View Full Version : A VX has been cast in an indie film

01/30/2009, 08:47 AM

I've been watching this project since last year. It was supposed to be out by now, but the release has now been set for 2011. A couple current projects will fund Garden. That's actually a RHD VX seen in the poster and not the one that'll be used in the film. A LHD '99 Astral Silver VX is cast in the starring role. I hope this film can get done. I'll make a small donation when this is definitely set to go. Maybe others here can chip in also. Even small donations mean a lot to indie film makers. Sometimes a certain donation level will get your name in the credits.

Here's the teaser trailer for Garden-
http://video.aol.com/video-detail/moonlight-pictures-garden-teaser-trailer/4272203488 (http://video.aol.com/video-detail/moonlight-pictures-garden-teaser-trailer/4272203488)

The same trailer on YouTube-
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3kDAzcyr1E (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3kDAzcyr1E)

Mark Griffin

01/30/2009, 09:57 AM
I'm in! The trailer has piqued my interest. A donation could be in order and if they let us attend some of the filming we could get a BUNCH of VX's in the movie (hey, it's worth a try).

01/30/2009, 10:40 AM


01/30/2009, 10:52 AM
Cool, it looks like it has some good energy behind it.

01/30/2009, 02:37 PM
Oddly, their website doesn't seem to say anything about the film. http://www.moonlightpictures.org/homepage/

Still, I'm interested in the Casting Call. I've always wanted to do voice-over work. That might be fun!

01/30/2009, 02:41 PM
Yeah, they just got the website back up after a complete makeover. They did have the Garden project on the old site, but it's been delayed now, so we'll have to wait for updated news after the current projects get outta the way. I believe Garden is their dream project.

It was originally going to be a series. They did some filming last year and liked what they saw so much that it was turned into a two hour feature film script.

Mark Griffin

01/30/2009, 08:14 PM
Hmmmmmmmmmm...........I dunno guys. I've been hearing a lot of good talk about The Rise of the Vehicross..............That's where I'm taking my money.

don moore
01/30/2009, 11:05 PM
lol..wow that from last year...Im in the movie .It should be fun.. I play the one of the bad guys..yes a good friend of mine has me in it .....hes a old friend director..and my vx will be in it .and thats one of my rifles hes got on the poster.the one in the poster is one he got from on line his name is Deven Watson.....its on hold for now ..i was in the aninated one called super nova.. i played 2 voice parts in it..he lives down the street..

01/31/2009, 01:14 PM
That's cool!! Congrats, can I have your autograph.:p

lol..wow that from last year...Im in the movie .It should be fun.. I play the one of the bad guys..yes a good friend of mine has me in it .....hes a old friend director..and my vx will be in it .and thats one of my rifles hes got on the poster.the one in the poster is one he got from on line his name is Deven Watson.....its on hold for now ..i was in the aninated one called super nova.. i played 2 voice parts in it..he lives down the street..

02/02/2009, 08:09 AM
Arhg, they need to lose that poor CG. :p

I worked on some Indie films back in my Hollywood Attempt days as a set builder and a CG artist and rule 1 was always "no CG unless there is a solid budget for it".

My buddy John who I knew since high school stuck with it and managed to carve his way through the Hollywood Shuffle and finally pumped an award winning Indie film. His last film was done EXTREMELY well, so maybe I should push him to put my VX in his next one, hahaha.

Defaced - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFbB7UZIOwE

Interview (after 1st 30secs) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsvfI6Jwb3A