View Full Version : GAUGING INTEREST....""PIN UP "" style VX Calendar !!

10/02/2008, 11:19 AM
It seems only right that I should take the lead in producing a ""PIN UP"" style Vehicross calendar....:p

In order to do this , I would need to get something like 18 DEFINITE orders
from members here ...REALLY DEFINITE ORDERS PLEASE!!

The calendar is envisgaed to be 11x8.5 when closed....11x17 when open.
It will be a wall hung calendar with Picture on top page and Month/day/date grid
on lower page....Pretty standard stuff!
13 Pictures will be used...with the cover picture being MY choice...!!!!
I say this so that I can legitimately use it as a PR tool for my Photo business
which will keep the cost lower.

Cost...will be $22:95 per calendar ....a tad more than I hoped for..BUT..

...THIS INCLUDES $5 per calendar that will be sent directly to Scott as "EXTRA" funds to help with the running costs of this fantastic site....:thumbup::clap:

If there are enough people interested , I will make sure I can photograph at least
one other VX (cyronmans?...or other local VX's ) so that its not all my VX!!

ANY SUBMISSIONS from other members are VERY WELCOME.....

(Please e-mail them directly to me via PM or @ JoFotoz@san.rr.com)

You have all seen ( or can see!) the style of pictures I have produced before,
and any new images should/will be similar in style and "exposure" level :cool:

Given enough response , I will either find a way to put up 20 or so pics for you to vote on..
...probably on a separate site so as to keep "family" viewing safe here....


...if enough people trust my "eye"...I'll choose the shots....YOUR CHOICE!

Please be sure to answer this poll realistically....if you say yes...PLEASE FOLLOW THROUGH with an order.

### PLEASE NOTE ### . This is a multiple choice poll...click yes to buy FIRST..then the other option as well if you agree...####


10/02/2008, 12:16 PM
ABSOLUTELY...$5 to the Forum it is! :bgwb:

Jo, Scott mentioned his gratitude toward everyone who helped he and Laura through the toughest times but he asked that we dissolve the Help Moncha project. Perhaps the extra $5 could go toward the forum costs instead?

I'll "edit" the post above...

10/02/2008, 02:53 PM
Jo, Scott mentioned his gratitude toward everyone who helped he and Laura through the toughest times but he asked that we dissolve the Help Moncha project. Perhaps the extra $5 could go toward the forum costs instead?

That reminds me, I still need to remove the site....

I'll get to that soon.


10/02/2008, 05:26 PM
I want to see the rolls... not just the final selections ;) that's why I only voted for the yes I'll buy ;)

I also suggest a pre order, I'm fully willing to prepay, and I think it's only fair, it helps front the cost and keep people honest :D (not that I think you'd have a problem here)

10/02/2008, 10:25 PM
Jo, I'm in.
Guess it will be a bit extra for postage to Aussie, but I will cover that as well.
Where / how do we send the money.


10/03/2008, 06:40 AM
are Aussie's on the same calendar?

j/k :D

10/03/2008, 01:09 PM
I think I trust folk here...:)

I also suggest a pre order, I'm fully willing to prepay, and I think it's only fair, it helps front the cost and keep people honest :D (not that I think you'd have a problem here)

But once we get enough people ...probably PayPal is easiest....??


10/03/2008, 02:31 PM

I misunder-ma-stood the the polling procedure...:rolleyesg

In my world, most things you get to choose, you choose either one or the other...:sighwgray

Since I've already pushed the vote button, I can't go back for a "do-over".

So BROJO, YES! put me down for two. (I'm sure Jim will want one)

10/03/2008, 04:45 PM
No Probs Dub...I'll put ya down for a 'brace' o' calendars!

Orion did the same...so thats another one for the buy list.

Looks like 13 want calendars right now...

...we should make the 18 I need ..FINGERS CROSSED!


10/03/2008, 04:47 PM
are Aussie's on the same calendar?

j/k :D

Yeah, we use the same calender, we just have to put it on the wall upside down.:p:p


don moore
10/03/2008, 11:08 PM
add me ..ill put in for one........:p

10/03/2008, 11:12 PM
Yeah, we use the same calender, we just have to put it on the wall upside down.:p:p


Ayt tar's funny right thayr...them good ol' boys daywn undr pretty dang funny, I tell you whut...:thumbup:

Ah'll dam betcha the watr inn'er loo spinnz ah wrong direckshun 2!!!:smilewink

10/03/2008, 11:22 PM
I'll take one for the Lair. I'm sure my significant other will be okay with it. It does have VX's on it after all... :bwgy:

10/04/2008, 06:51 AM
Jo, put a check mark by my name too. I want one.

