View Full Version : Trooper vs. Rodeo

06/30/2003, 07:08 PM
I was wondering if anyone would know this:

What year and model does the VX's frame most imitate? I know the interior dash is modeled after the 95-97 Rodeo, but what about the frame?

06/30/2003, 07:19 PM
The VX, is, in my understanding, based on the frame of a 2-door Trooper variant sold only in Japan.

06/30/2003, 08:20 PM

06/30/2003, 09:06 PM
The VX shares the same underpinnings as a the Trooper RS. It is a short wheel base, 2door Trooper that was available here as well for a short while in 1989. Most parts from a Trooper will work. Especially skid plates.:D

07/01/2003, 04:18 AM
The VX is based not on the '89 Trooper RS, but the later 2nd generation RS which was available here in '93 and '95. I was able to put my new VX side-by-side with my '93 RS before I sold it and do a lot of comparison. I'd say other than standard build practices the frame is about as close as you get similarity-wise.

07/01/2003, 08:44 AM
My bad. Thanks for the clarification.:)

07/01/2003, 10:44 AM
LOL! Most never even knew about the later RS models! I'm actually looking for an '89 RS to set up with the intercooled turbo diesel as a trail rig. If you see one, preferably with a blown drivetrain, let me know!

07/01/2003, 11:12 AM
And the instrument cluster portion of the dash is from a 97 Rodeo.