View Full Version : ABS light on All TOD lights off?

Rene M
09/01/2008, 04:38 PM
I got in my VX today " my GF has been driving it all week" and the abs light was on and all the lights for the TOD were off. she has no clue and now neither do i.
I have an OTC Genesis and it will not get in to the system. Soooooo now what?
I tried to pull codes the old way as described here but i could not get any reaction from the abs or tod system.

09/01/2008, 07:13 PM
the computer under the passenger seat controls your TOD.. iirc it also affects your abs... so i would check that first.. maybe a blown ABS fuse.. that would turn on the abs light.. not sure about the tod lights but if they are controlled by the same computer it could affect those lights too

Rene M
09/01/2008, 07:57 PM
the computer under the passenger seat controls your TOD.. iirc it also affects your abs... so i would check that first.. maybe a blown ABS fuse.. that would turn on the abs light.. not sure about the tod lights but if they are controlled by the same computer it could affect those lights too

Both the 20 amp and the 40 amp fuses for abs are good, so??

Todd Adams
09/03/2008, 07:42 AM
Unless you have a tech 2 scanner you will have to pull the codes by jumping the pins on the obd II connector. If you follow the procedure in the manual you have to inverse the pin numbers. In other words looking down on the plug instead of up. At least that is what I had to do to pull the codes. All the codes and trouble shooting instructions are in the manual.

09/03/2008, 04:21 PM
Both the 20 amp and the 40 amp fuses for abs are good, so??

Check all the fuses in the side panel.
Is there a gauge cluster fuse?
This sounds very familiar with the ABS light on and the TOD lights off....

Rene M
09/05/2008, 04:15 PM
I have tried to pull codes with no luck at all. As for the fuse block there all good. :(

09/08/2008, 10:18 AM
Forget the codes - you probably blew the ToD system fuse under the hood. Behind the battery (meaning, toward the firewall from the battery) is a fuse box. Check the fuses there.

I had the EXACT same symptoms earlier this year when a wiring harness under the car broke and the ToD system wires were resting on the catalytic converter - the insulation melted and the wires shorted, blowing the fuse. I had no ToD lights at all and a steady ABS warning light on.

Do yourself a favor next time, Rene - try to search before posting. If you had, you would have found this out (http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showpost.php?p=130048&postcount=12)the same day, not a week later.

I don't mean to pick on you for not searching (that's Ldub's gig!) but we all need a periodic reminder that most of the problems any of us will see have been experienced and posted by someone else already.

Rene M
10/03/2008, 08:53 AM
Forget the codes - you probably blew the ToD system fuse under the hood. Behind the battery (meaning, toward the firewall from the battery) is a fuse box. Check the fuses there.

I had the EXACT same symptoms earlier this year when a wiring harness under the car broke and the ToD system wires were resting on the catalytic converter - the insulation melted and the wires shorted, blowing the fuse. I had no ToD lights at all and a steady ABS warning light on.

Do yourself a favor next time, Rene - try to search before posting. If you had, you would have found this out (http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showpost.php?p=130048&postcount=12)the same day, not a week later.

I don't mean to pick on you for not searching (that's Ldub's gig!) but we all need a periodic reminder that most of the problems any of us will see have been experienced and posted by someone else already.

Perhaps it would be best for you to read the thread before you add your opinion.
If you had you would read that all fuses are fine, there are no codes or even communication with either the ecu for the abs or the tod system.
The wire harness was all ready checked long ago etc.
So, in short... read before taking a shot at someone. I find your comments quite offensive and they seem to point to an assumption that i am new at this.

10/03/2008, 10:50 AM
I would start looking at the tod module, since you're not getting a check tod lite. Download the electrical manual and start checking voltage and continuity of wires.

Check your ground wires, there have been numerous problems caused by them.

Have you physically checked the tod module under the pass. seat? Maybe she stuck something under the seat and knocked a connector off?

Do you know whether the tod and/ or abs are actually working? Maybe the tod indicators are just burned out or disconnected???

There is some relation between tod and the abs sensors, so you may be tracing wires.

Good luck and report back whether or not you find a solution.

10/06/2008, 06:51 AM
Sorry to upset you with my preachiness about using the search function, Rene. Since you are not new to forums, you have no doubt noticed that sometimes an unintentional tone sometimes shows up in a member's post - one that they didn't put there on purpose when they wrote it but somehow showed up when they read it.

Anyway, I was just trying to help you solve your problem, which mirrored the one I recently had in every detail. I did in fact read the thread a couple of times before posting, actually. Since most people (myself included) are initially unaware that there is a second fuse box in the engine bay, I went ahead and second-guessed the intimacy of your knowledge of the complex electrical systems in the VX and made a suggestion that was intended to help.

And that suggestion could help even if you knew about the engine bay fuse box and checked the ToD system fuse - the symptoms you described are indicative of a lack of power supply to the ToD controller, so if it isn't the fuse, then it could be the wires. Sorry if that counts as cause for offense.

I'll keep any further helpful suggestions to myself, in the interest of friendly forum relations...

02/18/2015, 01:42 PM
hi ,checked tod computer connectors, fuses in interior and engine bay, no blown fuses, wiring underneath intact, but no tod display or mechanical operation of four wheel drive, abs light on. I need to know where to go from here , thanks