View Full Version : Seat back adjustment

11/20/2008, 05:16 PM
Hi Guys and Gals.
I did scearch, but found zilch -

Does anyone know how to adjust the friction setting on our seat back tilt adjuster.
Mine creeps down as I drive - about 1 full turn over a week.
After about 1/2 turn, it is out of my comfort zone.
If I have the rear set folded up and strapped in place, my drivers seat rests against the rear seat, and no creep.

Just a niggling little problem that I would like to fix.

Mind you, it does have a fair load on it - I am a bit short for my weight.:smilewink:bwgy::bwgr:


11/21/2008, 05:26 AM
I know the Recarro's are notoriously difficult to work on. IIRC the shop manual indicates that even removing the head rest is a shop task. I'm not saying it can't be done - just difficult.

Try googling Recarro (SP?) & get a contact number for the company. Maybe they can shed light on the subject.

There is a very old thread on installing seat heaters that may be helpful. I'll see if I can find it.

11/21/2008, 05:48 AM
I know the Recarro's are notoriously difficult to work on. IIRC the shop manual indicates that even removing the head rest is a shop task. I'm not saying it can't be done - just difficult.

Try googling Recarro (SP?) & get a contact number for the company. Maybe they can shed light on the subject.

There is a very old thread on installing seat heaters that may be helpful. I'll see if I can find it.

Here ya go...:thumbup:


11/21/2008, 05:54 AM
Dub, U Da Man

11/21/2008, 05:56 AM
Dub, U Da Man

Well...I dunno about all that...:rolleyesg

Finder of lost threads maybe...:smilewink

11/21/2008, 06:54 AM
Finder of lost threads maybe...

I like that... Mr. Google!

My seat does the same thing, although irregularly. If you figure out how to get it to stop from that linked post, let us know please!

11/21/2008, 07:34 AM
Very nice seat heater write-up. This is definately a project in my future.

Hopefully not too much of a highjack, but:
I have an extra set of Rodeo head rests that I am considering trying to install in the front seats (to match my rear Rodeo headrests). My idea was to find another set of headrests from the yard with the same width of chrome 'stems' as the Recaro headrests, cut out that section out of the bottom of the new headrests with the chrome stems intact, and cutting a respective hole/stems out of the Rodeo headrests, graph the new stem peg into the Rodeo hole.

So, has anyone ever been able to remove the Recaro headrests? Thanks.

11/21/2008, 07:55 AM
"So, has anyone ever been able to remove the Recaro headrests?"

So far it hasn't been worth the trouble for me. Maybe eventually I will. I do need to tear into the drivers seat tho since the tilt release ... doesn't.


11/21/2008, 02:07 PM
I like that... Mr. Google!

YES! We need to get Moncha to make the "Search" button take you to a page that looks like this from now on:




11/21/2008, 02:29 PM

You, my friend, have entirely too much free time on your hands...:smilewink
I clicked on "about Ldub" & of course, NOTHIN'...that pretty much sums it up.
I think I'm gonna print that out & frame it.

Good one Bart!:razzgray:

11/21/2008, 02:42 PM

You, my friend, have entirely too much free time on your hands...:smilewink
I clicked on "about Ldub" & of course, NOTHIN'...that pretty much sums it up.
I think I'm gonna print that out & frame it.

Good one Bart!:razzgray:

Glad you like it! :) It was just one of those things that "popped in there" like the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man. It had to be done...took about 15 minutes, but it was worth it. I guess one of the perks of being in IT support is all the glorious downtime I have had lately. :eek: Too much downtime is of course bad, and it has been scary slow lately.

Anyway...I'm still :laughing: at my creation!


11/24/2008, 02:08 AM
Thanks for the tips and link to the write up.
It shows me the way into the seat, so I can take it from there.

Might be a while before I try though.
Lots of other things on the plate at the moment.
I work in ship building and we have a new vessel to get ready for launch first week January.
And then delivery in March.

Bloody bosses expect me to work for my paycheck.:grinr::grinp:


11/24/2008, 12:39 PM
You know those chairs that leaaaaaannnn back and just when you think your going to fall over backwards, it catches you??? :rolleyes:

I feel like that all the time.

11/24/2008, 05:45 PM
You know those chairs that leaaaaaannnn back and just when you think your going to fall over backwards, it catches you??? :rolleyes:

I feel like that all the time.

I'll have what he's having...:cool: