View Full Version : Testing Waters: VX Wiki

04/20/2009, 12:53 PM
I've been working on a VX related Wiki using Mediawiki (same system Wikipedia uses).

My goal is to have a place where you can get the information you need as fast as possible, without having to search through hundreds of threads and banter just to find what you need. For an example, you are in the middle of doing a lift but you get into a small bind, if you have a shop computer, you can pull it up within minutes or even print it out for quick reference.

It of course would have to be a community effort to update/add information (tutorials, specs, images, etc.)

My reasoning behind this is, I was looking for some info on a 350z for a friend and found a website 350z Tech that utilizes a wiki, I was able to pull up the info I was looking for within a matter of minutes instead of having to search through their forums. I thought to myself that this would be awesome for our beloved VX Community! So I started working on one a couple weeks ago. This is where you all would come in…

So I was wondering how many of you out there would actually want/benefit from a VX Wiki?

For those that do, and would like to help me add content and get permission from those that have tutorials and information just to get it started, shoot me a PM and I'll send you the web address, especially those that know the wiki syntax.

04/20/2009, 01:02 PM
ya that would be great!!!

it would also help keeping everything in one place. i find a lot of times that i need some info on an install and i end up not being able to find the information because the thread is so old it 'dissapears' off the map...

i already have a few 'write-ups' on different things stored on my computer, both a mixture of my own work and others that i thought would be handy to keep around..

please let us know if this materializes

04/20/2009, 01:08 PM
That is what the intention of having the VX Knowledgebase (http://www.vehicross.info/modules.php?name=Encyclopedia) and the How To's (http://www.vehicross.info/modules.php?name=Content) but I could never get it to take off properly.

I'll support what ever the masses want. If you need a place to host, we'll make room for it.

04/20/2009, 02:38 PM


That is what the intention of having the VX Knowledgebase (http://www.vehicross.info/modules.php?name=Encyclopedia) and the How To's (http://www.vehicross.info/modules.php?name=Content) but I could never get it to take off properly.

I'll support what ever the masses want. If you need a place to host, we'll make room for it.

04/20/2009, 03:02 PM
Yes, I think it is a great idea. BUT, I don't think we need to reinvent the wheel. PlanetIsuzoo already has a ZuZu wiki, the VX section is messed up however.

Isuzu Wiki (http://wiki.planetisuzoo.com/index.php/Main_Page)

I sent a PM to Tad about it today. Hopefully he will reply and let me know what's up with the VX section. Once it's fixed, we can (should) all just contribute to it there. :thumbup:


04/20/2009, 06:06 PM
Agreed on not reinventing the wheel, but keep in mind that we probably need to take it a step further and have the community choose ONE (1) of these options to use exclusively to reduce any confusion when folks do Google searches.

04/20/2009, 07:03 PM
tom4bren and rickshaw need to be in on this for sure!!!!!

04/20/2009, 10:50 PM
It seems there is more interest for a wiki than I originally had thought.

I understand the concerns of having just one wiki to lessen the confusion. I'm not trying to "step" on anyone’s toes about putting one up. It is not my intentions at all. I just like building websites, learning new things. I've had the wiki up and down contemplating whether I should or not over at VXLounge for over a year now. But after seeing some other automotive wiki's out there, I just had to do one.

The one I am working on, is running on the latest version of Mediawiki, and running some decent extensions (plug-ins) to further customize the layout and available content that may be used. Some of which you all have become accustomed to because of Wikipedia. I am working on a “bridge” of some sort to combine your existing username from VXLounge (think. yearly calendar voting) with the wiki so there will not be multiple log ins to both sites. That is my final goal.

I would really like to take charge, or crack the door open for this endeavor, and hope that all of you old and new members will buy in and actually help with the content.

In about a week, I will go ahead and release the link to the wiki, I just need a little more time to work out the template and a couple other things to get the ball rolling.

p.s. Moncha, again, my intentions is not to step on your toes. I'm in no way trying to replace what this site has provided the Family for years before I even joined. VXinfo is always the very first site I visit every day. And probably will be for as long as I own my VX.

04/21/2009, 08:28 AM
Data, data, everywhere, but not a drop of ink...


04/21/2009, 09:15 AM
Knigh7s, that's cool, I mean, there is room for it. In fact, even if there are 2 or 3 VX wikis, there is nothing stopping us from duplicating the info on multiple wikis. There is nothing wrong with having redundant data, as long as it is consistent and correct. :thumbup:

Personally, I think the Planet's wiki is good because it is housed on probably the largest Isuzu SUV enthusiast forum on the Web, and it is ready to go. I was planning on adding my timing belt how-to up there, but the VX section wasn't working. I got an e-mail from Tad last night and he fixed it so now the VX section is working.

If you have a look at it, you will see that it is in need of some SERIOUS help however!!


don moore
04/21/2009, 03:01 PM
why not...the more areas to use the same or some different stuff on our VXs the better.

04/21/2009, 06:56 PM
No toes a curling here.. I down with whatever the collective is going for. If the info goes somewhere else, with certain permissions, I'd get it here also.

04/27/2009, 08:28 AM
If Y'all want a wiki then by all means do it. Personally I favor the How2 & DownLoad sections of our own forum.

Ever since I joined, I've archived the more involved How2's in pdf format. Some I later got Scott to put in the How2.

If you start this wiki, I would suggest that you archive it here & then copy it there.