View Full Version : Transmission mount?

11/03/2008, 11:14 PM
Where can I buy a replacement transmission mount for my 99 vx? Have tried searching and no luck.

11/04/2008, 06:05 AM
Where can I buy a replacement transmission mount for my 99 vx? Have tried searching and no luck.
Welcome to the Fam...:thumbup:

You could call Merlin @ St. Charles Isuzu...sorry, don't have the 800 number, find it in any post by Tone...:smilewink

OR, if you're buck$ down & feeling a little creative...you could fix it by drilling a couple holes & "pinning" it solid with a couple grade 8, 1/4" bolts with stainless washers & nylock nuts...:_wrench:




>disclaimer<...I did this about a month ago & so far it's good. But have no idea of the longevity of this fix...:_wrench:

11/04/2008, 06:18 AM
alright I'll have to call them sooner or later. Thanks.

11/04/2008, 12:17 PM
so.. what happened to your transmission mounts (both of you?)

11/04/2008, 12:19 PM
Merlin at St Charles 1-800-727-8066 ask for internet discount (10-15% off) :)

11/04/2008, 08:57 PM
just totally worn out. just had it on a lift to diagnose a tod problem, unless you absolutely baby the throttle from a stop my vx acts like its slipping in the rear end (no vehicle movement) and shows torque being transferred to the front then slams back into the rear end again. No problems once you are at speed. (20mph and above)

Figured trans fluid, diff fluid, u joints or something. Good levels and fluid. So we started checking for play and spotted the mount. Not sure if its the cause but it needs to be fixed before we can start point fingers somewhere else.

That is of course I've missed something while searching and looking in relevant threads? :confused:

thanks littlebeast!

11/05/2008, 04:21 PM
so.. what happened to your transmission mounts (both of you?)

After reading elsewhere in the forums about another member (Joe Black) who cured his "clunk" noise by replacing the trans. mount, I couldn't NOT take it all apart to see (that wasn't it)...figured as long as I had it out, WTH, might as well pin that sucker solid & never give it another thought...:smilewink

That lead me to the conclusion that I probably have a broken motor mount, I'll be getting to that "whenever"...maybe even before Moab...:rolleyesg

I also have a suspicion that the mounts for the lower links have become egg shaped from violent acceleration & braking...another thing I'm gonna have to look into one of these days.

08/15/2009, 03:09 AM
After several months of use & abuse, it turns out 1/4" bolts aren't beefy enough. The torque load has sheared off both of the bolts I had in there.

Looks like I've got another project to get done before the snow flies...:_wrench: (gonna upgrade to 3/8 or 1/2")

08/15/2009, 09:24 AM
I replaced the trans mount and both engine mounts just before Moab. The replacements from Merlin were beefier than the ones that came with the VX, so it must have been an issue that was fixed by Isuzu.

08/15/2009, 09:25 AM
I replaced the trans mount and both engine mounts just before Moab. The replacements from Merlin were beefier than the ones that came with the VX, so it must have been an issue that was fixed by Isuzu.

All three beefier?:_wrench:

08/15/2009, 12:03 PM
Yep. All of them. My mechanic (Espo) had a bit of a hard time fitting one or more because the rubber was so much thicker. Even the new trans. filter I got was improved for more flow. Isuzu must have been tweaking things over the last 8 years. :smack: Nice to know the replacement parts are even better than the originals!

Oh... and yes, Merlin can hook you up with everything.

08/15/2009, 11:02 PM
Yep. All of them. My mechanic (Espo) had a bit of a hard time fitting one or more because the rubber was so much thicker. Even the new trans. filter I got was improved for more flow. Isuzu must have been tweaking things over the last 8 years. :smack: Nice to know the replacement parts are even better than the originals!

Oh... and yes, Merlin can hook you up with everything.

Thanks Gill...:thanx:

08/16/2009, 06:41 PM
How much for all 3, or if you have a break-down, how much each?

08/16/2009, 08:36 PM
The 3 mounts (2 engine & 1 for the trans.), trans. filter, and new gasket were about $330 with shipping & everything.

08/23/2009, 01:32 PM
Finally gave myself a kick in the pants & decided to get after the "beef up the tranny mount" mod...:_wrench:

Had all the skid plates & the cross member dropped before TLMP had french toast on the table this morning...Drool

(I swear the woman must think pot bellies are sexy or sumpin...:rolleyesg.:laughing:)

After ........., we went to the hardware, & picked up some 1/2" grade 8 bolts of the five inch variety.
If you care to read earlier posts in this thread, you'll see where they go.(the original 1/4" grade 8's sheared off...:waag:)
After re-drilling the mount, from 1/4" to 1/2", & hammering the bolts through, I loctite'd the nuts on & reassembled it all...with more loctite on every bolt of course...:_wrench:

Just got back from a test drive & DUB'S A HAPPY CAMPER!(test driven in city & highway conditions)

Not only is 96+% of the "clunk" gone, but the weird indescribable whirring (yeah, I know, I just described it, but thas not exactly it) noise is GONE!...:dance:

Another couple things...slight engine vibration can now be felt in the steering wheel while sitting at a stop, in gear.
Not unexpected, as this is now a solid mount.
And as a bonus, I found a couple of thimble fulls of sacred soil (Moab cinnamon) in my hide-a-key thingy, that I keep...:eek:

Woops, you almost had me...:naughty:

08/23/2009, 02:28 PM
...You could call Merlin @ St. Charles Isuzu...sorry, don't have the 800 number, find it in any post by Tone...

You will always find it here... Web Links (http://vehicross.info/modules.php?name=Links&file=viewcategory&cid=2)

08/23/2009, 02:34 PM
so.. what happened to your transmission mounts (both of you?)

See post #15...:yes:

Oh...:mbrasd: did you mean why did they fail in the first place?

IMO, rubber gets old, & being in fairly close proximity to the exhaust speeds the aging process. Mine wasn't shredded, just very spongy.

08/24/2009, 05:13 AM
"...proximity to the exhaust speeds the aging process. Mine wasn't shredded, just very spongy."

Are you still talkin 'bout the tranny mount or are you back on the potbelly comment from earlier in the thread?

08/24/2009, 05:26 AM
"...proximity to the exhaust speeds the aging process. Mine wasn't shredded, just very spongy."

Are you still talkin 'bout the tranny mount or are you back on the potbelly comment from earlier in the thread?

Ahhhhh...top-O-the marnin' to ye Brother Tom...:thumbup:

Starting the week off right I see...:laughing: (though it's thurs. 4 me)

I'd have to say, at this point, it's anybodys guess...:_confused

08/24/2009, 06:25 AM
It's what I do

08/25/2009, 03:11 PM
After a couple days worth of heavy footed testing...:smack:

The 1/2" grade 8's are holding fast...:thumbup:

Still a slight clunk after stopping hard, then letting off the brake, but MUCH improved...:thumbup:

Weird noise that had been around so long that I'd gotten used to it...GONE!

So far, so good. I'll let you know if I snap these.

08/26/2009, 09:01 AM

09/01/2009, 04:58 PM
herbeck, did you get the mount changed and what was the outcome?

09/06/2009, 09:03 AM
if you stillneed transmissin mounts, I may be able to help in Oct