View Full Version : Please Keep Lisa (VXCrazy) In Your Prayers - VX Totaled

10/24/2008, 01:01 PM
Lisa is ok but her precious VX is not. Lisa was leaving work today and heading to Dallas when a Tundra moved right suddenly pushing her into a light pole & spinning the VX. Door flew open from the pole impact right behind her seat and dragged/pulled/pushed her leg, overextending it at the hip. She is x-ray now and hanging tough as she always does but is in a lot of pain.

I'll post more when ihave more info. She's going to be ok but in a lot of pain from the airbag, seatbelt, and hip. If anyone knows of a very clean 01 VX, Lisa is more distraught about her loss than her injuries. It was her baby and she cared for it like no one else could.

10/24/2008, 01:05 PM
:( hope she recovers quickly!

try sending a pm to vcross007.. i talked to him a few days ago and is still looking to sell

10/24/2008, 01:10 PM
Prayers & best wishes are on their way.

Mark B
10/24/2008, 01:20 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with her. Hope she has a quick recovery.

10/24/2008, 01:28 PM
Get well, Lisa. We'll all be on the lookout for a replacement for your VX....

10/24/2008, 01:38 PM
Try and stay positive Lisa. We'll have you back in a VX in no time.

10/24/2008, 01:41 PM
SPEEDY recovery Lisa...

....so glad youre not "totaled" too.;)

I know its a 1999...but the Ironman with 35k for sale on this forum looks IMMACULATE.

It might worth a look.

Be well real quick .


10/24/2008, 01:47 PM
Wow, this is one of those messages you never want to get, but it is also one of those times that we can really pull together and act as a family. Lisa I am so sorry for your injuries, pain, and loss. I will keep you in my prayers.

10/24/2008, 01:52 PM
Oh man, that's terrible. :( At least she is ok though. There are plenty of good VXes out there still, so good luck.


10/24/2008, 02:02 PM
so sorry to hear about your accident. best wishes for a speedy recovery. hang in there! ;)

10/24/2008, 02:13 PM
OH NO!!!! That's aweful! :( I am so glad to hear that you are at least physically ok. Me and Gill will sneak over some Jager into the hospital room and (once we get you into another VX) it will all be better.

Get well soon, Kisses and Hugs from Chicago...

Cece and Gill

10/24/2008, 02:24 PM
Little Darl'in, come back to us health as soon as you can. I'll keep my eye's peeled in the Pacific Northwest for one maybe as good as your's,..... use to be.

10/24/2008, 02:38 PM
ASSSSSSSSSSS-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEE! (in the context of the toddler in Meet the Fockers.)

Really sorry you were involved in a collision. I hope the guy in the Tundra does serious jail time for hurting you and taking your VX off the street. Be strong. Get well. I am sure your fellow VXers here will get you into another one soon. You will be in our thoughts.

Jay Dunford
10/24/2008, 03:35 PM
Lisa just left the hospital and is on her way home to rest and recuperate. No major problems found thank goodness, but she has some pretty major bumps and bruises so she'll be sore for a while (looking forward to the pain meds ;)). She thanks everyone for their wishes and support.

10/24/2008, 05:29 PM
MAN... that sukz!...:sighwgray

Get better REAL SOON VX Seestah...:thumbup:

All my thoughts & + vibes are headed your way!:cool:

10/24/2008, 05:56 PM
I'm sorry to hear this. Thank goodness you are alright! Get well soon!

10/24/2008, 06:08 PM
Sad news :(

But its great to hear that you are going to be alright!

Don't have to worry about replacing your VX, you've got the best group of people looking out for that! Should have one in no time! :thumbup:

10/24/2008, 06:09 PM
Thanks for everyone's posts, calls, & texts - Lisa is certainly loved by so many on this board and so many other places. She is home now & trying to rest but those of who know her, know that she is tough & immune to feeling pain. She's bruised & burned from the airbag and seatbelt but nothing is broken or disfigured. Except the VX which is a total loss. I'm going to the salvage yard tomorrow to take pictures and will post then.

Thanks again to you all...

Scott Harness
10/24/2008, 06:50 PM
OH NO!!! Just got home.Glad your ok.Sorry for your baby.:(:( Did the idiot crash also or just keep going? Sending you massive CHI-- receive it in good health. We will find you a new baby!!

10/24/2008, 07:25 PM
Glad to hear Lisa came out OK. Hate to hear about the VX but at least Lisa was lucky enough to come out of it without any permanent damage. Hang in there girl!

-- John

10/24/2008, 07:39 PM
Now this is what I like about the VX board, as opposed to my other car's (Infiniti G35) board. A tight knit group of people who share a mutual obsession, as opposed to hoards of immature ricers.

Best wishes Lisa. :)

10/24/2008, 07:40 PM
Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm glad you are OK and already resting at home. We are all praying for a quick recovery. I know the VX will be replaced later on...but you are one of a kind. Tone, please take care of her. Hope to see you all soon.

10/24/2008, 07:44 PM
Oh my friend! I got sick to my stomach hearing about this. I sure you, like me, wanted to maim the person who did it. I'm glad you are ok... Let's find you another VX to pamper. I'll call you tomorrow.


10/24/2008, 08:05 PM
Wishing you a speedy recovery.


10/24/2008, 08:12 PM
I am new to the VX family, I just bought my 99VX last week and sold a 05 Mustang. Mustangs have a loyal following, but the VX family appears to be a close one. I hope to be able to visit this forum often, in the meantime, I hope Lisa gets better and can find a nwe VX member for her famly!

10/24/2008, 08:42 PM
So sorry for the loss of your baby! Hope you are up and feeling well soon.


10/24/2008, 08:44 PM
OH NO!!! Just got home.Glad your ok.Sorry for your baby.:(:( Did the idiot crash also or just keep going? Sending you massive CHI-- receive it in good health. We will find you a new baby!!

The guy in the truck got the ticket and his insurance will be getting the bills he did stop but his story and his passenger's stories were not exactly the same. Just glad everyone is ok and even though it could never be enough at Lisa will get somewhat of a settlement towards a new VX. Yeah it is almost like losing a great pet but I am sure Lisa will find another VX shortly.

10/24/2008, 11:50 PM
Our thoughts and prayers are with ya from Southern Cali !!! You will be "on the road" in no time. Hang in there girl!!:)

10/25/2008, 12:43 AM
At least it was the VX and not her...

I'm glad she's okay and hope she's feeling better soon!


10/25/2008, 03:16 AM
Get well and speedy recovery, Lisa!

10/25/2008, 03:38 AM

Speedy recovery vibes and prayers from western north carolina.


10/25/2008, 06:34 AM
Our strong prayers and thoughts are with you... :thumbup:

10/25/2008, 08:58 AM
That sux. Hope you get better soon and find a new VX

10/25/2008, 09:08 AM
Best wishes for a speedy recovery:)

don moore
10/25/2008, 09:57 AM
:eek:Oh NO....:)get well..........we are here for you ..

Reg Hinnant
10/25/2008, 10:29 AM
Sorry to hear about your accident. We wish you a quick recovery!
VX's can still be replaced! People can't.

10/25/2008, 10:43 AM
Praying for your full and quick recovery Lisa! So sorry to hear of your accident.

10/25/2008, 10:55 AM
wow, this is horrible news...

im just glad that the irreplacable part is still ok...

best wishes from colorado...

10/25/2008, 12:07 PM
Services to be held at a later date...No joking. This IS a major loss for many of us.

10/25/2008, 12:10 PM
:eek::sighb::sadp::_crying::waab::sad1: awww......poor vx.

but, considering all of that damage, thank goodness our fellow vx'er is doing okay.

Scott Harness
10/25/2008, 02:01 PM
Services to be held at a later date...No joking. This IS a major loss for many of us.

Man! makes me sick to my stomach. I was riding in that beautiful machine just a week ago!! AGAIN glad your safe.

10/25/2008, 02:13 PM
I'm so sorry about the accident. I'll be sending you my positive thoughts for a speedy recovery.

If there is something you need, just holler and me and the VX family will do whatever.

Peace and Postive thoughts

VX crazy
10/25/2008, 05:55 PM
Thanks everyone for everything, I think the paramedics and ER staff have never heard so many profanities! VERY sore today and lots of burns from airbag and seatbelt, looks like someone punched me in one eye. Thank goodness I work for an ear surgeon, because I have lost the hearing in my left ear, blood behind the eardrum, need to see to what extent, but to all who knew me, that was my GOOD ear! I have never had every part of my body hurt, but it really shows someone was watching out for me, 10" toward the front of the car and I would have had major head trauma and maybe pelvis....those are very tough trucks, mine was still running! I am still in shock and emotionally this is as bad as the death of an animal or friend...sorry, only my 'car' friends understand this! There is NOTHING else I want to drive, and I want a VX that I can make exactly like the one I had, even though I really think I had THE gem. Dang narcotics make me talkative kinda.....I am going to go cry myself to sleep...

10/25/2008, 06:07 PM
Hope that pain is the only reminder, nothing long term. The VX is another story, a true loss. Hope you'll remain amoung us and find another. Good thoughts and prayers all for you.


10/25/2008, 06:21 PM
Glad to see you back on the forums Lisa! We've got the jager in the works. We'll help you find a new baby to love and cherish. I know that if anything happened to my baby, I would feel the same way you do. We're here to help you through it. But focus on getting better!

You work for an ear surgeon huh? Can he help Gill out? He's deaf! ;)

10/25/2008, 06:31 PM
Oh yeah... Can you PM me your address? We have something for you.

10/26/2008, 09:48 AM
LISA... Buddy... I am really sorry for your loss. I am Glad your ok and wish you a speedy recovery.

I know on the bottle it says do not consume alcohol with meds but.. Man after seeing those pics I would make and exception just to intisify the said "drugs".

Lisa or Tone either of you need anything let the fam know. Keeping eye out for '01.

Man I need to not be soo absent from these boards.

10/26/2008, 11:15 AM
Just a thought on the replacement... is there anything on your totaled VX that's salvageable? Might be cool to take something from your old VX and retrofit it into the new one. Like keeping part of the memory alive.

Hope that wasn't too hokey.:)

Scott Harness
10/26/2008, 03:36 PM
Just a thought on the replacement... is there anything on your totaled VX that's salvageable? Might be cool to take something from your old VX and retrofit it into the new one. Like keeping part of the memory alive.

Hope that wasn't too hokey.:)

10/26/2008, 07:19 PM
Hope your feeling better after a good night of rest.

I kinda like what vt_maverick brought up. :nog:It's sad about your beloved VX, but she/he could still live as a doner car.

With that said.............................................. ...............................................
.................................................. ..............:rollb2: Any thoughts on your rims/wheels??? :wtfb:

Remember Rob Allison out of Ft. Worth. He has an immaculate black VX for sale.

10/27/2008, 04:58 AM

My heart really goes out to you. I've never been in that bad of a wreck (had an Amigo totalled out from under me but that was because I got sammiched - looked worse than it was) & never lost a real gem that way.

Best wishes for a full & speedy recovery. Hope you'll be well enough that I can take Y'all to dinner in mid Nov when I'm in town.


10/27/2008, 06:32 AM
Just a thought on the replacement... is there anything on your totaled VX that's salvageable? Might be cool to take something from your old VX and retrofit it into the new one. Like keeping part of the memory alive.

Hope that wasn't too hokey.:)

That's truly beautiful idea to alleviate the sadness of the situation. I have always kept some dumb little plastic part from each of my cars and thrown them into my tool-box, but this is exactly what I'd do if I replaced my VX with another.

Glad you're going to be OK Lisa! Very tough break - but that impact makes it look like you are pretty lucky to have made it out without worse injuries. Wishing you good luck with replacing your VX and a speedy recovery!

10/27/2008, 08:04 AM
The pictures gave me goose bumps and literally made me a little ill.

You're right, 10" forward and you would have had some serious issues. I'm so glad that you are in one piece and on your way to recovering. Try to take it easy so your body can heal itself and don't worry about finding another VX....we're all on it.

Let us know if there is anything that we can do.

10/27/2008, 08:12 AM
My sympathies on your loss. But at least you are ok. You are actually pretty lucky from the looks of those pics. 2 more ft and, well, lets not think about that. Speedy recovery!

10/27/2008, 09:11 AM
Just was catching up on this....I do wish you a speedy recovery and hope you bounce back Lisa. I know car accidents just flat out suck, been there and done that. Hopefully you'll get whole again too in some way...those things always seem to work out, don't worry.

10/27/2008, 12:42 PM
Best to you and a speedy recovery!

10/28/2008, 11:34 AM
horrible news.... that sux hard... glad ur alright... after seeing them pics i woulda flipped out....
keeping memories of ur baby is a great idea... id take asmuch out of mine if something ever happened
feel better:)

2K1 1K2
10/28/2008, 09:32 PM
wishing you a speedy recovery!
