View Full Version : .................I'm Waiting !!!!!

01/27/2009, 06:26 AM
I bought my VX last weekend , 10 days ago now and the garage is still waiting on the registration paperwork......arghhhhhhhhhhhh:_mecker:

I'm fed up of looking at pictures of other peoples cars all day long, lol i want mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess its cause its not been registered in the UK yet, plus he's waiting for a new windscreen for it! booo :rolleyes:

01/27/2009, 06:27 AM
Plus you guys are all 7 hours behind!! so converstions are out the window, lol

01/29/2009, 06:47 AM

Pick it up Saturday morning!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be playing in a muddy field by lunch time :bgwo::bgwg::bgwb::smilewink

01/29/2009, 06:52 AM

01/29/2009, 07:08 AM
I just paid my sponsorship money too so am a fully fledged member :D

01/29/2009, 07:19 AM
I just paid my sponsorship money too so am a fully fledged member :D

Well Done!!!...:thumbup:

It always restores a bit of my faith in human nature to see someone cough up the jing to help Scott with the monthly co$t of operation.

IMO, a user name just doesn't look complete without "site supporter" underneath...:smilewink

01/29/2009, 07:22 AM
Well Done!!!...:thumbup:

It always restores a bit of my faith in human nature to see someone cough up the jing to help Scott with the monthly co$t of operation.

IMO, a user name just doesn't look complete without "site supporter" underneath...:smilewink

You got to give something bak!! i pay £20 a year for the nissan 300zx club too and owners forums are ALWAYS worth the money.

For instance i just insured the Isuzu using the 300zx.co.uk affiliated company and used my members discount and saved £85 !!!! thats over 4 times the joining fee!!

As you put in another post, what would people do if the site just closed one day! imagine their garage bills!

01/29/2009, 08:04 AM
Congrats. Represent and do us proud across the vast pond.

01/29/2009, 08:06 AM

I feel for ya. Mine sat in my driveway for 2 weeks before I could drive it. We had titling issues with mine as well.


01/29/2009, 08:24 AM
Good on ya!
Mine was stuck 300 miles away in a snow storm. I could not wait any longer, since I had been waiting for 10 days already for X country shipping, so I drove out and picked up the Dragon....

01/29/2009, 08:48 AM
You got to give something bak!!

As you put in another post, what would people do if the site just closed one day! imagine their garage bills!

Couldn't agree with you (and myself, I guess :rolleyesg ) more!