View Full Version : Pictures From San Diego Mini-meet...3/28/09

03/28/2009, 04:07 PM
Great to see old faces...and meet new ones.

Rickshaw...your Dragon is IMMACULATE!

Here are a few pics...others have more!

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/San_Diego_Mini_VX_Meet_at_Perrys_004.JPG (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=13247)

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/San_Diego_Mini_VX_Meet_at_Perrys_002.JPG (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=13246)

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/San_Diego_Mini_VX_Meet_at_Perrys_008.JPG (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=13248)

See some of ya next w/end...and some of ya in MOAB.

Good luck with the race Billy!

Thanks to all for coming.


03/28/2009, 04:57 PM
Nice to put faces with usernames. Also, cool to see everyone ride.

Cyronman, what kind wheels and offset do you have?

03/28/2009, 06:11 PM
Meeting always refresh the passion for our VX's isn't ? :)

03/28/2009, 08:40 PM
Again, sorry I missed it!
Looks like Rickshaw's Dragon has some new wheels/tires. That thing was Bone stock when I met him last summer. If that's the case, my Dragon has nothing on his anymore....
Looks like his Dragon is growing up!

don moore
03/29/2009, 12:29 AM
looks like you had a good meet

03/29/2009, 10:54 PM
Hey guys! Just wanted to thank everyone who joined in on the meet and eats. Thoroughly enjoyed meeting everyone again or for the first time and the banana pancakes at Perry's were excelent!
As Jo stated, Rickshaws VX is a musuem quality piece. It was so clean I could have eaten my breakfast off of any part of it. I don't think it was that clean off the showroom floor! I was in awe!
Larry gets my vote for THE hands down best deal on a VX ever. I let him fill in what I am talking about if he wishes.

And for those of you wondering, the race went great. Almost 10 minutes faster than last year! Had a good swim, rocked the bike averaging 24mph in some strong wind and then had a good run. 2nd in my agegroup and 11th overall (including the pro's):eek:
The best part was when they lapped me on the bike (they got a head start since they were in an earlier wave) they thought I was the leader and all looked over at me to try and figure out who I was:cool: so I jumped on there little three man train (they were just barely spaced out the legal distance...no drafting in triathlon) and was cruising along behind them. I looked down at my computer and saw 29mph...decided to back off before I blew up since I still had one lap to go. Then on the run the top pro female caught me at mile 9. I decided to stay with her to help me forget about the pain. Even just staying with her I would beat her since she started 10 minutes ahead of me. 1 mile later she blew and I kept up the pace to the end! She held on the win the womens race.:bwgy:

03/29/2009, 11:19 PM
More pictures from the San Diego Meet 3/28/09 at Perrys Cafe


Thanks to Jo for hosting a great meet, my son and I had a great time. I was very nice to finally meet all of you especially Triathlete coming all the way from Arizona, congratulations on a great race. 24 mph average is amazing.

Jo: I still can't hardly believe you only have 19K on yours. Wow!


03/30/2009, 02:16 AM
Great pics guys, looks like fun!! I miss owners club meets :( theres hardly anyone with a VX over here, infact i crashed a 300zx.co.uk meet on saturday, lol

03/30/2009, 02:32 AM
Great pics guys, looks like fun!! I miss owners club meets :( theres hardly anyone with a VX over here, infact i crashed a 300zx.co.uk meet on saturday, lol

I plan to do something simular with the old toyota club :P.

Indeed very nice pics above. I should really try get some vxs over there together ive seen at least 3 in my city

03/30/2009, 08:46 AM
Cy, those Chambers still look hot! I see you debadged the center caps too. Nice.

Any of you guys gonna try to make the 4th of July camping meet @ Mammoth Lakes??


03/30/2009, 11:15 AM
It was a pleasure meeting and hanging out with some of the Southern Cali. and Arizona VX gang! I was looking forward to "puttin' the screen names with the faces" and had a ball. What a sight to see a few VX's in a group and share some stories. I did want to give out props to rickshaw for his Dragon Green beauty. First, I have never seen a Dragon and second how "clean" it was. I, being the rookie of the group this time around, was checking out all the rides and deciding now what I wanted to do next to my Astral. Congrats to Billy for a job well done at the Triathlon in Coronado too and getting us all together!

03/30/2009, 11:20 AM
Hey Jo, where was your bartender friend? ;)

03/30/2009, 01:19 PM
LOL...maybe next time...

Hey Jo, where was your bartender friend? ;)

....if we meet at the Aussie Pub!


03/31/2009, 12:55 AM
Cyronman, what kind wheels and offset do you have?

Thanks, Tom. Bart will have to correct me if I forgot here, but I believe they are 0 offset. And my tires are 265 width, 16''.

Cy, those Chambers still look hot! I see you debadged the center caps too. Nice.

Any of you guys gonna try to make the 4th of July camping meet @ Mammoth Lakes??


Yep, thanks.

I am (always) down for the camping trip, but all depends on work schedule.

03/31/2009, 09:07 AM
[force hand wave & emperor's voice on]You WILL attend the 2nd annual Mammoth 4th of July Campout[/force hand wave & emperor's voice off]

03/31/2009, 09:23 AM
Thanks, Tom. Bart will have to correct me if I forgot here, but I believe they are 0 offset. And my tires are 265 width, 16''.

Yes, you have the same AR Chambers as me, so they are 16"s with a 0 offset.

I feel lucky to have gotten a set. I hear they are pretty much impossible to get now. :(


03/31/2009, 11:41 AM
Yes, you have the same AR Chambers as me, so they are 16"s with a 0 offset.

I feel lucky to have gotten a set. I hear they are pretty much impossible to get now. :(


Yeah, when I got this set, Tom had said they were dc'd, and he just happened to find my set a few days later.
Something told me it was then or never!

btw--GOOD JOB, BILLY :thumbup: