View Full Version : transmission help needed

12/24/2008, 07:50 PM
Well today i was just driving down the road and the check engine light and the transmission light cam on i have a 1999 vehicross i have a couple of questions.

1. How do u check the transmission fluid.

2. is a mode selector switch the same as the neutral safety switch.

it has a high idle when its in park and it shifts real hard in to the gears and out of them and it also acts like it wants to die like it has water in the gas or something right before all this happened i hit a big water hole that was in the road the alternator is new and so is the battery and help would be great thank u in advance

12/24/2008, 07:54 PM
Well today i was just driving down the road and the check engine light and the transmission light cam on i have a 1999 vehicross i have a couple of questions.

1. How do u check the transmission fluid.

2. is a mode selector switch the same as the neutral safety switch.

it has a high idle when its in park and it shifts real hard in to the gears and out of them and it also acts like it wants to die like it has water in the gas or something right before all this happened i hit a big water hole that was in the road the alternator is new and so is the battery and help would be great thank u in advance


12/24/2008, 07:56 PM
ya but were is the dipstick or do u have to do it from somewhere on the bottom of the trans like a standard

12/24/2008, 08:31 PM
1. How do u check the transmission fluid.

There is No DIPSTICK (not you Ldub) Check here post SIX for the procedure:

2. is a mode selector switch the same as the neutral safety switch.

Don't know this.... maybe someone else will post answer

it has a high idle when its in park and it shifts real hard in to the gears and out of them and it also acts like it wants to die like it has water in the gas or something right before all this happened i hit a big water hole that was in the road the alternator is new and so is the battery and help would be great thank u in advance

Do all this and I guarantee your VX will run BETTER

1) New FPR (Fuel Pressure Regulator) $50 advanced auto parts
here's the how to if you want to DIY:

2) Clean or replace the EGR
Cleaning is sooooo easy... I did it!
The way to do that is here... http://isuzufaq.ibctech.ca/

3) Clean the MAF
Autozone sells MAF cleaner for like $7... works wonders

4) CLEAN THE Idle valve sensor THOROUGHLY
It's even EASIER to clean than the EGR
two allen head screws and some sensor safe spray cleaner
it's on the throttle body pass side one plug in it

5)Replace PCV $2.88 autozone

5 point fix for problems you describe... I had most of that and did all this and my oil consumption went down... faster, more responsive, runs smoother... no more idle problems AT ALL

12/24/2008, 09:03 PM
thank u ive done most of that but i still have the shifting issue and it still cuts out when shiftin gears and shifts really hard

12/24/2008, 09:18 PM
thank u ive done most of that but i still have the shifting issue and it still cuts out when shiftin gears and shifts really hard

Unless you DIY take it to a mechanic to get the tranny serviced... fluid filter do the xfer case too... ah heck do it all or get it all done.... diff's EVERYTHING

12/24/2008, 09:29 PM
ill try that do u think it could be that netraul saftey switch i think its the orginal and the truck has 254000 miles i can believe its still running but it runs strong

12/24/2008, 11:38 PM
Sounds like it very well may be the mode switch. Hard, even violent shifts both up and down occur when it goes out. Check also if your shifting display on the dash flickers oddly when you do shift. Sometimes it is more apparent when you drive the truck first thing. If you do a search on Mode Switch you will find tons of information. Here is just one link:

Good luck with your VX

12/25/2008, 07:05 AM
is the mode switch the same as the neutral safty switch

12/25/2008, 10:22 AM
To get a definitive answer I would recommend calling Merlin at St. Charles Isuzu. He deals with us continually and probably could answer your question. 1-800-727-8066

12/25/2008, 11:04 AM
2. is a mode selector switch the same as the neutral safety switch.

They are two seperate items, and given the circuit schematic for the Shift Interlock System, it doesn't appear as if the Transmission Mode Selector Switch provides any type of input to the Shift Interlock Controller(what it seems you are referring to as the Neutral Safety Switch).

The only way it seems that the two interact is that the transmission control lever can't be moved until the proper conditions are met for the Shift Interlock Controller, that being mainly that the brake pedal is depressed if the engine is already running, or the starter switch is in the START position and the transmission control lever is in the "P" position.

12/25/2008, 06:49 PM
i don't know whats goin on i parked it in the garage last night out of the rain and i drove it 100 miles or so today and it ran great and the check engine light and everything went off but it wasn't raining today does anyone have an idea it seems like its a yugo or something u can drive those in the rain ither lol

12/26/2008, 09:55 AM
Was it also raining when the problem occured the first time, or was there just the standing water? It could be that a wiring harness connector on the underside of your VX is allowing water to short circuit a portion of the transmission control circuit.

I had the same thing happen awhile back when I was driving through a very heavy rain storm. The TOD started going crazy even though everything had been perfectly normal before the rain started. The problem also seemed to clear up after the rain stopped and after continued highway driving apparently dried everything off.

Even though I haven't driven through that heavy a rainstorm since then to verify if it solved the problem, it hasn't happened again.

I disconnected all the connectors I could see in the area of the transmission, cleaned both the male and the female ends, applied some dielectric grease to both connectors, then reconnected them.

And since it was hard to tell whether the back sides of each connector looked totally waterproof, I also wrapped the backs of the connectors (where the individual wires go into each connector) with electrical tape. (Once I had both ends reconnected, I think I even wrapped the whole assembly from end to end with electrical tape for extra waterproofing insurance).

The majority of the connectors were on the passenger side of the transmission, with some plugging directly in to the trans, and some located near the intersection of the trans cross-member and the passenger side frame rail.

It's kind of a PITA to do, but if you do it right the first time, the connectors should remain waterproof for a very long time. Of course that isn't saying it's those connectors that are causing your VX's problem, but it might be a good place to start eliminating possible sources.

12/27/2008, 01:45 PM
hey i taped up everything like u suggested and cleaned everthing but it rained today and did the same thing i'm at a lost with this deal and the bad think is it rains or snows all the time here i would hate not to be able to drive in the rain and ideas anyone

12/27/2008, 02:06 PM
Have you taken it somewhere like AutoZone, etc. to determine if the ECU is throwing any trouble codes? Having some specific information like that would help with further diagnosis.

Or, just check this out for a DIY.

Reading VX trouble codes (http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?threadid=14615)

12/27/2008, 02:18 PM
how do u read the codes i know the check engine will flase but how do u know what the code is by that

12/27/2008, 02:38 PM
Clicking on the "reading VX trouble codes" link I included in my last response will take you to a thread that explains the procedure for reading codes and determining what they mean.

12/27/2008, 03:50 PM
how do u read the codes i know the check engine will flase but how do u know what the code is by that

go to your local autozone/napa and have them read the code..right it down and come back here and do a search.. the codes will be numerical ie: P0401 0r P01400 and such

12/28/2008, 11:15 AM
the check engine light is on and so is the tod light but autozone either didn't know how to get a code off it or they just couldn't get one off it so i'm at a loss

12/28/2008, 12:52 PM
Theres an eprom underneath your dash, they should have a code retriever for the CEL, it plugs in and the code is retrieved on a scanner type box that they should carry, sorry if this didnt help

12/28/2008, 02:18 PM
ya they did that but they said everything was fine

12/28/2008, 09:40 PM
did you check to see if you need to replace your intake gaskets?

seems to be a common issue that makes the check engine light come on.

12/29/2008, 03:58 AM
if your check engine light is on there should be a code.. the tod light you have to check with an isuzu dealership tool or by "hotwiring" your data port under the dash.. i forget which pins you are supposed to connect but do a search for "abs code" and im sure you will find the instructions

if they cant get a "P" code for the check engine light (or turn it off, even momentarily) check the fuse for your horn under the hood, if that blows, the data port under the dash stops working

don moore
12/29/2008, 12:39 PM
autozone autozone autozone

01/01/2009, 03:50 PM
finally got autozone to pull a code they say it's the o2 sensor after the cat. I don't really think thats right at all

01/02/2009, 07:36 AM
well this started as a transmission issue, and now its an 02 sensor,

after rereading part of the thread, You have issues when it gets wet.

My issues from over saturation of the underside are that the TOD freaks out, which basically points to speed sensors grounding out from the water.

some of the most common codes have to do with the MAF and EGR cleanliness.

There is a neutral safety switch on ebay if you check..was there the otherday anyway

don't forget that your fuel pressure regulator can go bad

your windows have a tendancy to tilt if they aren't lubricated and fixed with the window fix from SBC and the abs module can go out at a moments notice,

These vehicles were HALO's a concept to production customer generating overpriced performance utility vehicle.

They aren't gonna be perfect.. especially since they were discontinued after 2001 and only 4153 (debatable) were produced in a 3 year US run.. not to include the JDMs

There is an awesome search function here that will just about pull up anything you might want to know.. and the archives are included in the search. The site is an awesome source of info.. us it to its fullest

Happy New Year


01/07/2009, 06:29 PM
Just about any parts store will give you a free code reading {auto zone o'rielies } but as for the fuel flow I had to replace three sensors iac sensor has to do with fuel flow throttle sensor and a mass air and a fuel pump Two of the sensors came at once and all the rest one at a time. Check the fuel pump by checking fuel pressure with the motor under a load, mine ran ok slow or babying it but when you needed to go it would fall on its face lost pressure under a load. Fuel rail should carry about 43lbs of pressure at a idle. Hope I helped

01/07/2009, 06:45 PM
yes and the only thing that comes up is the o2 sensor and i've replaced them all and the problem is still there

01/07/2009, 07:06 PM
i get the same cel for the o2 sensor on the passenger side right next to the trans in the totally pain in the asrsh place. ive had the shop replace it twice. but the cpu is not getting an signal from the sensor i suspect the mustve yanked on the connector too hard. if it were in a better location and the o2 sensors where cheaper i would fix it. but i drive it probably once a week so ive been lazy to fix. my mpgs havent been affect so im going to let it be for now.

i did started noticing that it would happen in the winter months. we have different blends on gas in the winter than in the summer.

01/11/2009, 02:06 AM
still no luck with it i found someone today that wants it so i think i'm just goin to unload i really hate to see it go for just a simple problem though

01/11/2009, 10:08 AM
still no luck with it i found someone today that wants it so i think i'm just goin to unload i really hate to see it go for just a simple problem though

I just had the same problem as rureadyto 69.
I had no trouble codes on the dash...but once I quickly accelerated uphill at a speed to pass some "sight seer"
all of a sudden my "check engine and check trans" lights started flashing. I parked it overnight for a few nights and when I started it up the same codes were still flashing. This is not the first time it happened. On a trip to Autozone, the code reader said to check the PVC valve or the wires that connect to it (Check Trans " light wasn't on that time. So I bought a $150 new EGR valve (which I have yet to install). And just as suddenly as it started the "check engine" light went out.
Someone out there has the expertise to answer this question, I'm sure. What are we to check or fix when each of these lights come on.

01/11/2009, 11:11 AM
Sounds like you might have a short someplace. I’d check the wires going to your O2 sensor, if it’s reacting to moisture then that’s probably your best bet. Your transmission problems on the other hand, it sounds like it needs to be serviced. Reading thru the thread I didn’t see that your had done that. I might have missed it.