View Full Version : People can be such... You know what I want to say!

05/02/2009, 12:39 AM
I'm one of those guys, that have to park at the opposite side of the parking farthest from ANYONE... There would be 50+ open parking spots around me and when I return, there is always someone parked RIGHT NEXT to me...

Well here, I was at the Fashion Show Mall parking, on the edge as close as I can get to the pillar so no one parking next to me will have to worry about hitting my VX... well, I come back and to my surprise!!! (btw, spot next to me was open when I parked)...

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/3162/thumbs/1241210408120.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/13808) http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/3162/thumbs/1241210293040.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/13807)

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/3162/thumbs/1241210280403.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/13806) http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/3162/thumbs/1241210237799.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/13804)

Could you imagine what was going through my mind when I see this, I couldnt even get my Son in the car, Had to go through the Driver side and reach and stretch to buckle him into his car seat, mind you, i'm 6'6" tall @ 230lbs...

Bleh, had to vent for a moment...

05/02/2009, 12:59 AM
Could you imagine what was going through my mind when I see this, I couldnt even get my Son in the car, Had to go through the Driver side and reach and stretch to buckle him into his car seat, mind you, i'm 6'6" tall @ 230lbs...

Bleh, had to vent for a moment...

It is truly amazing sometimes...just makes ya wonder...:_confused

Does someone who is obviously borderline moronic, have to put forth a conscious effort, to remember to breathe?

Have they reproduced?

How did they even GET a drivers licence???

Yeh, I feel your frustration, on a perpetual, almost daily basis...:sighwgray

05/02/2009, 07:28 AM
Really sucks though :mad:

When ever that happens to me i take a piece of paper,add some writing and place it over the windshield to let the driver be aware of how such of idiot he/she are explaining how much struggle you went thru to get your kid into the VX :mad:

One time i went to this mall & this range rover was so close that i had to ask some one who was walking by to help me get out without scratching my horse,i was so pissed that i drove around,get outter the VX & scratch the M..........ker's door with my keys just to let the driver knows not to park too close to any car the next time.:mad:

People just don't care about others any more & that's when you got to be radical

You might want to give it a try,it makes me feel better though :cool:

05/02/2009, 07:56 AM
This was an excellent opportunity to demonstrate why the body cladding on VehiCROSSes make it inpervious to door dings, although at the expense of other vehicles...

don moore
05/02/2009, 08:15 AM
while going to the coast with my dad when i was 15.. we went to a diner for breakfast ..my dad had just got his new Subaru BRAT and parked alittle way away from the other cars ..then a big 2 door caddy pulled up right next to dads door ..then a lady in the car opened her door into dads new car (BAM) ..my dad said lady you just hit my car?? she looked at him and said ...thats what you get for parking so close ..and then she walked away with her husband.. to the dinner.. dad then said ..HEY LADY.. she turned ..then dad took his boot and kicked in the passenger door of the caddy..smiled and said.. That's what you get for being a b!&@h.....they stood there with there mouths open ..and dad said ..come on son.. so we left and drove to another dinner on the coast....I bet we all wished we had the guts to do that sometime....he lived a long life and since that time we has been a humble man.....I miss my dad..RIP

05/02/2009, 08:31 AM
oh, i can relate SOOOO much to this thread...as i do the same. i always park WAAAAAY in the back by myself, and it never fails that when i come out there is always someone parked next to me...

i do the same, leave a note letting them know that next time they will have some body damage...

don- ive actually done that before too!!!

when i worked at petsmart i always parked in the back all by myself..i had a 2-way security then, just like i do now..so i hear my 'beeper' going off in my pocket, go to the front doors to look, and behold, some jackarse just gave me a nice door ding..he gets out of his car, looks at mine that now has a ding, and moves his car to a different spot..
he then comes into the store acting like nothing happened....so i proceeded to go outside and give him a hefty dent in his drivers door...

Scott Harness
05/02/2009, 08:33 AM
It is truly amazing sometimes...just makes ya wonder...:_confused

Does someone who is obviously borderline moronic, have to put forth a conscious effort, to remember to breathe?

Have they reproduced?

How did they even GET a drivers licence???

Yeh, I feel your frustration, on a perpetual, almost daily basis...:sighwgray
Amen Brother!!:cool:

05/02/2009, 01:00 PM
I was never so proud of a friend of mine who taught a parking lot inconsiderate the meaning of the word principal. My friend had an old beater Chevy pick-up truck and witnessed someone throw an empty soda can right into the side of his truck where he had it parked while at work. After seeing this, he confronted the guy who gave him the "it's a beater anyway, so what do you care" spiel at which point my friend (without another word) just clocked him and said "I think you're missing the point".

Unfortunately it's not always possible to catch the culprits in action, so I used to carry around some fake parking tickets that described in generally unedited language what sort of moronic action the person had to have taken to receive one of the tickets in the first place.

A more tame example.


Riff Raff
05/02/2009, 03:23 PM
This issue really hits home with me, and is one of my biggest pet-peaves. Wherever I go and find a big parking lot, I too park way in the back; however, I specifically try to find an "end" corner spot (like next to a big tree planter) and then deliberately swing-in "cock-eyed" thereby taking up two spots diagonally. This method prevents people from parking on either side of me due to the tree planter/curb lay-out and the weird angle I entered across the two end stalls. Yes, I do get periodic looks by passersby and just shrug my shoulders and play dumb.

If I'm in a real hurry, I might steal a handicap spot upfront. Oftentimes, people have walked by and saw no handicap sticker/placcard on my vehicle and said to me "hey, what's your handicap for parking there???"-- I always reply with "I'm illiterate; can't read!!!"

I truly admire Don's Dad and Peanut Butter-Kid for having the kohonies in kicking in someones door. In my case; I choose to be a bit more stealth and refined, so I always carry a set of metal dikes/tin-snips in my glove box. If I happen to come across an @sshole, who deliberately parks too close to me or shows severe signs of disrepect in need of tutoring-- I simply bend down between the two vehicles and quickly "snip off" the two "valve stems" at the base of the two same-sided tires of the guy's car and then calmly drive away.

This method doesn't ruin their tires, but it definately ruins their day!!! They're then forced to call a tow truck and have the two(2) tire valve stems replaced by a professional tire shop causing an extremely severe hassle for them and a hell of a lot of wasted time. Riff Raff

05/02/2009, 03:55 PM
Happened to me a week ago,I park and theres a whole empty parking lot and I come out and some b#$%^ parked a foot away from my driver door,boy was i pissed,so I got in through the pass side and when I got in my seat I opened my door and rammed the hell out of her truck door a few times to vent lmao I put some nice dents in it hahahaha bi#$%

05/02/2009, 04:16 PM
I truly admire Don's Dad and Peanut Butter-Kid for having the kohonies in kicking in someones door. its paintball...but i think its a losing battle

I simply bend down between the two vehicles and quickly "snip off" the two "valve stems" at the base of the two same-sided tires of the guy's car and then calmly drive away.
thats awesome, i think i may have to adopt that idea!


05/02/2009, 04:21 PM
If I'm in a real hurry, I might steal a handicap spot upfront. Oftentimes, people have walked by and saw no handicap sticker/placcard on my vehicle and said to me "hey, what's your handicap for parking there???"-- I always reply with "I'm illiterate; can't read!!!"

I hope you are not serious!:mad: Some one who truley DESERVES and NEEDS to use this spot is deprived so that you can not get a dent or scratch. If I was one of THOSE people I'd have you towed! One of my pet peeves! I'll leave it at that.

05/02/2009, 06:33 PM
I was never so proud of a friend of mine who taught a parking lot inconsiderate the meaning of the word principal. My friend had an old beater Chevy pick-up truck and witnessed someone throw an empty soda can right into the side of his truck where he had it parked while at work. After seeing this, he confronted the guy who gave him the "it's a beater anyway, so what do you care" spiel at which point my friend (without another word) just clocked him and said "I think you're missing the point".

Unfortunately it's not always possible to catch the culprits in action, so I used to carry around some fake parking tickets that described in generally unedited language what sort of moronic action the person had to have taken to receive one of the tickets in the first place.

A more tame example.


Man i need like ten............................................doz en of those tickets :(

Riff Raff
05/02/2009, 07:26 PM
PBKID--- Yes, I know the true abbreviation; however, to me you will always be "Peanut Butter-Kid". Luv' Ya' Man.

Bill--- I've only used the handicap parking trick on extremely rare occasions when I'm in/out in 60 seconds or less; like to get a quick newspaper out of the front sidewalk machine, and never for extended periods of time (tickets are $250). I guess it beats parking in the "fire lane". Seriously, I do agree with you that handicap spots should be left to the handicap people and I do comply.

What really erks me sometimes is when people have a close relative who is actually handicapped, and then they get multiple rearview mirror hanging placcards so they can switch them out for their own personal car and get first-class parking. Those are the people who I would just love to help make truly handicapped with a well placed hit to their kneecap!!!

05/02/2009, 11:52 PM
ya, i think ill forever be known as peanut butter kid on this site lol

05/03/2009, 12:33 AM
Bill--- I've only used the handicap parking trick on extremely rare occasions when I'm in/out in 60 seconds or less;

One early morning about 15 years ago, I pulled into a disabled parking spot in front of a bank to use the ATM. As I was finishing, a van pulled into the other disabled parking spot. I said to myself, yea, bet your as handicapped as me,.... then this lady got out with one friggen leg. I bowed my head as we passed, said I was sorry and haven't done it since.

Just one of those life stories I like to share now and then

But back to the parking, have been known to kick a few doors, and slam my door into the side of their's

05/03/2009, 01:01 AM
I'm the type that always parks "out yonder"...I figure I need the exercise anyway. And if I ever get to the point where I'm in "that much of a hurry", I try to step back & slow it down some...:cool:
And yes, it's amazing that no matter where you park, there will invariably be at least one car parked in the next spot over when you come back...:rolleyesg

I keep a pill bottle full of 2" roofing nails in my glove box for those "special" people...:naughty:

Long ago, I was at a party where there was an aquaintance making @$$...
One of my friends & I went out into the winter night & took all the wheel covers off of his benzo, & laid two in front of the front tires, & two behind the rear tires.
Then we waited for him to leave. We had large larfs watching him first pull forward, flattening the front wheel covers, then backing up over the rear set...:laughgray
Ahhhh...to be young again...:_confused

No Thanks!...:smilewink

05/03/2009, 06:24 AM
These days it seems, there is a website (http://www.youparklikeanasshole.com/)for everything in life...

05/03/2009, 07:49 AM
These days it seems, there is a website (http://www.youparklikeanasshole.com/)for everything in life...

Good find !

Scott Harness
05/03/2009, 09:40 AM
ya, i think ill forever be known as peanut butter kid on this site lol

LOL sorry!

05/03/2009, 09:59 AM
A nice handfull of Vasoline, spread on the front and rear windscreen, will be just as frustrating, without resorting to being an actual Vandal.....feel free to add styrofoam BBs, glittery mylar shapes, stripper sparkles, etc. .....which brings up another point.....one of those 1oz vials of stripper sparkle (glitter) poured down the cowling inlets can be real interesting too. TIP: Carry latex gloves...I always have some in the console

05/03/2009, 10:05 AM
My brother made some pretty strong statements with Poo as well. His own and exotic Poos.....horse, dog etc. Alittle on the door handles.....a bit on the heads and exhaust.....and always down to cowling intakes.....much more creative than a dent. Painting the windshield black at nite :bwgy:

05/03/2009, 11:17 AM

These days it seems, there is a website (http://www.youparklikeanasshole.com/)for everything in life...

I carry the printable "flyers" from this site with me all the time!


05/03/2009, 02:21 PM
I see dicks who take up 2 spots because they think their **** doesnt stink. I park as close as I can to them to educate them. That is what the white lines are for people park between them In the event somone parks too close and I am in the correct paring spot area I simply adjust their passenger side mirror. It doesnt mess up either vehicl but is a pain because they have to get out walk around and adjust. I feel they might notice they are parked like ****.

05/03/2009, 04:04 PM
I have to say I think the flyers/fake tickets are the way to go. Those at least leave no doubt as to why they were received. When all the other tactics that have been listed are employed, there's no guarantee that the offender is going to realize why it happened, and as a matter of fact will probably drive off wondering why someone ELSE just behaved like an @$$hole "for no good reason".

I see it all the time when confronted with tailgaters. When speeding up or slowing down doesn't work to get someone (usually talking on a cell phone) off my rear bumper, I just wait for an opening in oncoming traffic, move into the other lane, hit my brakes, and MAKE the tailgater move in front of me. But almost invariably, it's the tailgater who watches what I do, then drives on with a look on his/her face like they've just witnessed the actions of someone who has no idea how to drive correctly.

I just think some of these more subtly employed tactics are lost on the types of individuals in question, whether it be tailgaters on cell phones who probably can't walk and chew gum at the same time, or parking lot morons who apparently think their name is painted on every space.

Riff Raff
05/03/2009, 05:38 PM
I have to say I think the flyers/fake tickets are the way to go. Those at least leave no doubt as to why they were received. When all the other tactics that have been listed are employed, there's no guarantee that the offender is going to realize why it happened, and as a matter of fact will probably drive off wondering why someone ELSE just behaved like an @$$hole "for no good reason".

Hmmm, good point. Ok, I guess it's two(2) snipped-off valve stems "AND" a flyer under the windshield wiper. Lesson learned.

05/03/2009, 08:11 PM
It's frustrating but you're playing with fire when you retaliate. As Trek said, chances are they won't even learn anything anyway, and if you're unlucky enough to get caught in the act, you may find yourself on the receiving end of don's dad's fist or in a police report. Plus there's always the chance that the offender gets back to his car before you do, finds your smart *** note, and drags a pocket knife down the length of your cladding to make HIS point. And let's face it, chances are that the body panels are more readily available on his Tahoe than your VX.

So you may as well park as defensively as possible (not across two spots, that's just making yourself a target), take a deep breath when you see something stupid, and be thankful you have cladding where most cars have paint. Someone turns 16 every 8 seconds in the US, so unless you're prepared to get yourself a costume and cape and make this a full-time endeavor, you're wasting your time.

Jolly Roger VX'er
05/03/2009, 09:51 PM
WOW...what a great idea for a thread topic...long time coming and wish I'd have thought of it!

Back when I was 18 yrs old and just got my first car (1969 Plymouth Roadrunner 383 V8 4speed) a brand new paint job and took my Mom to Giant Eagle to grocery shop...while sitting out in my car a big ole Bonneville pulls in beside me with the person shoulder blocking their sticking door open and into the side of my passenger door...denting the door & scraping the new paint. I leaped out and confronted them and they just smiled and weakly said sorry without much meaning. The longer I sat there the madder I got! As my Mom was returning out to the car....she had to witness me caving-in the side of their door with my hiking boots and then I powerjacked out of the lot.

I'm with Billy on the Handicap parking topic.

Before I started daily driving my VX to work...I recently (during winter) had a altercation with someone who pulled in beside me while I was sitting in the VX engine off listening to the radio. This guy in a 2X2 s-10 kept trying (and failing) to back into a spot next to my driver's side due to the 1.5 ft of snow in the lot. Finally he took a banzai run and made it cockeyed into the spot with his passenger door too close to my VX. Then, he gets out of the driver's side..walks around to his passenger side...throws open his door (without holding on) to get out a snow brush & scraper and hits my VX pretty solidly with me sitting right there. I put down the window (thank god they work...lol) and laid into him pretty hard and when he put his stuff back in his truck and went to walk around the front of my VX; I started her up (she was still in low-range and starts @ the touch of the key :) ) and blocked his way while telling him I treat ignorance WITH ignorance...you get what you give....haven't seen him since :bgwg: I inspected for damage & found none...now I feel pretty confident in the cladding's ability to protect unless you're parked next to a jacked up rig!

