View Full Version : MOAB 2009 - Sticker

04/19/2009, 10:01 AM
Since the demise of Zu' zoo, so has been event stickers.
I sort of liked them, and miss them.

I did one up for 2007 and seemed to have some interest...


I missed 2008 so didn't bother with another, but since it's going to take a lot for me to miss 2009, I did another for this year. This is my first draft - but I'm not sure I'm going to have time to work on it much more. (I want to try one with smoother edges)

I'm going to do up about 20- 7.62cm x 7.62cm (3x3 :p, eh!) and bring them. I'll bring the EPS file to print more at the T-shirt shop if needed.

It's Moab Man!


Btw - cost:$0 (if I like you ;))

edit: new layout;


04/19/2009, 10:40 AM
hey kenny...just outta curiousity, do you think you could do anything with the usual 'moab splat' guy??

just a thought...

ps- i really appreciate that your making these for everyone...always fun to add more history to the ride

04/19/2009, 11:14 AM
Looks great Kenny! I do kinda like the idea of Splat Guy's head on your body design. I'm not sure if that is copy write infridgements or what. Hey, you're making it up. Design whatever makes you feel good. Besides, if you took everyone's idea......someone would still complain. While I'm thinking about it, throw my idea out the window. I like your design the most.

Do you like me Kenny?

04/19/2009, 12:02 PM
:p...you've ALWAYS ben my favorite :cool:

Btw - cost:$0 (if I like you ;))

Love the design..splat man would be good too.

Only slight worry...kind of "square".

If the 'white bits' peel off and stick , that would be great IMO.


04/19/2009, 01:02 PM

I would love to have one no matter what the design ends up being. I like your design as you have it (I'm not that big on "splat man's" head, but that's my opinion).

Do you have any of the ZuZoo X stickers left? I didn't get one from that year and it would be good to have.

Thanks for putting in the effort.

See you in Moab.

Riff Raff
04/19/2009, 01:31 PM
KENNY--- Cool idea. Perhaps you can add a line at the very bottom of the sticker that says: "In Memory of TONE - R.I.P."

04/19/2009, 02:10 PM
Dood... It's PERFECT just the way it is!

I would display it proudly!:thumbup:

Especially since you won't have much time for changes...:rolleyesg

You da MAN!

Riff Raff
04/19/2009, 02:33 PM
Dood... It's PERFECT just the way it is!

I would display it proudly!:thumbup:

Especially since you won't have much time for changes...:rolleyesg

You da MAN!

That may be true 'Dub; however, I believe TONE is a worthy exception of this very easy modification to the existing decal and would be a great way to honor our fallen comrade. This year's MOAB trip should be dedicated in memory of TONE.

04/19/2009, 02:45 PM
Cool design Kenny. I actually have that "guy" on one of my side windows. It is actually a copy of local Moab indian pictographs! don't get much more Moab than that.
Will these be like past ZuZoo stickers...like Dub said...just the white part?
And a huge:thanx:for doing this for us all!:thumbup:

04/19/2009, 02:54 PM
Dude, count me in too, and I will give a "donation" at Moab!!!
Although I never met Tone, I did PM back and forth with him, and read almost all of his posts. It seems like a grand idea to dedicate this year to Tone.

Scott Harness
04/19/2009, 03:28 PM
Thanks Kenny, looks great! I'll take two.
Scott (Moncha) is working on a Tone tribute sticker
The VX gives you wings shot

04/19/2009, 04:11 PM
Thanks guys.
The sticker will be a vinyl "peel off" - where the white areas are their own stickers - so the black area is just your background window or paint...


I can easily put the dedication to Tone at the bottom. Since it's a peel off, any part can be left off, or stuck somewhere else.

I like splat - so I have him already on the VX. Sorry guys.


If you want, you can go and buy the splat man at the T-shirt shop and put his head there instead of Moab Man's.
The "X" in the body is part of the XII so who knows how it'll look... Then again, there's always 2010:eek:.

I'll try to bring a few more 2007 stickers to pass around...
Sorry Mark, I seem to remember owing you one last year, oops...

I didn't want this to be a long "me too, me three..." so I'll bring a few dozen. If someone wants a larger one or different colour, then it's easy to do at the local shop.

ps. i like you tom.

04/20/2009, 07:39 AM
I like how your dude is made up of a V and an X... pretty cool...

Wish I was going to make it this year :(

04/20/2009, 07:51 AM
I like how your dude is made up of a V and an X... pretty cool...

Wish I was going to make it this year :(

I wish you were too...:sighwgray

Won't the dog still be there after Moab?...:naughty:

T-J over...:rolleyes:

04/27/2009, 09:02 AM
Kenny, very cool! I'll take one also.

I am handling the VX Gives You Wings memorial stickers and will be bringing them with to Moab. (Keep on Kenny's subject please)

Thank you for your hard work!

Scott Harness
04/27/2009, 11:49 AM
Kenny, I'll take two. Thanks in advance

04/27/2009, 12:01 PM
I'll take two..too...if thats Ok.


04/27/2009, 08:50 PM
As I said, I wasn't a fan of the choppy look - so I smoothed it out some. Looks like I'll be bringing about 3 dozen. If I run out, it'll be a few bucks to print 'em at the T-shirt shop. Nobody will go without.


04/28/2009, 08:41 AM
Looks GREAT Kenny...I've got a spot picked on the glass already...:thumbup:

I mean, that is, if you still like me...:smilewink

Otherwise, I guess I'll have to bring $$$.

don moore
04/29/2009, 02:22 PM
i cant go but i can get a sticker ..I hope .put me down for 1 thx

04/29/2009, 05:50 PM
Just remember some 3XL for us (shall I say) larger folks.

04/29/2009, 07:09 PM
Ummm..ya mean "Portly" or "Stout"...like me!

Just remember some 3XL for us (shall I say) larger folks.

heck...always was built for comfort...not speed.

Thats why I Crawl...rather than Drag!




04/30/2009, 03:03 PM
Just remember some 3XL for us (shall I say) larger folks.

stickers, not t-shirts dudes.
But with the logo, we can always make some up...:smack: