View Full Version : This one's for you bart... Abandoned places link

12/09/2008, 10:38 AM

Very very cool...

I want to go to the "Pod City" part of the Asian link.

12/09/2008, 10:51 AM
Cool link. This will give me something to kill a few hours on! I have to say, moving away from Chicago meant leaving all that urban decay behind. I do miss UEing. Out here, its a whole different kind of exploring. I really like getting out into the middle of nowhere. Lots of old mines and ghost towns and stuff. Still, nothing compares to splorin' humongous old buildings and factories. How is SLC for Urban Exploration?


Scott Harness
12/09/2008, 11:33 AM
Nice find! I need to go exploring.

12/09/2008, 01:00 PM
How is SLC for Urban Exploration?


Probably not as cool as Chicago. When I was a kid me and my friends would explore all kinds of dilapidated masterpieces. One of my favorites was an old abandoned brewery by the river. Actually Ogden looks like SLC did 30 years ago, it would be a perfect place for some good photos.;)

12/09/2008, 01:31 PM
The trick is trying to find the tunnels that get you to the temple and then bypassing all the extra wives! :bgwb:

Bypass the extra wives? :evil:

12/09/2008, 01:33 PM
lousy design

12/09/2008, 02:20 PM
lousy design

Unfortunately, I would have to agree. I don't understand why the photos are not linked to larger versions. And I just hate sites with all the ads.

Either way though, good stuff. This is really cool too:


Be sure to watch the time-lapse videos at the bottom. Really neat.
