View Full Version : Help, my vx has confusing and aggrevating symptoms

10/07/2008, 09:52 PM
ok,, so it started a few months ago, occasionally when I would turn my headlights on my stereo would lose power for a quick second. Flash off, then back on. Also once or twice in the past 6 months as I would be pulling out of my cul de sac all my dash lights would flash on, I'd lose power then suddenly back on and normal. It would be so quick that it wouldn't die, just jerk real quick. Lately I've been noticing that something doesn't seem right while driving, nothing really obvious just lacks full power. Then last Sunday morning as I was leaving for work, turned headlights on,, stereo flashes off then back on. I slowly start down my street and I notice ABS light comes on, as I pull out onto the main street vx starts running herky jerky like power on power off, hiccupy, (can't seem to accelerate past 5 mph) abs lights on, check trans lights on, TOD flashing so I pull over, it idles fine but idiot lights are still on. I flip a U turn pull back in driveway (seems to drive fine slowly but as soon as I give it gas its back to power surging on and off). Anyway, I stopped in driveway, then put it in reverse backed up several feet,put it back into drive, idiot lights went off and it drove fine. Back n forth to work no prob until yesterday morning. Same thing, as before. It seems that as soon as its warmed up, its ok. I've wiggled all the wiring harness's no changes, it hasn't thrown any codes, no fuses blown, no high or low idle issue, gas mileage sucks lately, & tranny doesn't seem to be shifting any harder. I've replaced the EGR, MAF and several other things in the last couple years. It seems that it would have to be electrical but so far its only happened first thing in the morning, seems to cure itself once its warm, affects a lot of stuff and is very random. Is there perhaps a sensor that is going bad that could cause these symptoms? Its frustrating since I can't make it do it when my hubby is around to see what it does and since he never drives it he can't tell that it doesn't feel quite right at normal speed either. I've searched the site and haven't come up with anything other than maybe wiring harness issue.. any insite from ya'll would be greatly appreciated.
p.s. my odometer rolled 155000 today.

10/08/2008, 03:44 AM
sounds like a problem with your alternator. Autozone and similar places will test it for free but you'll have to pull it off your engine yourself. I'd also have your battery tested for good measure too.

The reason I say this is because your electrical gremlins are spread throughout the car from the exterior lighting, to the interior lighting to the engine ignition, to the abs system... the only thing they have in common is their power source: the batter and alternator.

10/08/2008, 07:18 AM
sounds like a problem with your alternator.


10/08/2008, 08:32 AM
Just a question, but did you happen to power wash your engine bay back when you first noticed the problem? i just ask because water can get in the harnesses, the plugs of sensors, etc.
look up member "climbcovey" he has a thread on some gremlins similar to yours, if i remember right. and it turned out to be his main wiring harness.
good luck

10/08/2008, 09:48 AM
The engine harness should be sealed from the factory. you should be able to submerge the car in water and as long as the coils and intake stay dry it will run.

If it was shorting out from water in the harness then it would mean his harness is damaged from something else that is allowing the water to get in there.

It's certainly not out of the realm of possibilities... but as my fiancee says "if you hear hoof-beats look for horses not zebras" ;)

10/08/2008, 11:39 AM
"the only thing they have in common is their power source: the batter and alternator."

Thanks Twisted & Vehi, that was kind of what I was leaning towards but wasn't sure if all of the symptoms would relate to the same issue or if I maybe had two seperate issues. I didn't want to start tearing into my harness' without an obvious cause and effect.
If I pull the alternator ("I" meaning hubby, lol) and take it to be tested - if the problem is sporadic like it's been - will it show it's bad if the issue doesn't happen to be going on at the time of testing? Also, how big of a pain in the butt is removing and replacing it?

You guys are awesome! Thanks again. I'll keep you informed of my progress.

10/08/2008, 12:36 PM
The engine harness should be sealed from the factory. you should be able to submerge the car in water and as long as the coils and intake stay dry it will run.

But the cylinder coils are not sealed (don't take forum posts too literally). Several of us have fallen victim to sporadic misfiring due to getting water down in one or more of the spark plug wells after power-washing then engine. It's very easy to d to yourself, and it doesn't always light the check-engine light, either.

If you are concerned that this may be happening to you, remove each coil (two Philips- and hex-head screws on each coil, but use a socket, not a screwdriver) and take a peek down in there. If you see anything wet, that may be the problem. The moisture seems to ground the charge to the engine instead of firing the spark plug. Check them all - it's easy to do. If you see water or noticeable moisture, let it dry it out and reinstall the coil.

10/09/2008, 05:28 PM
sounds like a problem with your alternator.+2

As I was reading your story I kept thinking how this sounded like my '82 Mustang. Even though it had a new-ish battery, it wouldn't hold a charge. Alternator checked good. I took the car to an auto electrical specialist, and he discovered the problem. Autozone didn't have a clue. Turns out the alternator had the wrong size pulley on it, so it didn't turn fast enough at idle to keep the battery charged and provide power to all the electrical components. New pulley and new belt, and it's been running strong ever since.