View Full Version : TOD Light issue

04/28/2009, 10:13 AM
Howdy all.
I have looked through the forums, and haven't found this one. My TOD diagram lights flash ONLY when the headlights are on! It started doing this about a month ago. The TOD appears to work, and the TOD check light isn't on, just the diagram lights. They always flash when the headlights are on, and only sometimes when the park lights are on, but never when no lights are on. I just replaced all 4 tires, the connections look good, and everything appears to function properly. It did the flash just before replacing the tires and continues after replacement. Any ideas out there? I hate electrical gremlins!

04/28/2009, 10:50 AM
Doomer - a little more info, please.

What exactly do you mean when you say the ToD lights "flash"??

04/29/2009, 04:51 AM
The diagram showing the wheels powered flashes. The bars still move and show which wheels are being driven, it just flashes. By flash, I mean blinking on and off rapidly. The diagram itself is the only thing that flashes. Thanks for any ideas/help. As I stated, it doesn't appear to affect anything, I just don't wanna break anything either.
Robert :confused:

04/29/2009, 07:59 AM
Wow dude - that's weird! Is it a steady rhythmic flashing, or somewhat erratic?

Both my sets of ToD problems were due to shorts in the ToD system wiring harness - wear or heat (from the catalytic converter) on the wire insulation caused the sensor wires to short out and led to spastic ToD indicator light behavior.

It might be possible that you are grounding out on a lighting wire, which would explain why it only happens when the lights are on. But that is just a WAG.

Good luck!

04/29/2009, 01:23 PM
I don't know if maybe this has anything to do with it?


04/29/2009, 05:23 PM
Nice find Jamas!

04/30/2009, 06:14 AM

I was in there and found several items that put my mind at ease.

I guess it pays to constantly be checking the forums all day while you are at work.:)

04/30/2009, 07:02 AM
That's the ONLY way to get paid for checking the forums all day! ;)

04/30/2009, 10:26 AM
Thanks. I will check it out when I get home. My work denies access to this weblink, oh well. To answer your earlier question VehiGAZ, the flashing is steady. Thanks JAMAS, I will link it up & read it when I get home. Thanks again...Robert

04/30/2009, 11:39 AM
I bet you JAMAs's find is your problem...

05/04/2009, 06:07 AM
Doomer - any word yet?

05/04/2009, 07:14 AM
I think doomer jinxed me. My check TOD light started flashing over the weekend. It's fine now so maybe it was just the rain???:)

05/04/2009, 12:23 PM
:thumbup::clap::thumbup: JAMAS, put on the white hat 'cause you're the hero! That was exactly the problem. I think it has also fixed another intermittent problem I've had with the blower motor. Sometimes, the blower wouldn't work, but if I switched between outside & inside vent, it would start working. So far, it blows every time now. It was a bugger to get to, I am 6" & 235 lbs & don't contort as well as I used to. Kudos to all...thanks, Robert :_steering

05/04/2009, 12:27 PM
Someone write that down, because I wont get any more of the hard ones right.

At least for now I feel smart.:rolleyes:

And to celebrate...........Here are some dancing bananas