View Full Version : P1404 CEL tonight...

11/07/2008, 07:58 PM
So my VX seems to finally be having EGR problems. On way home today I got a CEL which I quickly found out via my scanguage is P1404, which translates to a stuck EGR from what I can see.

I think I would rather just opt for a new EGR, what do you guys think?

Also, depending on how long it takes to get this part, what kind of issues does this cause while driving? I have noticed that my VX seems to be drinking more oil than usual, so I am hoping maybe replacing the EGR valve with alleviate some of this...

Thanks - Bart

11/07/2008, 09:23 PM
its pretty cheap and easy to clean the egr.. i think the gasket i ordered from merlin was like 8 bucks.. and turned out to really not need it.. but i replaced it since i had it anyway..

i had an EGR related CEL last month.... it was easy enough to clean...

disconnected wires on top (one plug)

used socket w/ extension to remove two bolts (one is easily visible, the other mirrors that but its hard to see)

lift top part of EGR valve off and set aside upside down filled with sensor safe carb cleaner

plug the larger of the two holes now exposed in your engine bay

start the vx

spray carb cleaner into the remaining (smaller) hole a whole lot until you run out of carb cleaner or get really bored.. just take care not to stall the vx..

dump the carb cleaner out of the half of the EGR you removed.. spray it down a couple more times to get anything broken loose out

put your egr back (dont forget to unplug the hole)

bolt it in place

be sure to wash your hands before touching your leather steering wheel :dance:

11/07/2008, 09:27 PM
Is it worth it to buy a whole new EGR valve or is cleaning it just as good?

Thanks, E!


11/08/2008, 07:55 AM
Bart, just did a search with NAPA: Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Valve (http://www.napaonline.com/MasterPages/NOLMaster.aspx?PageId=470&LineCode=CRB&PartNumber=226335&Description=Exhaust+Gas+Recirculation+%28EGR%29+Va lve) CRB 226335 $194.00. For that kind of money, think I would try the cleaning first. And if that doesn't cure the problem, well, the next time you have to remove the valve to replace it, it will be easier. Do use a new gasket or gasket material and a ball peen-hammer if you know that trick to making your own.

11/08/2008, 10:40 PM
Well, I went ahead and replaced my EGR and gasket today. It was really easy and so far so good. I figure with 80,000 miles it would be best to replace it rather than clean the old rusty one.


11/07/2009, 08:18 AM
hey all, I tried replacing the EGR today, after getting a P0401. THought I hada good deal when I got it for like $140 at advance auto pars, and the guy rung up an other 10% off because I was in uniform at the time (just picking it up during lunch because the CEL came on that morning coming into work). Anyway, longish/shortish story even shorter, the EGR they sold me don't fit.

The plug is upside down, for one. I tried making it work, the plugs will fit, but th "notch" that keeps it from falling out is on the other side, so it's only friction keepng it in. But the bigger issue is that it's at a horizontal. The isuzu egr has the plugs vertical. I cant get it all to bolt on if the plgs come out like that ebcuase an unrelated hose is in the way.

I'm off to return it. ARe there parts numbers here? THe computer they rang up was keyed into 1999 isuzu vehicross, and thats what i got...

11/07/2009, 08:44 AM
rockauto.com have what looks exactly like the one I changed on mine earlier this year. They're about $127 before the discount code I'm about to post.

Linky to the part (http://www.rockauto.com/catalog/x,carcode,1355879,parttype,4968)

Your discount code is:


Using Your Discount Code
Enter the code above in the "How did you hear about us" line of the shopping cart. If you are using our traditional HTML catalog, please click the "Apply" button to the right of the field. Your discount will automatically appear, subtracted from your order total.

Please note: We sometimes get calls from people who put the word "discount" in front of their code and do not get the discount. Please enter ONLY the discount code, no other words or numbers.

The discount takes 5% off our already-low prices. There's no limit on order size or the number of orders. Use the code for your next order, and share the code with friends, neighbors, relatives, the guy at the corner garage--anyone you know who works on cars or trucks.

This discount code expires on January 3, 2010; so don't wait!

Thanks again for buying your auto parts at RockAuto!

Hope that helps,


11/07/2009, 10:10 AM
Yeah. I have found one tidbit of info for anyone else entering P0401, and EGR replacement issues, etc. in their search queries. Advance AUto has the wrong aftermarket part listed in the computers (sold for about $140). THey have the Isuzu part that I don't believe any stores carry, but can order, for about $240.

OReilly, on the other hand, has the correct replacement part listed in the computers (about $180). Funny thing, it's the same brand as the one Avance offers, but it more correctly has the plug vertically on the top. The one Advance has, has it on the top, but horizontally, so as to make it impossible to install on the VX. LIkewise, the socket for the plug has the retaing notch on the opposite side, so even if you could get the plug in while the EGR valve is in place, the plug would be tenously held in place by friction alone.

