View Full Version : Swine Fever Outbreak.

04/30/2009, 03:01 AM
There are now cases confirmed in the UK ! More worrying to me is there is a case in London and i can assure you if it is as bad as they say then it could spread fairly quickly. It came over from Mexico and i believe there are cases in the US too.


They recon 30-40% of the population could be affected which is un believable so lets hope it doesn't turn into a pandemic!!

VX crazy
04/30/2009, 05:15 AM
As long as people take precautions, and pay attention to their symptoms.....its not the same as a cough from allergies, you would have sudden onset of fever with cough, go to your doctor asap as medications need to be started within 48 hrs of first symptoms. I am sure this will be pandemic, we are only 1 phase below it here in the US. Wash your hands, dont touch any mucous membranes and stay away from large crowds where you chances are higher of being in contact with someone who has the virus.

04/30/2009, 06:29 AM
We now have a two year old in Reno with it. I am not sure of his/her condition. It worries me for several reasons. Naturally the loss of human life is bad even though the world could use some thinning.

Other work related concerns.
One, we have a production plant in Mexico. We ship product to the plant here and inspect, someitmes closely with an eye loop (jewelers loop). It is a ways away from Mexico City, so right now its ok.
Two, they have told them to send any single, pregnant or nursing mothers home and take their children to the get checked.
Three is from a business standpoint, we have been hit pretty hard and went from a 250 employee company to 60. Our bookings have come way up but its all based on Mexico producing the large quantity orders. If they shut the business park down like they mentioned yesterday, were SOL.

04/30/2009, 07:04 AM
Don't believe the hype. If there were something else going on in the world, that story would be all over the news.

It's the freaking flu people! I'll make sure to put out a press release next time I get the sniffles...

04/30/2009, 07:11 AM
And we all have THIS little PIG LICKER to thank...:upsetgray...;puke:


VX crazy
04/30/2009, 07:19 AM
People dont realize how many people die EVERY year here in the US from the Flu.....like 30k a year, this might be worse but still its just the flu.......and you dont get it from eating pork, pork is yummmy!

04/30/2009, 07:23 AM
People dont realize how many people die EVERY year here in the US from the Flu.....like 30k a year, this might be worse but still its just the flu.......and you dont get it from eating pork, pork is yummmy!

To quote Vincent Vega...bacon is goooood...pork chops are goooood..:cool:

04/30/2009, 07:27 AM
I was hoping at least this site would be free from the hype the media is spreading on this. Every newspaper and media outlet in the world is hyping this and frankly it is nothing. More people are dying on the highways each day then will be sick let alone die from this flu. It is not even a particularly strong strain and innoculations and cures are available.

04/30/2009, 08:22 AM
My main concern is having a job. IF they cause problems in Mexico then our plant shuts down and we probly dont last long. I know its just the flu and I am not worried too much about getting it.

Hype as far as getting sick, yeah. But if you think its hype and the CDC and WHO raise caution then its more than just being sick for a lot of people. The next thing would be to shut down the borders, that screws up my life and all the people I work with.

So dont talk like people like me are idiots for being concerned.

Ldub, I think its... bacon TASTES goooood...pork chops TASTE goooood.
I love that movie.

04/30/2009, 08:28 AM
Ldub, I think its... bacon TASTES goooood...pork chops TASTE goooood.
I love that movie.

Oh yeah...now I remember...:mbrasd:

04/30/2009, 08:28 AM
Yeah, IMO, it's all just massive media paranoia hype, as per usual. Sure, it is "bad", but the news media makes it sound like freakin' Ebola...


04/30/2009, 09:52 AM
Bart, don't you still have a bunch of gas masks left over? Could I borrow one until this whole thing blows over?:p

04/30/2009, 10:20 AM

Yeah, IMO, it's all just massive media paranoia hype, as per usual. Sure, it is "bad", but the news media makes it sound like freakin' Ebola...


Its the only way FOX news...;puke2;

.....can divert attention from O'B's first 100 days.


04/30/2009, 10:46 AM
Bart, don't you still have a bunch of gas masks left over? Could I borrow one until this whole thing blows over?:p

You know, I was really hoping that the hype does spur some sales on my site, but...

:) Bart

04/30/2009, 11:55 AM
bacon TASTES goooood...pork chops TASTE goooood.

New forum rule... Always verify your movie quotes at imdb.com (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110912/quotes)...

Vincent: Want some bacon?
Jules: No man, I don't eat pork.
Vincent: Are you Jewish?
Jules: Nah, I ain't Jewish, I just don't dig on swine, that's all.
Vincent: Why not?
Jules: Pigs are filthy animals. I don't eat filthy animals.
Vincent: Bacon tastes gooood. Pork chops taste gooood.
Jules: Hey, sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I'd never know 'cause I wouldn't eat the filthy [mf]. Pigs sleep and root in [poo-poo]. That's a filthy animal. I ain't eat nothin' that ain't got enough sense enough to disregard its own feces.
Vincent: How about a dog? Dogs eats its own feces.
Jules: I don't eat dog either.

Etc., etc....

04/30/2009, 12:02 PM
To quote Vincent Vega...bacon is goooood...pork chops are goooood..:cool:

Hay! Sewer rat might taste like pumpkin pie but I'd never know cause I’d never eat the filthy mother fracker.;)

04/30/2009, 12:20 PM
New forum rule... Always verify your movie quotes at imdb.com (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110912/quotes)...

Vincent: Want some bacon?
Jules: No man, I don't eat pork.
Vincent: Are you Jewish?
Jules: Nah, I ain't Jewish, I just don't dig on swine, that's all.
Vincent: Why not?
Jules: Pigs are filthy animals. I don't eat filthy animals.
Vincent: Bacon tastes gooood. Pork chops taste gooood.
Jules: Hey, sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I'd never know 'cause I wouldn't eat the filthy [mf]. Pigs sleep and root in [poo-poo]. That's a filthy animal. I ain't eat nothin' that ain't got enough sense enough to disregard its own feces.
Vincent: How about a dog? Dogs eats its own feces.
Jules: I don't eat dog either.

Etc., etc....

I have seen that movie so many times I didnt have to verify. Nice editing btw.

04/30/2009, 12:29 PM
Whats crazy is that I didn't know anything about the swine flu until I saw it on CNN......
I would say it is dangerous, better to over react now than after it is too late. We are about due for some type of pandemic. I blame global warming...

I heard a decent joke today at work:

100 years ago, people said pigs would fly before we have a black president..........today, swine flu. LOL.

04/30/2009, 01:23 PM
I think some people in this nation - namely our irresponsible media - are in an unnatural panic about this issue. There's some good info in this article as we think about our life, work and health options.......the highlights therein are mine. And, by the way, Dr. Mercola is a nationally known osteopathic physician who has been on the Today Show, CNN, ABC World News Tonight, and just about every other network news program you can think of.

As a good friend of mine often says, 'Don't let fear hold you back!'

Why a True Bird- or Swine Flu Pandemic is HIGHLY Unlikely!
From Dr. Mercola

Why a True Bird- or Swine Flu Pandemic is HIGHLY Unlikely

While in my opinion it is highly likely factory farming is responsible for producing this viral strain, I believe there is still no cause for concern.

You may not know this, but all H1N1 flu's are descendants of the 1918 pandemic strain. The reason why the flu shot may or may not work, however, from year to year, is due to mutations. Therefore, there"s no vaccine available for this current hybrid flu strain, and naturally, this is feeding the fear that millions of people will die before a vaccine can be made.

However, let me remind you of one very important fact here.

Just a couple of months ago, scientists concluded that the 1918 flu pandemic that killed between 50-100 million people worldwide in a matter of 18 months -- which all these worst case scenarios are built upon -- was NOT due to the flu itself!4

Instead, they discovered the real culprit was strep infections.

People with influenza often get what is known as a "superinfection" with a bacterial agent. In 1918 it appears to have been Streptococcus pneumoniae.

Since strep is much easier to treat than the flu using modern medicine, a new pandemic would likely be much less dire than it was in the early 20th century, the researchers concluded.

Others, such as evolutionary biologist Paul Ewald,5 claim that a pandemic of this sort simply cannot happen, because in order for it to occur, the world has to change. Not the virus itself, but the world.

In a previous interview for Esquire magazine, in which he discusses the possibility of a bird flu pandemic, he states:

"They think that if a virus mutates, it"s an evolutionary event. Well, the virus is mutating because that is what viruses and other pathogens do. But evolution is not just random mutation. It is random mutation coupled with natural selection; it is a battle for competitive advantage among different strains generated by random mutation.

For bird flu to evolve into a human pandemic, the strain that finds a home in humanity has to be a strain that is both highly virulent and highly transmissible. Deadliness has to translate somehow into popularity; H5N1 has to find a way to kill or immobilize its human hosts, and still find other hosts to infect. Usually that doesn"t happen."

Ewald goes on to explain that evolution in general is all about trade-offs, and in the evolution of infections the trade-off is between virulence and transmissibility.

What this means is that in order for a "bird flu" or "swine flu" to turn into a human pandemic, it has to find an environment that favors both deadly virulence and ease of transmission.

People living in squalor on the Western Front at the end of World War I generated such an environment, from which the epidemic of 1918 could arise.

Likewise, crowded chicken farms, slaughterhouses, and jam-packed markets of eastern Asia provide another such environment, and that environment gave rise to the bird flu -- a pathogen that both kills and spreads, in birds, but not in humans.

Says Ewald:

"We know that H5N1 is well adapted to birds. We also know that it has a hard time becoming a virus that can move from person to person. It has a hard time without our doing anything. But we can make it harder. We can make sure it has no human population in which to evolve transmissibility. There is no need to rely on the mass extermination of chickens. There is no need to stockpile vaccines for everyone.

By vaccinating just the people most at risk -- the people who work with chickens and the caregivers -- we can prevent it from becoming transmissible among humans. Then it doesn"t matter what it does in chickens."

Please remember that, despite the fantastic headlines and projections of MILLIONS of deaths, the H5N1 bird flu virus killed a mere 257 people worldwide since late 2003. As unfortunate as those deaths are, 257 deaths worldwide from any disease, over the course of five years, simply does not constitute an emergency worthy of much attention, let alone fear!

Honestly, your risk of being killed by a lightning strike in the last five years was about 2,300 percent higher than your risk of contracting and dying from the bird flu.6 I"m not kidding! In just one year (2004), more than 1,170 people died from lighting strikes, worldwide.7

So please, as the numbers of confirmed swine flu cases are released, keep a level head and don"t let fear run away with your brains.

04/30/2009, 01:32 PM

Its the only way FOX news...;puke2;

.....can divert attention from O'B's first 100 days.


You think he did anything that has resulted in any success? He spent hundreds of billions and no success. His popularity ratins are high but have fallen 10% since the election and that is with the media kissing his ***.

04/30/2009, 01:45 PM
Vincent: Want some bacon?
Jules: No man, I don't eat pork.
Vincent: Are you Jewish?
Jules: Nah, I ain't Jewish, I just don't dig on swine, that's all.
Vincent: Why not?
Jules: Pigs are filthy animals. I don't eat filthy animals.
Vincent: Bacon tastes gooood. Pork chops taste gooood.
Jules: Hey, sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I'd never know 'cause I wouldn't eat the filthy [mf]. Pigs sleep and root in [poo-poo]. That's a filthy animal. I ain't eat nothin' that ain't got enough sense enough to disregard its own feces.
Vincent: How about a dog? Dogs eats its own feces.
Jules: I don't eat dog either.

Etc., etc....

New rule don't Etc., etc... the best part:gring::grinb:

Vincent: Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal?
Jules: I wouldn't go so far as to call a dog filthy but they're definitely dirty. But, a dog's got personality. Personality goes a long way.
Vincent: Ah, so by that rationale, if a pig had a better personality, he would cease to be a filthy animal. Is that true?
Jules: Well we'd have to be talkin' about one charming motherfrackin' pig. I mean he'd have to be ten times more charmin' than that Arnold on Green Acres, you know what I'm sayin'? :grinb::gring:

04/30/2009, 02:23 PM
You think he did anything that has resulted in any success? He spent hundreds of billions and no success. His popularity ratins are high but have fallen 10% since the election and that is with the media kissing his ***.

