View Full Version : Latest VX Youtube flick....

04/07/2009, 08:52 PM
My ride home...
(when I don't feel like taking the streets)


04/07/2009, 08:57 PM
Nice, how was you camera mounted. It sure took a beating.

04/07/2009, 09:05 PM
Nice, how was you camera mounted. It sure took a beating.
I ran the little strap through the headrest post and then duct taped the ∫hit out of it...It was actually very steady...or at least as steady as the headrest...

Riff Raff
04/07/2009, 09:27 PM
Hmmm. I just wasted 2:28 of my life on that worthless video. Please delete it.

04/08/2009, 12:05 AM
Haha shame we coudnt see the vx from the outside view while you were driving, not too bad video tho

04/08/2009, 04:06 AM
I think your camera was having a siezour!!!

04/08/2009, 05:34 AM
I have a headache !

04/08/2009, 07:23 AM
I threw up 50 secs in. ;puke:


04/08/2009, 07:49 AM
That's how bumpy the ride is... I mostly made that video for myself , they are planning to build houses back there and I have been tearing it up back there for a few years now, it's my alternate route home. The camera was stable against the car because the shot is steady when I'm going over flat road . I put out the challenge for anyone to make a similar in cab video, blasting over bumps and emptying puddles that has a less bumpy shot.

04/08/2009, 12:37 PM
I have a headache !

HWJ you own us a couple of aleve pills with a cup of water man,got a headache too.

All looked like riding a rodeo bull

04/08/2009, 02:16 PM
That's how bumpy the ride is... I mostly made that video for myself , they are planning to build houses back there and I have been tearing it up back there for a few years now, it's my alternate route home. The camera was stable against the car because the shot is steady when I'm going over flat road . I put out the challenge for anyone to make a similar in cab video, blasting over bumps and emptying puddles that has a less bumpy shot.

I may take the challenge as an excuse to go play in the mud.. hehe

04/08/2009, 07:09 PM
Hmmm. I just wasted 2:28 of my life on that worthless video. Please delete it.
one of the slickest videos I have seen. But then Riff Raff is a mac weenie, I come from TAC

gotcha ya

Riff Raff
04/09/2009, 02:10 AM
one of the slickest videos I have seen. But then Riff Raff is a mac weenie, I come from TAC

gotcha ya

Negative Ghostrider, the pattern is full. Sorry, ROWHARD, I always wore green; never blue (so I'm not a "weenie" of any kind-- MAC, TAC, or SAC). I got issued gloves, so I don't have to always walk around with my hands in my pockets like you!!! In regards to this threads video, it is a total POS!!!

04/10/2009, 07:02 AM
Negative Ghostrider, the pattern is full. Sorry, ROWHARD, I always wore green; never blue (so I'm not a "weenie" of any kind-- MAC, TAC, or SAC). I got issued gloves, so I don't have to always walk around with my hands in my pockets like you!!! In regards to this threads video, it is a total POS!!!

POS..... Pretensiously overtly stylistic?
Purposely overbearingly seductive?
Positively orgasmic scene?..

Well not that last one... That would be the video I shot with riff raff's mom...( talk about bumpy camera work that would make you sick!)...;)

Anyway as a video artist...or as any kind of artist , feedback both positive and negative is important, the positive feedback to fuel the ego and for the satisfaction of pleasing your target audience, and the negative feedback to keep you trying to improve and craft better more dynamic art...the negative feedback is also good to have if only for an artist to learn to ignore it... Because no true artist is immune from it..

I never claimed that my video was the greatest vx video ever made... Only the latest vx video ever made. It was an expirment that truthfully I am not even totally pleased with. I have never seen an offroad in cab video posted before... So I am a bit of trailblazer, pardon the pun...if anyone wants to show me a similar one that's better ... I'm all eyes...

don moore
04/10/2009, 07:35 AM
HWJ im proud of you doing this video thing,,,I was shocked you did have anything in it downing GWBush..good job..I liked it ....i like the over the sholder look better than a window in..it makes you see what the driver does also....:)

04/10/2009, 08:50 AM
Anyway as a video artist...or as any kind of artist , feedback both positive and negative is important, the positive feedback to fuel the ego and for the satisfaction of pleasing your target audience, and the negative feedback to keep you trying to improve and craft better more dynamic art...the negative feedback is also good to have if only for an artist to learn to ignore it... Because no true artist is immune from it..

You got more input than my videos did and I spent more time on mine editing and what not. I have some in cab offroading shots in my videos. They are handheld and really bouncy.