10/04/2008, 01:18 PM

As of today , with those answering the "poll" , those sending me PM's to order , those posting orders...and people I know who ordered...

......36 calendars have been requested!!!! :p :p :p

Thats double what I needed to make it viable...MANY THANKS TO YOU ALL

Most seem very happy for me to choose the pics...

OK...but I will try and put up a "voting" option if it can be easily done.

There are some members here that have indicated that they may offer pics for the calendar too...AWESOME!

This makes a "vote" on the pics even more important...
.....if only so i dont get any blame!!!!:o

All submissions MUST be with me (via e-mail) by Oct 14th....
......I hope to have the calendars ready by Mid Nov at the latest.

So...shop early for XMAS :p



10/05/2008, 06:04 PM
:p ....BUMP ....:p

10/05/2008, 07:16 PM
I would like one but would love to see the pics chosen first. Are you attempting to get a pic of at least each color available? What about the one I saw in the past that was chameleon...that was really cool...

I would love to submit a pic of my proton with my present modz however it wouldn't be complete without the parts from Ron...that I STILL haven't received yet . . .:confused:

I just sent him another email but haven't heard a reply yet...

Great idea on the calendar. I'm really glad to see, although I'm not on here much anymore, that there are still active lovers for the VX. I love this group and just realized it by logging in today. I miss it ;)

BTW, wish I could have made it to Moab...I'm guessing everyone had lots of fun :)

10/05/2008, 11:00 PM
Ayt tar's funny right thayr...them good ol' boys daywn undr pretty dang funny, I tell you whut...:thumbup:

Ah'll dam betcha the watr inn'er loo spinnz ah wrong direckshun 2!!!:smilewink

Hey Ldud, ya'all makin fun at us Aussie boys??:bwgr::bwgy:

As a matter of fact, our loo water spins in the right direction - it's you guys that drive on the wrong side of the road that are all confused.:bgwp::bgwo:

Sorry Jo, you can have your thread back now.


10/06/2008, 12:38 PM
Hi Ty...

I would like one but would love to see the pics chosen first. Are you attempting to get a pic of at least each color available? What about the one I saw in the past that was chameleon...that was really cool...

The Calendar I am doing is a little different than the regular VX calendar.....
Its an alternative style...and NOT replacing the awesome regular calendar....just an 'option' for those interested.

Mine is a more ""adult" themed ""garage Style" calendar with cute girls and VX's....in sexy "Pin Up" poses. ;)

(I sent ya a sample to your e-mail!)

It will feature as many different VX's as I can shoot ( or be sent!)..but at least 3-4 I hope.

If this is what you want...cool..

If you are wanting the regular calendar ( like last years ) it will be available as well...please keep an eye on this thread


..... for that one.

Thanks for your interest.


10/07/2008, 11:21 AM
UPDATE ON "PIN UP" Calendar.....

In about 10 days or so...I will be giving you all a link and (probably) a password to a web page
that will contain 20 plus shots for your consideration for the calendar...

Vote for your favorite 12 shots...and the 12 pics with the highest votes will
be used for the Monthly pictures.

(ALL submissions must be with me via e-mail by Oct 14th...Come on all you eager shooters...have a go!)

I appreciate so many trusting my 'taste'...but a good friend of mine
offered this voting page ( for a cocktail or two!).....

...so ,lets get DEMOCRATIC about it!

No hanging Chads...one vote per pic per person....( Perhaps 'Confirmed buyers only' will be eligible to vote???..your thoughts?)


10/07/2008, 12:55 PM
Well I am on the fence on whether or not to purchase this....However I think my vote could be swayed if the pics for possible production are worthy.....So I think more than just the 100% confirmed should be able to vote....Why not????

10/07/2008, 05:50 PM
LOL jharris...""worthy"'

What is this ...some dark ages crusade to win a maidens hand in marriage!

Bring on the serf , replete with coconut shells!!!

It just seems to me that those getting the calendar...

...should be those choosing the pics.


Perhaps there is a way to preview the 'VOTABLE' pics...then vote after an order is placed .

That would seem pretty DEMOCRATIC (:p)

Town Hall Meeting Time...adios 4 now!


10/07/2008, 08:36 PM
I'm in.


10/08/2008, 03:36 PM
Sounds ok to me. I think if more were able to view the potential winners then you would in return have more buyers....I have only seen the pics you posted with the bar girl in it.

10/08/2008, 07:08 PM
jharris...not trying to sell as many as I can , this isnt a profit scheme by any means!

Originaly was only going to print 25...but demand , now 'demands' 50 :p

Only about 8 left ...then its sold out for this year..

.... unless I get another 25 orders!

So , just a heads up...if you like the pics you've seen the rest will be in that same genre.

He who hesitates....gets nowt!

BTW..Andrea is the name of the "bar girl" .
There will be at least 4 girls shot for the 'vote' and hopefully 4 -5 different VX's.


10/09/2008, 07:29 AM
Let me know if you need someone to help out with lighting ;)

10/09/2008, 07:40 AM

You can count me in. I've got a dark corner that I could hang the calendar in so that no one would get offended.:p

You know, screw that, I'm hanging it front and center somewhere and if somebody doesn't like it then they don't have to look at it.

10/09/2008, 10:42 AM

You can count me in. I've got a dark corner that I could hang the calendar in so that no one would get offended.:p

You know, screw that, I'm hanging it front and center somewhere and if somebody doesn't like it then they don't have to look at it.

:thumbup:...It always comes down to JA's sig line...

Those that mind, don't matter
Those that matter, don't mind...classic!

OR, in my case...Jimmy crack corn, & I don't care...:naughty:

10/09/2008, 11:03 AM
I've been working out, so I can be a model right??

10/09/2008, 11:13 AM
Of Course Crager....:eek:

I've been working out, so I can be a model right??

......good luck in the voting :p


10/10/2008, 05:29 AM
Hey, Jo, just sent you some Russian pics for the vote... hope my 5 copies are included in the order list... Also, do I now get 5 votes? ;)

10/10/2008, 09:01 AM
Hi Petr...

Got your mail.....but cant seem to open the pics zip...

...but then the instructions are all in Rusky!

Will have to wait for my wife to get home...!

Yup...your 5 calendars are included in the total ordered...and sure , 5 votes!

Dont forget to send me a mailing address ...;)

Thanks for your input!!


10/10/2008, 02:53 PM
OR, in my case...Jimmy crack corn, & I don't care..

Hmmm, that's not exactly how I remember you saying that outside the Red Rock Inn last May....I think there was a little more to the end part. :rolleyes:

:bgwo: Bart

10/11/2008, 05:37 PM
PM sent. Mark me down for one.

10/11/2008, 05:48 PM
Hey Ldud, ya'all makin fun at us Aussie boys??:bwgr::bwgy:

As a matter of fact, our loo water spins in the right direction - it's you guys that drive on the wrong side of the road that are all confused.:bgwp::bgwo:

Sorry Jo, you can have your thread back now.


Sorrys PK, wouldn't think of pokin' fun at my brothers & sisters WAY down south...I was makin' fun of my OWN red neck short comings & my "slingblade" voice over doesn't translate well to print...:o

Ldud...now that there is funny...:smilewink

10/11/2008, 05:55 PM
Hmmm, that's not exactly how I remember you saying that outside the Red Rock Inn last May....I think there was a little more to the end part. :rolleyes:

:bgwo: Bart

The 'fluent drunkenese" version is decidedly NOT family friendly...:wave:

Sorry for the TJ Jo, I'm bored tonight.:goof:

10/12/2008, 05:59 PM
Sorrys PK, wouldn't think of pokin' fun at my brothers & sisters WAY down south...I was makin' fun of my OWN red neck short comings & my "slingblade" voice over doesn't translate well to print...:o

Ldud...now that there is funny...:smilewink

Hey Ldub, glad you picked up on my typo, and it really was a typo (well perhaps a subliminal message won through). :p
No problems man, we all get a laugh out of each other on this forum.
(Except for some nameless idiot on another thread.):mad:

Look forward to my visit here every day, and want to get to Moab some year.