Not that I'm an Obama fan (voted for "McSame" actually) but 100 days is hardly enough time for any President's policies to have significant effect, good or bad. He's done a lot in his first 100 days, but those actions haven't had time to develop consequences yet. Just wait though - you don't inject hundreds of billions of dollars into irresponsible corporations and not have some sort of effect.

The 10% that have changed their minds probably did so because they've run out of patience for "change we can believe in" to actually arrive. I'd bet some of them are the the same folks who created this mess by being too impatient to save money before buying.

04/30/2009, 02:33 PM
My bad for getting "political"...on a bacon thread!

You think he did anything that has resulted in any success? He spent hundreds of billions and no success. His popularity ratins are high but have fallen 10% since the election and that is with the media kissing his ***.

But just how soon do expect the mess from the last 8 years to be sorted out?

And who FIRST spent BILLIONS trying to clear things up.......


04/30/2009, 03:05 PM
But just how soon do expect the mess from the last 8 years to be sorted out?

And who FIRST spent BILLIONS trying to clear things up.......

Oh geez has finger pointing ever accomplished anything besides starting fights? All administrations could have done things better, all of them could have done things worse, they all have advantages and all have disadvantages. The more important thing is that we stay true to the idea that gave this country its true beauty, freedom. We still have that, even though some are trying to take some religious freedoms away from us, at the heart of this country we need to remember our foundations and where we have come from, and learn from our past yes, but finger pointing is a waste of time.

04/30/2009, 03:11 PM
ALL UIL regional high school track meets have been canceled this weekend, because of the Swine Flu. This is making things crazy for us in the track world and no one knows how the year will turn out for quite a few athletes who do not currently know who will compete or how they will decided who is allowed to compete at the state track meet. This affects a lot of aspects in track and field especially recruiting athletes to the collegiate level and could negatively affect a lot of young athletes careers.

04/30/2009, 03:32 PM
Not that I'm an Obama fan (voted for "McSame" actually) but 100 days is hardly enough time for any President's policies to have significant effect, good or bad. He's done a lot in his first 100 days, but those actions haven't had time to develop consequences yet. Just wait though - you don't inject hundreds of billions of dollars into irresponsible corporations and not have some sort of effect.

The 10% that have changed their minds probably did so because they've run out of patience for "change we can believe in" to actually arrive. I'd bet some of them are the the same folks who created this mess by being too impatient to save money before buying.

I just didnt want to type that much, given the whole Beleive and Hope hype over substance of his campaign I am not surprised theat 10% or more have run out of patience.

04/30/2009, 03:34 PM
My bad for getting "political"...on a bacon thread!

But just how soon do expect the mess from the last 8 years to be sorted out?

And who FIRST spent BILLIONS trying to clear things up.......


Obama has spent more in 100 days in special interests who donated than Bush did in 8 years. You can not blame Bush any longer.

Riff Raff
04/30/2009, 03:45 PM
I heard a decent joke today at work:

100 years ago, people said pigs would fly before we have a black president..........today, swine flu. LOL.

Oink, Oink.

04/30/2009, 03:48 PM


04/30/2009, 03:55 PM

You seem to start some threads lately that get crazy in a hurry. Not saying anything against you, I just think its funny. :)

04/30/2009, 03:58 PM
Al Gore wanted to capture manbearpig and now we have manbirdpig. This is obviously a vast liberal conspiracy to scare the American Citizenry to the point that they allow the Democrats to tax away all our money and give it to big business.

Wait isnt that what they accuse the Republicans of doing?

04/30/2009, 04:21 PM
Plus, My first fears might come true. The Mexican Government wants to make people take five days off. I am not certain if its the whole country yet or what but that kills a production based company.

04/30/2009, 04:48 PM
Al Gore wanted to capture manbearpig and now we have manbirdpig. This is obviously a vast liberal conspiracy to scare the American Citizenry to the point that they allow the Democrats to tax away all our money and give it to big business.

