View Full Version : Blackberry storm?

03/31/2009, 11:30 PM
So in searching for a new cell phone and waiting for palm pre's release. I was thinking of getting a new cell phone and needing one bad as my Centrino is on its last limb.

Now I know I know iphone this iphone that. I do have Att but I do not want a iphone just yet. Lets just say I dont drive a Vx because everyone has one. I know the power of the iphone I just want to try others before I goto that even tho i have been told by a friend who writes programs for them all and he says iphone is the best. Course I am thinking this pre is gonna be a bit better.

So with that said I am eyeing the Storm. So any thoughts? Any complaints? Or any other phone suggestions?

Now I do you the heck outta my browser and email and text on current phone. And yes it will have to be and unlocked phone I am getting because Storm is on Verizon's network.

04/01/2009, 01:29 AM
By not getting an iPhone for iPhone sake your shooting yourself in the foot!! i would have agreed with you before but my girlfriend got a blackberry storm and it was very chunky and not that easy to use, the touch screen was ok but you have to click the whole screen down (like one large button) to select things. She sent it back and now has a 3rd gen iPhone and i can honestly say its awesome!!

It does email just as well as the storm and you just wait till you see all the different applications you can get !!!!

04/01/2009, 02:57 AM
Like you, I looked at the tickleberry, but I ended up buying the google G1.

John C.

04/01/2009, 04:56 AM
My next phone will be the samsung omnia. with the 5 mp camera. shawn

04/01/2009, 06:07 AM
By not getting an iPhone for iPhone sake your shooting yourself in the foot!! i would have agreed with you before but my girlfriend got a blackberry storm and it was very chunky and not that easy to use, the touch screen was ok but you have to click the whole screen down (like one large button) to select things. She sent it back and now has a 3rd gen iPhone and i can honestly say its awesome!!

It does email just as well as the storm and you just wait till you see all the different applications you can get !!!!

Not sure if shooting myself in foot or not. Like i said just waiting for pre which imo will be better than iphone but only time will tell. Course the new iphone is comming out this summer as well so my mind may change then again all up in air just getting everyones opinion. And yes the big click button as I have seen in reviews is like a big notebooks mouse pad. With everything sure takes getting used to.

As far as apps go RIM just came out with there app store this morning @ 0000. yeah its not as big as apples but give things time everything grows. Plus from what I have read Apple is increasing the cost of each app which is a turn off for me but hey people will payw hat they want.

Also as far as the G1 I do like it and the android os is awesome from what I have seen and played with on buddies phone. Also thier app store has alot of free if not most apps. But thanks for all the input keep them comming

04/01/2009, 06:28 AM
i love my samsung omnia!!

it works off of normal windows mobile so there are quite a few things you can do with it, ive installed quite a few new programs on mine to make it even more user friendly and to improve the look of the interface

my two biggest complaints about it...

the touch screen requires much more of a push than an iphone (ie its just not as sensitive) but the stylus that comes with it works well and the fact that it hangs off the side doesnt bother me at all

you cant use programs that use GPS on the verizon I910 because they have disabled the gps except for VZnavigator (if you dont have verizon, you can get the unlocked I900 which works with gps already) but from what ive heard verizon is supposed to release an update that would unlock the GPS feature before july

here are some screen shots from mine.. all of the menus..
then the second one is the main screen, the main screen when viewing settings and the bottom is a shot of browsing vehicross.info on it

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/omnia_screen.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=13180)
http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/omnia_screens.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=13364)

04/01/2009, 07:00 AM
I've had a Blackberry Curve (8300) for over 2 years now and it's worked very well. Great for texting and keyboard lock works simple, not 3G but a good phone. Easy to take apart due to replaced the key board (Twice) due to over use (5k text a month, but my 14 year old has over 11k on her Curve) and removing the roller ball to clean (alot). It's showning it's age but still kicking. Anyway I'm looking into the Blackberry Bold, ATT's 3G new model, but it looks alittle bulky. Let me/us know if you get the Verizon Storm and how you get it unlocked, I heard if you call your cell phone provider and tell them your leaving the country with your phone they can unlock it, is that true??? Keep us up to date

04/01/2009, 07:47 AM
its a local guy. from what I was told and haven't researched much yet only 3 ways to unlock phone. hardware, software and forget last one. I know iphone is software were you have to take in to get new updates when new firmware comes out. The storm is done via hardware were you can update the phone yourself. again this is what I was told over phone. When I get more info or if I decide on storm will let ya know. Course juse is right around the corner.

04/01/2009, 09:10 AM
I've had a Blackberry Curve (8300) for over 2 years now and it's worked very well.

Another loyal CURVE owner here. It easily does everything I need a phone to do.
I know phones are getting very hi-tech nowadays, but it seems like everyone I know always get the new phones with all the new app's and then...2 months later, they have a phone with a bunch of app's they don't use.
btw, I personally cannot stand the Iphone. The onscreen keyboard is for the birds. I think the G1 is better, but still too new and too much. And from what I've seen of the STORM, I would probably get one IF I needed a new phone.


04/01/2009, 09:17 AM
Another loyal CURVE owner here. It easily does everything I need a phone to do.
I know phones are getting very hi-tech nowadays, but it seems like everyone I know always get the new phones with all the new app's and then...2 months later, they have a phone with a bunch of app's they don't use.
btw, I personally cannot stand the Iphone. The onscreen keyboard is for the birds. I think the G1 is better, but still too new and too much. And from what I've seen of the STORM, I would probably get one IF I needed a new phone.


I agree Cy. I told my daughter if she Ace'd school I'd get her a phone of her choice, Welllllll she is and I hope she doesn't choose the iphone mainly due to if the battery goes bad you have to send it in and it's $100 (I'm told) plus no phone (I know pull the sim and put it in the extra razors laying around). And a Blackberry and most other "do-it-yourself" OEM batteries on feebay are about $15 or less to your door...

04/01/2009, 09:25 AM
I agree Cy. I told my daughter if she Ace'd school I'd get her a phone of her choice, Welllllll she is and I hope she doesn't choose the iphone mainly due to if the battery goes bad you have to send it in and it's $100 (I'm told) plus no phone (I know pull the sim and put it in the extra razors laying around). And a Blackberry and most other "do-it-yourself" OEM batteries on feebay are about $15 or less to your door...

Welllllll, I don't know about Jacksonville, but in San Diego I think it's the law--if you're female, you HAVE to have an Iphone :rolleyes:.
Good luck!

04/01/2009, 10:19 AM
I have been thinking seriously about the Storm, but just heard from this thread about the G1..... me likey. I especially like the slide keyboard instead of the on screen one. Now... I just need to go play with them.:cool:

04/01/2009, 10:51 AM
I've been using a Storm since December and I love it. It does take some getting used to but after that, It's been wonderful. I use it to do all kinds of things including managing this forum from it.

04/01/2009, 10:53 AM
I have been thinking seriously about the Storm, but just heard from this thread about the G1..... me likey. I especially like the slide keyboard instead of the on screen one. Now... I just need to go play with them.:cool:

Look @ the palm pre. Watch the video of it from CES suppose to come out first half of this year after got pushed back from first qtr.

Its is a open platform using (forget what code its using have to watch video again) I think was html code along with something else so anyoen can write programs for it and there will nto be a learning curve.

Sorry throwing 2 cents in again. :D

Edit:: Oh yeah btw pre is full touch screen with slide out (from bottom not side) qwerty kb.

04/01/2009, 11:41 AM
I just checked youtube and there's many tutorials on unlocking the Storm, of course you have to visit there web site and buy it, but I found a $9.99 one that accepts paypal.. I'm sure there are free one's somewhere. It's all done by entering a code..

04/01/2009, 12:11 PM
I've been using a Storm since December and I love it. It does take some getting used to but after that, It's been wonderful. I use it to do all kinds of things including managing this forum from it.

I don't know....!!! :smilewink This seems like the best recommendation yet. He is our supreme leader and... well... a cop, but no deductions there.


04/01/2009, 01:33 PM
Blackberry BOLD Baby!

04/01/2009, 01:40 PM
I tried the storm, bold and curve. ...of those 3 the bold is the best...these devices are good for business connectivity. But, for the best all-around experience, ease of use and flexibility of the iphone. The AT&T network is not as good as Verizion...similar to Sprint...

04/01/2009, 05:28 PM
I ran my Garmin GPS, played my 16GB of music and talked on the phone (At the same time) all the way to Texas 2 weeks ago. Alot of folks discredit the Storm as a "Business" phone but it's far from it. It is pretty much an anything phone that if given a chance, a real chance, will surprise you.

04/01/2009, 06:39 PM
I tried the storm, bold and curve. ...of those 3 the bold is the best...these devices are good for business connectivity. But, for the best all-around experience, ease of use and flexibility of the iphone. The AT&T network is not as good as Verizion...similar to Sprint...

I disagree,AT&T is ranked as the best network my friend,verizon is pushing,but yet far.

With AT&T you go with your phone any where around the world,verizon don't give you that.

04/01/2009, 08:23 PM
I disagree,AT&T is ranked as the best network my friend,verizon is pushing,but yet far.

With AT&T you go with your phone any where around the world,verizon don't give you that.

I only worry about the U.S. and as a former at&t customer I agree that Verizon is better.

04/02/2009, 04:20 AM
Good points...once you get used to a device, you do get a better handle on it...Verizion is limited to the US

...but with the iphone, you get a killer user interface...java enabled web pages...zoom in and out is as easy as pinching your fingers together...to zoom out spread them apart...you get the app store...lots of cool little goodies...free games, utilities...I'm waiting for a scan gage type app...not to mention i-tunes...just downloaded Skype...I can't wait for the new interface this summer...instead of having to get new hardware, you get a free OS revision...It's a well thought out device that is simple to use.

04/02/2009, 08:43 AM
No one has mentioned HTC....wonder why?
I'm using an O2 Xda Orbit 2 and love it. Sure, this is UK's O2 wireless rebrand of the HTC Touch Cruise, but it's a "smartphone", GSM quadband, works in the U.S. on AT&T's 3g network, has GPS capability, runs on Windows Mobile OS and does not have a full keyboard but keeps a larger (touch) screen with a simple keypad and navigation wheel thingy.

HTC has some very cool phones, most are marketed overseas and some don't have the 3g capability in the U.S. unless they are picked up by our U.S. carriers and given a different name. Only ones I found (for AT&T) was the Touch Diamond, Touch Pro and Touch Cruise. Anyways, I'd say keep on eye on HTC and maybe see what they have or will have....depending on needs.

04/02/2009, 09:26 AM
... The AT&T network is not as good as Verizion...similar to Sprint...

If I may interject. I see you live in New York which North East is perdominately GTE now verizon, however there is some Att legacy up in there just not sure how much since I am waaay south. My point is with anywhere you are your service will depend on the coverage area that company covers. It may not neccisarly be bad service your getting a company may have bought that air space so they will have coverage in that area. Now I have only had att so I cant speak of others but I know here where I live for whatever reason when I go on 820 over jacksborro hwy I will always drop a call, Verizon will not(per my brother). Now that doesnt mean verizon is better than att who knows it just means that they dont cover that one area. Also it may not be the service provider but the cables themselves. For instance Verizon may own Verizon's cable that goes to thier own cell site. Also Verizon may own cable that feeds att, tmble, sprints cell sites as well. So if cable is shoty service will be effected. I hope that has cleared things up some what. I guess what I am trying to say Choose what works for you. Att is global where Verizon isnt. Verizon's gsm doesnt make the static noise next to speakers, where as att does. Att is at 3g at the moment and verizon is rolling 4G soon which was unvieled at the CTIA Wireless show. Its all relative and now I forgot what was being discussed just had to chime in to try and celar things up that one company may not be as bad as others because there are other circumstances that may play a role. For instance my centreno whcih sucks right now with att because the phone shuts off for no reason and lags when texting. Not att fault its mine for droping my phone lol.

OK sorry was just reading companys news now and thought i would share a a little excert "...Verizon, a CDMA carrier, does not. Like Vodafone, AT&T says there's plenty of life left in GSM networks. With HSPA, GSM networks can whisk data at average speeds of 6 to 8 megabits per second, vs. about 1.5 mbps for CDMA..."

04/02/2009, 09:29 AM
No one has mentioned HTC....wonder why?
I'm using an O2 Xda Orbit 2 and love it. Sure, this is UK's O2 wireless rebrand of the HTC Touch Cruise, but it's a "smartphone", GSM quadband, works in the U.S. on AT&T's 3g network, has GPS capability, runs on Windows Mobile OS and does not have a full keyboard but keeps a larger (touch) screen with a simple keypad and navigation wheel thingy.

HTC has some very cool phones, most are marketed overseas and some don't have the 3g capability in the U.S. unless they are picked up by our U.S. carriers and given a different name. Only ones I found (for AT&T) was the Touch Diamond, Touch Pro and Touch Cruise. Anyways, I'd say keep on eye on HTC and maybe see what they have or will have....depending on needs.

