View Full Version : 8 hours to replace window seals?

03/10/2009, 03:28 PM
I got the metal window brackets so my windows actually go up and down. The rubber was pretty grrrd up, so I had to remove some of it for the windows to go all the way up. I want to replace all of the rubber around the window. The local body shop says I have to find the part myself and if I do get it I should expect 4 HOURS PER DOOR. That seems awfully long.

03/10/2009, 04:44 PM
Four hours each for non-high tech door mechanism is a lot of time;I mean if the doors were from a lexus,acura or bentley i may say ok,that sounds fair,but for our Vx doors that's a lot of time each one.

03/10/2009, 08:13 PM
i dont see how.. i remove my door panels in less than 10 minutes.. removing the window shouldnt take long.. unless maybe they are thinking taking the whole mechanism out with the window or something.. not sure but shouldnt take that long

03/10/2009, 08:38 PM
LOL...you're in Hawaii Brah...they're figuring in "Hawaiian time"...:laughgray

EVERYTHING takes twice as long in paradise...:smilewink

03/10/2009, 10:17 PM
I'm actually back in San Clemente. I could totally see a body shop in Hawaii telling me it would take 4 hours. I would then expect the work to take 4 weeks due to a mixture of "island time" and some problems with the mechanics "cousin". It would be worth it to still be there.

03/11/2009, 06:42 AM
The local body shop says I have to find the part myself and if I do get it I should expect 4 HOURS PER DOOR. That seems awfully long.

That means they don't want to do the job, but will if you pay them 10x. Do it yourself - for free!

03/11/2009, 07:51 AM
Man, that's funny. Steps....

Pull door cover
Remove plastic insulator (don't tear!)
Drop window
Pull rubber seal

Stand back and have a drink....

Maybe a sammich, while you are at it....

Slide in new rubber seal
Raise window (up and down a couple of times checking seating)
Tack plastic insulator back on
Replace door cover

The most time you spent on this job was having a drink and eating a sammich. Shops are hurting in these tough times so, can you blame them. ;)

03/11/2009, 05:04 PM
I was hoping for that kind of response. Where would be the best place to find the window seals? I also need to replace the plastic sheet. I'm guessing that's the insulator. What is it's purpose?

Riff Raff
03/11/2009, 05:23 PM
Where would be the best place to find the window seals?

Hmmm, a good place to start looking is from one of the "many" VX's that was totaled this past Winter.

03/11/2009, 08:07 PM
I was hoping for that kind of response. Where would be the best place to find the window seals? I also need to replace the plastic sheet. I'm guessing that's the insulator. What is it's purpose?

FWIW, you can make yourself a new insulator (vapor barrier) out of some 4 mil poly, (visqueen?) & duct tape.
Look around with a search to find a contact number for Merlin @ St. Charles Isuzu, if you want new seals.:yes: