROSS" as in CROSS- trainer (not kid'n)

07/10/2005, 09:27 PM
Hey SABR2TH, I am new to the site and looking for local VXers to find out about meets in the area. I also have a 1999 Astral Silver VX and I am also located in HSV. I think I saw yours at Walmart in Madison a couple of months ago and tried to locate the owner to say hi but waited and waited for the owner to come out until I had to go back to work and missed 'em. Do you and your wife attend any meets close by?

07/11/2005, 08:24 AM
New encounter for me...

I pulled up to a stop sign the other day, and a woman coming the other way took one look and gave me the finger! :p

Who knows, I probably cut her off in traffic a week earlier. Having the only Proton VX in your area has its drawbacks, too!

07/11/2005, 08:39 AM
When I first brought it home.. my sister said it looks like a big sneaker....
... then a couple nights ago, a friend of mine saw it for the first time. She said 'it resembles a shoe.'Here's why...