Oh, and it seems almost all auto parts stores have a military discount. All these years, and I never knew that...I coulda been saving 10% on the probably thousands I've spent, cumulatively.

And the Autozone in north DOthan, AL has unscrupulous workers who try and lie to your face and disregard posted sale signs that re directly behind them. Other than that, southern Alabamans are supremely friendly people. :)

Mark B
11/07/2009, 12:03 PM
I had the code for the EGR about a year ago.
Took off the EGR, be careful with the gasket and you might be able to use again. Sprayed intake cleaner and fixed the problem. I have not had the code since then.

11/09/2009, 05:13 AM
If you elect to buy a new one...do not order off e-bay...Global Automotive sent me an EGR valve...it was DOA and they refuse to take the part back...please let all your friends know that Global Automotive is ripping people off.

11/09/2009, 10:56 AM
to use paypal and refuse to let them pay because of inoperable part and to report the seller. Ebay is okay if buyers take the time to use the tools to keep poor buyers honest. I am ding my best to get wholesale auto parts booted or at least clean up their act of posting every part they have as fitting every car catagory ebay has. They offer a spare tire cover for the VX

11/09/2009, 09:19 PM
I had Isuzu do mine, they cleaned some tube/hose out also. They called it an egr service or something. Cost like 3bills:(

12/17/2009, 05:18 PM
If you elect to buy a new one...do not order off e-bay...Global Automotive sent me an EGR valve...it was DOA and they refuse to take the part back...please let all your friends know that Global Automotive is ripping people off.

Sorry, what do you mean by: "DOA"? I bought one with Global and still have the EGR code....:(

12/17/2009, 06:09 PM
DOA=Dead On Arrival

03/03/2010, 09:06 AM
Okay, I replaced my EGR valve a few months ago to fix a P1401 code. Everythings fine. MOnths go by, but now P1404 pops up. I reset and it comes back on a week later. The EGR is dirty with carbon (already!), I clean it, and the valve still seems to open/close just fine. I don't think its the connection. I'm gonna put it back in and reset and see if CEL comes back. I've never had P1404, is there anything that could cause it other than the EGR itself? Any sugestions?

12/09/2011, 07:13 AM
Another year and another EGR code pops on. I am literally changing that EGR every 6-12 months. Can this be a constant false alarm? I've cleaned them, I've replaced them. All the same. Buying a new EGR should not be a part of normal maintenance. Anyone have a clue why?

12/09/2011, 08:16 AM
I don't get CEL codes from my EGR, but I do have it cleaned out every other oil change just to be safe. I think that they eventually just get clogged up again, so even though it shouldn't be, EGR cleaning is part of my "regular" VX maintenance.

12/19/2011, 07:08 AM
I believe mine keeps an EGR code. My CE light is either burned out, or the bulb was yanked by a PO. The EGR code is easy to live with if you don't know it's there.

12/19/2011, 09:32 AM
This is EGR light since buying it new in 2002. There is something that is the EGR to foul quickly. Anything from poor spark to bad gas to a leak of some sort

07/10/2013, 11:16 AM
its pretty cheap and easy to clean the egr.. i think the gasket i ordered from merlin was like 8 bucks.. and turned out to really not need it.. but i replaced it since i had it anyway..

i had an EGR related CEL last month.... it was easy enough to clean...

disconnected wires on top (one plug)

used socket w/ extension to remove two bolts (one is easily visible, the other mirrors that but its hard to see)

lift top part of EGR valve off and set aside upside down filled with sensor safe carb cleaner

plug the larger of the two holes now exposed in your engine bay

start the vx

spray carb cleaner into the remaining (smaller) hole a whole lot until you run out of carb cleaner or get really bored.. just take care not to stall the vx..

dump the carb cleaner out of the half of the EGR you removed.. spray it down a couple more times to get anything broken loose out

put your egr back (dont forget to unplug the hole)

bolt it in place

be sure to wash your hands before touching your leather steering wheel :dance:

I just did this yesterday and cleared up my P0401 code! Thanks for the super easy fix! My mechanic was going to charge me $385 to replace it. I asked him if it could be cleaned and he said no because it has electrical parts in it and it would be ruined. I knew there was a fix around these forums somewhere, and after checking, am so glad I saw this simple fix.

07/10/2013, 11:33 AM
While you are at it, take the time to pull all of your spark plugs & check the gap. When I cleaned the EGR on Boy's VX, it was clean but I found the gap on all plugs were at 50/1000 or more. I'm guessing that if it continued to run that way, it would probably have fouled the EGR eventually.

The PCV was completely clogged on it too. That can also lead to EGR fouling over time.

One last thing to check if your EGR keeps fouling is the CAT. Take it in to a Midas shop (or similar) & have them check your exhaust system. Too much back pressure will also clog the EGR over time.

07/13/2013, 10:19 PM
Thanks for that info, Tom. If I throw another EGR code, I'll do that. My mechanic recently(within the last 5k miles) did a timing belt/water pump/spark plug service to it. What is the gap supposed to be at exactly? I could always check that sometime.

