View Full Version : Demise rumors not exagerated, but I got better!

10/17/2008, 07:23 AM
I've been out of touch for awhile:rolleyes: But 0177 and I are doing OK. It's been sitting on stands, all covered up, in a climate controlled garage since June. It's on a battery tender, and I'll go thru all proper restart steps when I get to it. I'd just treated the cladding with a great product from Germany (refinish-restorer it's called) Really a superior product. A penetrating liquid that ends up as a "hard shell" finish said to last about a year. Not a "Back to Black" thing at all, it's much longer lasting. I learned about it from some GM nuts who were using it on Avalanches and the like. Sadly 0177 went into storage right after I put it on, so it's never even been wet....but it sure looks good. I've been going thru some changes, that I'm not going to bore you all with, and let's leave it at...."I,did not make it to Le Mans this year." I haven't even turned a wheel in anger, myself, this season....perhaps '09 will be sunnier...for all of us. It's good to see all the old names still here, but with a million unread posts, I'll just pick up the story from here. (feels like I just rolled into my old hometown for the first time in decades) Hello Y'all!!!!

10/17/2008, 07:30 AM
good to see you back chop!:dance:

10/17/2008, 07:43 AM

Good to have you back. It just hasn't been the same without you around.
Hope everything is well (or getting better) down there.

10/17/2008, 07:50 AM
Good to see you back with us, Chopper. Hope things are getting better. It hasn't been the same without you..............


10/17/2008, 08:17 AM
Welcome back, Chopper! Hoep all is well...

10/17/2008, 08:21 AM
Welecome back Cotter...er ..I mean Chopper!


10/17/2008, 11:04 AM
CHOPPY! Good to see you online again. Its always weird when someone "disappears" from the virtual world. I hope all is well and yes, let's hope for a good 2009.


10/17/2008, 11:21 AM
We have worried... hope you're okay. :flower:

10/17/2008, 12:24 PM
Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back!!!!!

Good to see you around again.

10/19/2008, 08:28 PM
Good to see you back Chopper!:thumbup:

10/20/2008, 08:33 AM
Yes, I was starting to wonder if it was something that Zeus said.

10/20/2008, 11:45 AM
Yeah, welcome back!

I know how to make '09 great. Go to Moab in May!!!:bwgy:

10/21/2008, 07:22 AM
Welcome back Wayne - now if we can just get Joe Black to post it'll all be back to normal.

-- John

10/21/2008, 08:10 AM
"I CONSTANTLY wonder who I have pissed off. Don't mean to, just happens."

We just like having fun at your expense.:)

10/21/2008, 12:51 PM
I CONSTANTLY wonder who I have pissed off. Don't mean to, just happens.

Chopper, I ran across Prong's first album last week - 1987! :eek: I had no idea they started that long ago. Do you have all 6 albums?
Yeah, plus some old board tapes somewhere. I played in "Burn Victim" back then. We were a sacrificial warm 'em up act in the Phila./N.York area. We played in front of Prong quite a few times at Seton Hall U. at the Brick Inn and a few other places. One nite, at the Brick...it was Burn Victim, Carnivore (Pete Steele before Type O) and Prong. Prong shows were becoming famous for giant brawls in the audience, so naturally Steele opens up by throwing buckets of pig blood and organs on the crowd....that was it. Complete chaos erupts, everything is getting torn up....equipment included. Not a note ever got played. The Brick filed suit for damages on Steele, and none of us were ever invited back (lol) I was happy to get out alive, screw going back. Ahhhh, college bands...God Lives Under Water was another from that period. But they actually had talent (lol)

10/22/2008, 06:08 AM
Steele was a giant! He was 6'7'' or more...talk about presence...he'd stick out in a Times Square New Year party. He was a city worker for NYC and had a thing for heavy equipment, and home-made Mad Max machinery. The dude was a character till the day he died. (and a hell of a welder)

10/22/2008, 08:02 AM
I haven't been up there in 15 years, but an old friend called a few years ago and said he'd died. I just took it at face value, certainly didn't seem improbable for the maniac I'd known...but I'd never given it any thought since. Just another interesting chapter in a very convoluted life. I wouldn't be suprised to learn he was cutting out paper angles and devils with the pope,in Togo. (hope he's still making Armeggedon machines in his Brooklyn backyard...he was a talent with metal)