They arent bad phones I am sure since G1 is made by htc.

I had a treo that used windows mobile and I hate that OS. maybe was my dumb luck. I love palms OS and would like to try others.. Why i can I not be one of those people that test out gadgets for a living :(

04/02/2009, 11:18 AM
You guys are so far behind the times. Check out my latest rig...


It makes and receives phone calls and I can even use it in my car! :bwgy:

04/02/2009, 12:11 PM
It also can be used as a foot rest or booster seat! It's perfect!!

You guys are so far behind the times. Check out my latest rig...


It makes and receives phone calls and I can even use it in my car! :bwgy:

04/02/2009, 04:20 PM
Both my parents have the Storm, and (my Opinion) I hated it. I didn't like the fact that you had to "press" the screen to click instead of a simple touch.

I was a huge follower of the Treo (600, 650 and 2x 680 both copper:cool:), But I pre-ordered the HTC G1 Android phone and will prolly never go back to treo until they finally release there new OpenSource OS, not the "webOS" on the new pre. If I'm not mistaken Palm is in a legal battle with Apple because of the Multitouch functions, as well. But I also know that Palm has some against the Iphone too.

Anyways, back to the Storm. I didn't like the web browser at all and there were way to many bugs on the phone that killed it even more. And again, the "push" to click kinda messes with you when you try clicking a link in the browser as well. But in my case, I'm just used to the simple tap and such on the Treos and G1. Also there was a recent update that fixed most of the bugs and there have been a decent amount of good reviews after the update was added, but it is an unofficial update. I believe 1.1.3 and a leak for 1.1.4 if you search the net...

uum, I think I got carried away... :bwgy:

04/04/2009, 08:04 AM
I read this thread with some interest as my wife and I were trying to decide what to do about our phones over the last few weeks. We both had Verizon, but on separate plans, and both of our phones/plans were well beyond the two-year contract point. I was initially sold on the Storm, but after playing with it in the store I too found the interface a little awkward and at times frustrating to use. I was significantly more frustrated, however, when I found out that Verizon charges a $30/month fee on EACH BlackBerry phone that you have on your plan. In our case I wanted a Storm for the internet and email, but my wife wanted a Curve just because she liked the look (didn't need or want the internet or email services). But it doesn't matter what you want, it's $30 per phone per month either way. I'll admit I was probably a little naive about the costs, but still it was a shock to think I'd be paying $60 per month on top of a $90 per month family plan. OUCH.

So we considered switching to AT&T and getting iPhones, but it was the same drill with the $30 fee per phone. We did think about it however, as the wife loves her iPod and let's face it, it is THE leading-edge phone out there regardless of what you think of AT&T. But from talking to lots of friends that own them (and reading/watching reviews on www.PhoneDog.com - bad *** site btw) they seem to be pretty fragile. Don't flame me, I'm sure if you buy the right case/screen protector/jacket etc. you don't have a problem, but I'm tough on my phones so I need something pretty sturdy. Plus I've heard a lot of horror stories about Apple and AT&T refusing to help you out if the phone breaks, which I guess makes sense when you have people lining up outside your store to buy them.

So after watching several reviews on the afore-mentioned PhoneDog site, we settled on LG Dares. It's last year's technology, but I like the interface and the browser/VCast work pretty well (certainly a dramatic improvement over my now 2 1/2 year old flip phone), plus it's a pretty tough design. Unlimited internet is only $15 extra per line, and it's optional for the Dare, so we're only paying for exactly what we need. As the reviewer said on PhoneDog, it's pretty good for a "dumb" phone. :)

04/04/2009, 12:45 PM
I am using the blackberry storm I also use the microsoft mobile office on it and that is what sold me over the iphone. I have a touch and my girl friend has an iphone I just like my blackberry better than both. I have all my music on it and it never even hiccups. Only reason for the touch is I can't have a camera phone at work.... :(

04/10/2009, 12:19 PM
i have had the storm about three months. no problems, i like it. just keep it updated. satch

04/10/2009, 05:52 PM
Nokia E71 should be looked at. Full QWERTY layout, 3G, WLAN, 3.2 MP Camera, GPS, stainless steel all over, great battery life and very thin. Should be available through AT&T for $100 real soon.

The Nokia N95 is also another great phone if you want a traditional keypad and don't mind the thickness.