Wait isnt that what they accuse the Republicans of doing?

LMFAO, manbearpig was right after he invented the internet and global warming. He is a busy guy.

Jolly Roger VX'er
04/30/2009, 09:27 PM
Al Gore wanted to capture manbearpig and now we have manbirdpig.

That's a hoot!

05/01/2009, 12:23 AM

You seem to start some threads lately that get crazy in a hurry. Not saying anything against you, I just think its funny. :)

lol, and i never get to get involved, :D its always happening whilst im asleep!!!!!!!

anywhoo......me and my gf are just gonna be cautiouse, take lots of vitamins and ride it through!! :D

05/01/2009, 05:42 AM
Would that be this Dr Mercola, featured on QuackWatch.org?:
http://www.quackwatch.org/11Ind/mercola.html Perhaps he has a natural cure for sale from his website. :rolleyes:

It is rather unfair to attribute the whole of the swine flu panic to media hype when the WHO, CDC, HHS and every other relevant organization is directly telling the media reps that there is reason to be concerned. There are three reasons for the "over" reaction:

- We don't know what we don't know: In this case we have a NEW strain for which there is NO vaccine, that managed to jump the human to human vector, with unknown transmitibility and unknown mortality, but with early suprising indicators, including what might be high mortality rates from Mexico.

- The world's various health organizations have been worrying about an influenza pandemic for decades. The Spanish Flu from the early part of the century killed millions, and managed this feat with only a 2.5% mortality rate. Imagine what an equally transmitable flu with a 7% mortality rate could do? Also, the Spanish Flu defied traditional mortality patterns in that it tended to kill not just the very young and very old, but also had a big spike in the 15-35 age group.

- When doing Risk Planning and management, you focus on two different aspects: What is the likelyhood of bad things happening, and how bad is the bad thing? If the bad thing is a global pandemic with millions of deaths, then even if it is really unlikely, it is generally considered wise to take significant precautions. The entire world health multi agency is not filled with morons, they have some experience in this stuff.

- Os

I think some people in this nation - namely our irresponsible media - are in an unnatural panic about this issue. There's some good info in this article as we think about our life, work and health options.......the highlights therein are mine. And, by the way, Dr. Mercola is a nationally known osteopathic physician.

05/01/2009, 07:04 AM
DO's are all quacks, it seems!

Anyway Os, what you said may be accurate, but the WHO and CDC's reaction of treating the outbreak as if it were ebola lacks any measure of wisdom or good sense.

They are afraid of getting lambasted by the media for not doing enough and so they choose to do way, waaaaaay too much. Cancelling all school sports throughout New England for the next 2 week?!?! WTF??? We have lost our way...

05/01/2009, 07:29 AM
I just dont get that particular part of your perspective. Cancelling school sports for a couple of weeks is your primary measure of over reaction and loosing our way? That seems incredibly minor. Closing borders, restricting movement, airport shut downs, ceasing mass transit, cancelling MOAB, etc etc, these would be major reactions. Not having high school track meets for a while is not.

Look, Im not saying this is or is not an overreaction, Im saying you can't possibly know. If no mass outbreak occurs, people like you will say "see, it was an overreaction" and people like me will say "see, they might very well have prevented mass outbreak," Its kinda a loose loose situation for them: either "over react" and get called a bunch of pants wetters, or don't "overreact" and risk dealing with pandemic. What they have, which you and I don't, is a whole lot of epidemiologists telling them what to do.

They are afraid of getting lambasted by the media for not doing enough and so they choose to do way, waaaaaay too much. Cancelling all school sports throughout New England for the next 2 week?!?! WTF??? We have lost our way...

05/01/2009, 08:19 AM
their jobs are tied to disease outbreaks. Just like the weather people and every hurricane being the Storm of the Century and every year being predicted as bad. They get no press or money if they say Chill its no big deal.

05/01/2009, 09:16 AM
Well, just so I'm clear on this view:
Faced with the whole of the world's numerous and various health agencies saying that there is a major health threat that deserves significant attention and preventaive measure, you have two options:
1. Believe that they are probably expressing reasonable assessments, though they certainly, and appropriately, err on the side of caution.
2. Assume that a massive, world-wide, multi-agency scam is underway in which these agencies have colluded in order to decieve the world regarding a largely made up threat, all for the purposes of securing their agency budgets.

Also, it is helpful to differentiate between the health agencies (CDC, WHO, etc) and The Media.

- Os

their jobs are tied to disease outbreaks. Just like the weather people and every hurricane being the Storm of the Century and every year being predicted as bad. They get no press or money if they say Chill its no big deal.

05/01/2009, 12:17 PM
Well, just so I'm clear on this view:
Faced with the whole of the world's numerous and various health agencies saying that there is a major health threat that deserves significant attention and preventaive measure, you have two options:
1. Believe that they are probably expressing reasonable assessments, though they certainly, and appropriately, err on the side of caution.
2. Assume that a massive, world-wide, multi-agency scam is underway in which these agencies have colluded in order to decieve the world regarding a largely made up threat, all for the purposes of securing their agency budgets.

Also, it is helpful to differentiate between the health agencies (CDC, WHO, etc) and The Media.

- Os

Organizations acting in their own best interest is called capitalism, not a conspiracy.

05/01/2009, 12:44 PM
Well, private organizations acting in their own best interest is a aspect of capitalism. These government organizations, by supposedly acting in their own best interest by massively exagerating to the point of coordinated international lie-festivals, might also take as their best interest the risk of being called out by legitimate, qualified specialist that disagree. So far I have a couple of news paper editorial wirters and a quack. I'm going with the CDC and the thousands of epidemiologists that have experience on the subject.

Organizations acting in their own best interest is called capitalism, not a conspiracy.

05/01/2009, 03:37 PM
Well, private organizations acting in their own best interest is a aspect of capitalism. These government organizations, by supposedly acting in their own best interest by massively exagerating to the point of coordinated international lie-festivals...

Point taken on private v. public. Perhaps evolution / natural selection is a better fit. We see it all the time in the government / defense sector. If your agency doesn't stay relevant, you'll disappear. And there's nothing high-level bureaucrats fear more than that.

Again, just because multiple organizations have the same motivations and therefore act in the same way does NOT mean they are part of a "coordinated international lie-festival" conspiracy in the same way that the hundreds of people who flock to a Chevy dealership for an employee pricing sale aren't part of some anti-foreign automaker conspiracy. They just all have the same motivation, and therefore take the same action on the issue.

Btw, I don't think the agencies are overhyping either. Heck, I hope it's the JOB of organizations charged with worldwide disease control TO be paranoid. I agree with others however that the media is recasting cautious statements and actions to create a ratings spike.

05/01/2009, 06:07 PM
OK, I can buy that much easier, as I made the distinction between The Media and the multiple health organizations earlier. I don't particularly care what the media is saying, I based my assessment of the threat on the warnings from every (that is, I have found no exceptions) national and international health organization, both government and non-profit.

Also a member of the government /defense sector, and my program looks solid for another five years, heh. :)

Point taken on private v. public. Perhaps evolution / natural selection is a better fit. We see it all the time in the government / defense sector. If your agency doesn't stay relevant, you'll disappear. And there's nothing high-level bureaucrats fear more than that.

Again, just because multiple organizations have the same motivations and therefore act in the same way does NOT mean they are part of a "coordinated international lie-festival" conspiracy in the same way that the hundreds of people who flock to a Chevy dealership for an employee pricing sale aren't part of some anti-foreign automaker conspiracy. They just all have the same motivation, and therefore take the same action on the issue.

Btw, I don't think the agencies are overhyping either. Heck, I hope it's the JOB of organizations charged with worldwide disease control TO be paranoid. I agree with others however that the media is recasting cautious statements and actions to create a ratings spike.

don moore
05/01/2009, 11:02 PM
ok.. I just ordered 100 cases of EMERGEN-Cs and 200 cans of chicken noodle soup..Im set

Riff Raff
05/02/2009, 04:53 AM
ok.. I just ordered 200 cans of chicken noodle soup..Im set

Chicken noodle soup??? Not for me, I prefer Bean n' Bacon.