You can either search for my thread here or on youtube search Jimmyinreno for my vids

04/10/2009, 12:24 PM
Riff Raff,

The ball is in your mom's court.

Holy cow !!!

I thought this was a family site... errr... I guess it is.....:eek:

Riff Raff
04/11/2009, 04:04 AM
Positively orgasmic scene?..

Well not that last one... That would be the video I shot with riff raff's mom...( talk about bumpy camera work that would make you sick!)...;)

Hmmm; if you've been doing my Mom, then you owe a whole bunch of money in back child support or you're a deadbeat Dad. In either case, I'll collect what is due to me either out of your wallet or out of your @ss. Thanx, Dad. ;)

04/11/2009, 06:51 AM
Hmmm; if you've been doing my Mom, then you owe a whole bunch of money in back child support or you're a deadbeat Dad. In either case, I'll collect what is due to me either out of your wallet or out of your @ss. Thanx, Dad. ;)

Hahahaha you guys are terrible ! :p

Bad,bad behaved boys

04/11/2009, 07:38 AM
Wowsers, Wasabi!

You create a stir even when you aren't trying to!!! :laughing:

There is a very simple way, actually, to get smooth in cab shots with the VX.

:D Bart

04/11/2009, 09:39 AM
I always wore green; never blue Green as in grunt? Thought you were a zoomie the way you always ended with AF logo 'AIM HIGH'.

We did a drive by the Longhorn last night but didn't see your proton on our way to Good Fella's for dinner.

Riff Raff
04/11/2009, 11:59 AM
Green as in grunt? Thought you were a zoomie the way you always ended with AF logo 'AIM HIGH'.

We did a drive by the Longhorn last night but didn't see your proton on our way to Good Fella's for dinner.

ROWHARD--- Yes, green as in grunt. I'm a retired O-5 from the Army Signal Corps and spent most of my career at the Pentagon dumping waste baskets for O-7's & above (at least it kept me from going to the big sandbox). I missed the 9/11 plane crash, as I was on 30-day leave that whole month of September (good timing I guess). Yes, I'm affectionately known as a R.E.M.F.!!!

I always sign-off with you with "AIM HIGH" as my own personal salute to you for your service and for my great respect of the AF, eventhough I've always been AR.

I never drive my Proton to work; as it prefers the nice warm confines of my garage and I don't have to worry about drunk gawker's finger-printing my windows, because most have never seen a VX. Since I live so close to work, I just commute in my little 4-banger "beater" (cheaper on gas, too).

Yes; the Longhorn was very busy last night, as on every weekend. I know you don't like crowds, so a casual Sunday night or weeknight visit would best fit with your preference. "AIM HIGH"!!!

04/11/2009, 06:09 PM
Hmmm; if you've been doing my Mom, then you owe a whole bunch of money in back child support or you're a deadbeat Dad. In either case, I'll collect what is due to me either out of your wallet or out of your @ss. Thanx, Dad. ;)

I pulled out way early on that one and when she told me she was knocked up I told her to get

Riff Raff
04/11/2009, 08:22 PM
I pulled out way early on that one and when she told me she was knocked up I told her to get

Too bad for you; it's called a "premature ejaculation"!!! Most of us real men know how to "listen" to our bodies, and react at just the right moment by writing our names in the snow before the point of no return. I guess that nine inches of internal flesh was just too good and you wanted to stay in just a few seconds longer than your normal 2. If you don't have stamina; don't know how to listen to your body when the time is right, then don't make love without the glove. In any event, it's now time to pay up (paper, plastic, or reconstructive surgery-- the choice is yours). As Homer Simpson would say-- "Doh"!!!

04/11/2009, 08:26 PM
Ummm guys...maybe enough....is enough:eek:

I ( obviously !) aint no prude...

...but maybe you should take it to PM's, if ya gotta continue this line of banter.



Riff Raff
04/11/2009, 08:31 PM
Thank you, Jo. I've said my say. I'm already down range onto another thread. Peace out. Riff Raff

04/11/2009, 10:12 PM
Ummm guys...maybe enough....is enough:eek:

I ( obviously !) aint no prude...

...but maybe you should take it to PM's, if ya gotta continue this line of banter.

Good call, Jo. I was gonna say, this is getting a little childish and maybe this thread should be locked, no offense to anyone...


04/12/2009, 07:53 AM
I agree and am gonna highjack and point everyone to my thread where VX's and video cameras are involved.

HIGHJACK (http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?t=14540)