View Full Version : The "Roast Ldub" Thread!!!

12/09/2008, 10:15 AM
Do it with love now... (errr... LUB?) ;)

Ldub when he hits the 10,000 post mark ;););););););););)

12/09/2008, 10:47 AM
I didn't think something as old as LDub was still flammable....... LOL, sorry I couldn't resist, I think if anyone on the forum could take some jabs it would be the Dubster ;) (because he knows we all like him regardless)

12/09/2008, 10:48 AM
I didn't think something as old as LDub was still flammable.......

Oh that's good. I like that.

:) Bart

Jolly Roger VX'er
12/09/2008, 11:02 AM
I think his age is what saves him, with the amount of alcoholic beverages I seen him consume @ Moab, his age was the only thing that kept him from going the Spontaneous Human Combustion route when around an open flame.

J/K Dub'ster, I couldn't resist :p

12/09/2008, 12:21 PM
And Ldub after his Reincarnation..


12/09/2008, 01:00 PM
im gonna stay outta this one.....

i have a tendency to need things from Dub when in moab and i dont want this to come back and bite me in the arse...

*cough* old man *cough*

so ya im just gonna say your all really 'mean'.....;)

12/09/2008, 01:22 PM
Ldub, the man who hasn't bought socks since 1979

12/09/2008, 01:28 PM
Ldub and his new GF stopping at a flea market to pick up a few things for the next trip to Moab...


Ldub's new "anti-theft" device

__________________________________________________ _____________

12/09/2008, 05:53 PM
Flame Away...:flame2:...:flame:...:evil:...:flame:

You evil bunch of "trunk monkey wanna be's"

Your words have no effect on my c/f-kryptonite outer casing...:cool:

Jack, *cough* young punk *cough* you know you have no worries, those who know me, (decidedly NOT that bicycle guy...:smilewink) know that whatever I have to offer, is theirs for the asking.
I believe that Karma comes to visit those who share what they have, so if you have some more to share...:naughty:

You ALL are giving me a side ache from laughing so hard...:razzgray:...:rotate:...:razzgray:

12/09/2008, 08:30 PM
Hey Ldud ---------

oops - there goes my typo again.:bwgr::bgwp:


12/10/2008, 05:50 AM
"those who know me, know that whatever I have to offer, is theirs for the asking."

Can I have your VX???

12/10/2008, 06:00 AM
"those who know me, know that whatever I have to offer, is theirs for the asking."

Can I have your VX???

That wasn't in the offer...see fine print.

12/10/2008, 09:26 AM
A few more MOAB trips and the VX may look a lot more like him....


12/10/2008, 10:19 AM
I try, but a just can’t do it. It’s like trying to roast Chuck Norris or some other mythical god.;)

12/10/2008, 10:23 AM
I try, but a just can’t do it. It’s like trying to roast Chuck Norris or some other mythical god.;)

Yeah, I agree. The only bad thing I can say about Ldub, is that I didn't get enough wheeling time in with him last May!

:_beer: Cheers, mate!


12/10/2008, 10:32 AM

This is a totally degenerate thread (as intended). You nice guys - get the hell out!!!!

OOOOPS!!! Can't forget the smilies


(one for each decade)

12/10/2008, 10:38 AM
lol! :flower:


This is a totally degenerate thread (as intended). You nice guys - get the hell out!!!!

OOOOPS!!! Can't forget the smilies


(one for each decade)

12/10/2008, 05:19 PM
...smells like brownies....

12/10/2008, 05:27 PM
...smells like brownies....

NOT THE KIND I MAKE...LOL...:naughty:

Good to see you, my Brother to the Nort! Tell the lovely Ms."D" HI!:thumbup:

12/10/2008, 05:31 PM
Yeah, I agree. The only bad thing I can say about Ldub, is that I didn't get enough wheeling time in with him last May!

:_beer: Cheers, mate!


You know the score bra...spend too much time in close proximity...wake up "dizzy"...no wheel that day...:sighwgray

You pantywaists quit being so %#@* nice, it's a known fact that abuse is my juice! :naughty:

12/10/2008, 05:49 PM
I didn't think something as old as LDub was still flammable....... LOL, sorry I couldn't resist, I think if anyone on the forum could take some jabs it would be the Dubster ;) (because he knows we all like him regardless)

Whatinnahell you talkin' bout???

Last I checked, COAL burns just fine, & it's got a few years on me...:rolleyesg

Scott Harness
12/10/2008, 07:58 PM
Allright! Allright! It's time to end this thread.You can't roast Ldub.He is already baked and fried.I was in the kitchen:eek::p

don moore
12/10/2008, 08:00 PM
WHOs LDUB??????:smilewink

12/10/2008, 08:04 PM
Allright! Allright! It's time to end this thread.You can't roast Ldub.He is already baked and fried.I was in the kitchen:eek::p

LOL...oh sure, yep, TWO kinds of beans, yep, that's me!

Scott Harness
12/10/2008, 08:10 PM
LOL...oh sure, yep, TWO kinds of beans, yep, that's me!

LOL! you forgot barracho beans! (forgive my spanish spelling)

don moore
12/10/2008, 08:11 PM
you know LDUB.. your signature picture made me laugh the first time I saw it ..I thought it was a picture of a dead guy playing with his model railroad ...then i looked closer and saw it was oriental art..it think?:p