10/20/2013, 10:47 AM
My VX popped a P1404 (and another code I don't remember) a week after my trip to North Carolina in September. I cleared the codes thinking it may be due to the constant rain on the drive home. Nope. After only 5 or so miles the P1404 returned.

I stopped by Autozone and bought a can of carb clear to prepare for the first attempt at resolving the issue. But, when I pulled the EGR valve off, if was completely clear. No build up in either the EGR tube or the pintle. Hmmm. I cleared the code again and it didn't return for a few weeks.

Yesterday I finally took a drive to the grocery store and the code returned. I came home, did some research, and chose the NAPA EGR (CRB226154) as my replacement candidate. Sure, it was more expensive, but it looked like really good build quality, it was in stock, and it wasn't Autozone, Pep Boys or Advance Auto Parts! I bought the EGR and five minutes later I was back on the road.

I decided to duplicate my previous trip to see if the code would return. Sure enough, I pulled into the Wal-Mart parking lot, read the codes and found a P1404 (pending) code. Damn! I didn't even stop. I drove back to NAPA, explained the situation, and asked if I would be stuck with this EGR. The nice lady told me to bring it back later in the week ("It would look bad if you returned it today") and she would refund my money.

So, I left NAPA, with the scanner still connected, and tried to clear the codes while sitting as a red light. "Confirm key one, engine off". Can't clear the codes while driving. Two minutes later I was home, hit the Read Errors button, and NOTHING! No more codes. I retraced my steps AGAIN, even stopping to shop at Wal-Mart, and codes did not return. Apparently, there were some old fault readings still in the buffer from the old EGR, and the system just had to clear them out before giving a clean bill of health. My VX is back whole again!!

To make a long story short... If you replace your EGR make sure you give it plenty of miles to clear the old fault readings before you read the codes. :yesy:

12/31/2013, 05:32 PM
My CEL returned on my recent trip to Georgia. I actually got three different codes during my return trip (P1404, P0405, and one other non-EGR related), plus my GPS refused to power back up immediately after I got the first CEL. And then, in the mountains, my tranny/transfer case was acting up, vibrating badly when I dropped my speed from 75 to 65, and then running smooth as I sped up or continued a few miles. All of these concurrent issues made me suspect an electrical problem, and not an EGR issue, which was supported by the the 5 year old battery and corroded battery terminal. Today I replaced both the battery and terminal, but I still got the CEL and code P0405. I cleared the codes several times. As a troubleshooting step, I removed the EGR and reinstalled my old EGR valve, but this time I also replaced the gasket. The old gasket still looked good, but I had a new gasket. Then I took the VX for 10 mile drive, and didn't get a CEL, but I had a "pending" P1404 code, the same code that drove me to replace the original EGR valve. I'm going to drive it a while with the old EGR and see if the CEL pops up. If so, I will reinstall the new EGR with a new gasket and see if that returns a code, same or different. This is very frustrating! :frowny:

01/02/2014, 12:54 PM
I've had EGR code come up and clear out on their own for a long time now. Went through 3 EGRs (currently OEM one) all O2 sensors and replaced PCV with catch can and replaced fuel filter. One of the codes that came up with EGR code was "lean during acceleration" and that led me to clean my MAF sensor and replace K&N filter (the one with oil on it) with basic air filter. No codes so far but i have a totally different issue now and only drove about 30 miles after cleaning MAF. However i am optimistic about EGR codes because they would show up well before 30 miles in previous iteration :)

04/07/2014, 08:40 AM
I'm convinced it is the TIRES! Based on scientific probability analysis...

When I drove to NC in September I was on my Khumos...result=CEL.
Then drove to GA in December on my Khumos...CEL.
However, I switched over to my Bridgestone Blizzak tires for my trip to PA, and left them on until last week...no codes!!
BUT, on my first drive after changing the tires back I get a handful... P0405, P1404, P1404pd..

Yes, it's the tires!! :yes:

04/07/2014, 02:13 PM
I have been having trouble with the EGR codes for a couple of years. I finally broke down and installed a new EGR valve and cleared the codes. They quickly returned. A few weeks later, for completely different reasons, I added 1 quart of Marvel Mystery Oil (MMO)to the engine. The engine has been running much smoother, my gas mileage has gone up from 12.5 mpg to 15 mpg and......the engine codes have all cleared. No codes for about a week now. Crossing my fingers. Still burning/losing oil. I plan to let the MMO sit in the cylinders for a couple of days, next time I have a weekend while I won't need to drive the VX.

07/30/2014, 12:41 AM
So has anybody had this code actually clear with further driving? I cleaned the EGR this past weekend, the pintel was working fine, but didnt clean the tubes as I wasn't sure if the cleaner got in the engine if it would cause troubles. Light came back on at random as usual , however after powering through sand at the beach it went away. This normal? I'm probably gonna try cleaning the downward hole next, the manifold hole looks like a PITA.