View Full Version : Another "Clunk"..... This is where you tell me this is normal and not to worry.

05/01/2009, 10:43 AM
When I turn the wheel full turn to the left and back up and give it some gas, using a little bit of a heavy foot, I get a clunk similar to the clunk that is normal when you let off the gas then apply the gas, or when you move from drive to park, or when you come to a stop, or when its a full moon, etc.

My tires are ???? but I do know that they are over size. My first thought was maybe they caught the cladding closest to my door.

Its normal right, everything is fine, go back to enjoying my VX?


05/01/2009, 11:08 AM
Just don't turn it full left.:p

Seriously; unless there is some accompanying grinding or "cat in a blender" sounds I wouldn't worry about it too much. I tend to get some clunking in my steering wheel (more of a feel than a sound), and I'm wondering if things are just starting to get sloppy in there. The truck is nine years old now, so things are bound to start slopping up.

There may be some "binding" issue when the wheel is in full lock under hard acceleration. Maybe get the front end up in the air (on jack stands, not launching a jump) and grab the wheels to see if there is any play in them. Maybe the bearings are tired?

I'm not mechanic, and I can't tell you that this same thing has happened to me, but it doesn't sound catastrophic so I would say "Get out there and enjoy your VX."

05/01/2009, 11:19 AM
I get the same clunk with a hard turn while reversing. I only started getting it after a front end collision about 6-7 years ago and much of my suspension and steering was replaced. I looked and looked and looked and never saw a single thing that stood out, nor has anything gone wrong since, so I just ignored it. I would say, don't worry about it. Now if it happened going forward, I might find room for concern.

05/01/2009, 11:28 AM

Yeah, I wasnt too worried about it. I just was hoping no one would chime in with ...."Oh man! You better fix that now or the whole thing is going to melt down and turn into a honda civic"....

I am pretty sure that it falls under the whole "lash" thing.

Its only when I give it quick and heavy gas which according to the service bulletin (http://www.drivehq.com/file/df.aspx/publish/mgpa/kaats/clunk.gif) "This clearance or free play (also known as lash) can translate into a clunk noise whenever the gear is loaded and unloaded quickly"

The VX hasnt been in any wrecks, only has 52k on it and fits the mold for everything that is "normal" with VXes so I am sure its fine.

Listen to me answer my own questions. Somtimes I just want to be hugged and told everything is okay.:laughing:

05/01/2009, 12:08 PM
Listen to me answer my own questions. Somtimes I just want to be hugged and told everything is okay.:laughing:

Everything is gonna be okay. ;Db;

05/01/2009, 12:15 PM
Its kinda interesting.......

With the number of questions and worries about the VX and the driveline lash(search "clunk") I was kinda under the impression it was an Isuzu thing. "Isuzus are loud". However, if you google "driveline lash" anybody with an AWD vehicle tends to complain about it and it all seems to be considered "normal"

05/01/2009, 12:15 PM
Hi guys!
My horse also suffer this clunk noise almost every time i steer 100% to any direction,like when doing a tight "U" turn.
I think it has to do with the steering turning ratio (which in fact is very shot)against the VX curb weight causing the whole linkage to momentairly exceed its capacity

05/01/2009, 12:29 PM
the only thing i would say is to check your steering components because if you have heavy tires it would wear them out quickly....other than that, it doesnt sound major

05/01/2009, 12:52 PM
I will have the Isuzu service guys give it a full "checkup" on Monday.

I am taking it in for an ALL FLUIDS SWAP. Swapping everything for new synthetic.

Can't wait for my synthetic coolant and synthetic windshield washer fluid.

I am assuming by "Steering Components" you mean CV-Joints, tie-rods, etc.

I guess the other thing I neglected to mention is that this doesnt happen everytime I turn left. Its happened a total of 3 times and once was when I was trying to make it happen so I am only guessing at the cause, but it was only when I turned hard left from backing out of a parking space and doing a quick smokie and the bandit back out and leave. I will try leaving my wheel straight and doing that when I leave work and see if I get the same results. If so, I would say standard driveline lash.

I'll keep you guys posted.

Thanks again for the feedback.

05/01/2009, 01:51 PM
My horse also suffer this clunk noise almost every time i steer 100% to any direction,like when doing a tight "U" turn.
I think it has to do with the steering turning ratio (which in fact is very shot)against the VX curb weight causing the whole linkage to momentairly exceed its capacity

X2 mine has always done this...

05/04/2009, 07:06 AM
Mine makes that noise alla time. Mine is definitely from tire rubbing inner wheel well tho so maybe the lash noise is hidden in the other noise.:)

05/04/2009, 07:39 AM
Mine used to have this issue I noticed when I did a trani fluid and filter the mount bolts were missing.


05/04/2009, 10:18 AM
Not sure if applicable.
But I had a clunk on start / stops when I first got the VX, once I greased the driveline nipples (universal joints and yoke) it when away. Kept up with lubrication every 6 months and never had that noise again.
I'm sure it was the yoke that was clunking on its movement range without grease.


05/04/2009, 10:23 AM
Not sure if applicable.
But I had a clunk on start / stops when I first got the VX, once I greased the driveline nipples (universal joints and yoke) it when away. Kept up with lubrication every 6 months and never had that noise again.
I'm sure it was the yoke that was clunking on its movement range without grease.


I grease mine about every 6 months as well. It goes away after I grease them up, but when Its rolling about 6+ months, it starts coming back, but not as bad as when I first got her.

05/04/2009, 10:35 AM
Not sure if applicable.
But I had a clunk on start / stops when I first got the VX, once I greased the driveline nipples (universal joints and yoke) it when away. Kept up with lubrication every 6 months and never had that noise again.
I'm sure it was the yoke that was clunking on its movement range without grease.

you must be yoking.....hahahahahaha:laughing:

come on. that's funny.

Yeah, I greased up the u-joints and tried to grease up the yoke about 3 weeks back. The yoke didnt seem to let any grease in. I really only ever had a minor stop clunk and that is normal from my understanding. My only weird unexplained clunk was the couple times full turn back up clunk. Hasn't happened consistently, I think it was just a normal "noise".

I am prone to worry about noises and am slowly but surely getting over the little noises that I hear in the VX.

From everything I keep reading/learning, Isuzu's are noisy.