View Full Version : Break down :(

06/25/2008, 10:49 PM
Bad news for my vehicross :( was just taking a late night drive and it died right in the middle of driving. It flashed the battery light and then the steering got heavy so I pulled it off as the engine stopped turning. Now it just won't start :(

It shows the TOD check light, oil, and battery lights when I try to start it. It does crank, just seems like its getting no gas?

-Checked the oil level: looked good and pretty darn clear
-I would think I have enough juice in the battery, cause it is cranking and all the lights seem just as bright as before.
-My fuel was on the low side, but the light still hadn't come on :confused:
-The gaskets were fixed recently, its just above 60K now, I think the last owner had that done around 54k?
-Just replaced an O2 sensor less than 1k ago...

....its late, I'm upset and frustrated. Gonna go back to it tomorrow hoping for the best, but with a flatbed's number ready... if I missed anything or you guys have any suggestions TIA.

thank god I have tomorrow off to try to deal with this.......going to try to sleep now

06/26/2008, 05:42 AM
Could be the low-fuel light is out and you ran out of gas?

Whatever it is - good luck!!

06/26/2008, 07:30 AM
could be alternator/battery if your steering started to go.. your battery could have just enough juice to turn the lights and make it crank.. but not enough to get it fired up.. another vx owner recently just had his optima red top die and it would crank and crank pretty hard but just not fire.. new battery and it ran good as new

i would try a jump start first.. if it starts up.. your alternator is probably to blame

06/26/2008, 01:34 PM
EXACT same thing happened to me this afternoon. Was convinced it was vapor lock due to heat. But ended up being a blown Ignition Coil fuse in the driver's side fuse panel.

Check your fuses...

06/26/2008, 07:54 PM
well I already had it towed, its sitting at my mechanic's shop. Tomorrow if he hasn't called me by lunch I'll stop by and see if that fuse is the culprit, sounds like it could very well be it! Thanks for the help guys

06/30/2008, 08:54 PM
UPDATE: Well there was a blown fuse, but its the result of some bigger electrical problem. I'm leaving town tomorrow...hopefully it'll be fixed by the time I get back

02/07/2009, 11:10 PM
Hi Thmstec,
Did you find the problem with your VX? I had the same thing happen a month before yours, and it was b/c of the ECM. I had it replaced, it worked, but then it happened again 2 weeks ago! See my post! I hope that someone knows how to fix this!