Now I have to witness idiots around my Mustang GT :rolleyes: I parked @ an ice cream stand waaaaay off to the side in an empty lot with me being the only customer, only to have this J.A. (hint...a 4-legged animal that bray's kinda like eeeeeee-awwwww) park his like 15 year old Grand Cherrokee 10 inches away from my passenger side door with his vehicle not having a panel devoid of dentations & missing paint :eek: I stood in disbelief as he worked to get out of his jeep but managed to not hit my car....with 50 yards of other parking spots available MUCH CLOSER to the order window! :_brickwal

I've always done the LDub maneuver parking way out in the lot and getting both piece of mind & exercise to boot!

rant over....blood pressure reduced....thanks for listening!

05/04/2009, 06:38 AM
It's frustrating but you're playing with fire when you retaliate. As Trek said, chances are they won't even learn anything anyway, and if you're unlucky enough to get caught in the act, you may find yourself on the receiving end of don's dad's fist or in a police report. Plus there's always the chance that the offender gets back to his car before you do, finds your smart *** note, and drags a pocket knife down the length of your cladding to make HIS point. And let's face it, chances are that the body panels are more readily available on his Tahoe than your VX.

I care not if they learn anything...my mission with the roofing nails is co$t & inconvenience.
The increasing severity of the infraction causes the nail(s) to be placed closer to the sidewall. (possible new tire, as opposed to a flat repair)
Makes me feel better, gives them a "bad day"...:naughty:

Win-win in my book.:yes:

05/04/2009, 06:52 AM
It's frustrating but you're playing with fire when you retaliate. As Trek said, chances are they won't even learn anything anyway, and if you're unlucky enough to get caught in the act, you may find yourself on the receiving end of don's dad's fist or in a police report. Plus there's always the chance that the offender gets back to his car before you do, finds your smart *** note, and drags a pocket knife down the length of your cladding to make HIS point. And let's face it, chances are that the body panels are more readily available on his Tahoe than your VX.

So you may as well park as defensively as possible (not across two spots, that's just making yourself a target), take a deep breath when you see something stupid, and be thankful you have cladding where most cars have paint. Someone turns 16 every 8 seconds in the US, so unless you're prepared to get yourself a costume and cape and make this a full-time endeavor, you're wasting your time.

Wisest post of the year...

05/04/2009, 07:34 AM
This was an excellent opportunity to demonstrate why the body cladding on VehiCROSSes make it inpervious to door dings, although at the expense of other vehicles...


Because of this, I never care. Though, there was one time years ago when I actually watched some redneck clown in a lifted-to-the-sky pickup bump my DS rear quarter with his door (high enough it cleared the cladding). I at least got an apology from the guy and about 20mins of convo about the VX.

My dad used to carry cards around with him and put them on other cars that parked too close. Similar to this....


05/04/2009, 09:05 AM
Wow, in a way, I'm glad I'm not alone in this, I've been meaning to post this so many different times, and that dude in the OP was the last straw for me...

I seriously park like out there, there could be, oh lets say 20+ parking spots all around me that is available and when I come back, there is always that one A.H. that just has to park next to me, and I just stand there in aww at all the available parking around us...

Now at times, I don't mind when its an Hummer, Benz or something expensive, because "some" of them actually take care of there car and wouldn't just slam there door into me...

I'm goin to make my own little printout and post them on people windows for the J.A. of the day award... or something...

05/04/2009, 10:16 AM
This issue really hits home with me, and is one of my biggest pet-peaves. Wherever I go and find a big parking lot, I too park way in the back; however, I specifically try to find an "end" corner spot (like next to a big tree planter) and then deliberately swing-in "cock-eyed" thereby taking up two spots diagonally. This method prevents people from parking on either side of me due to the tree planter/curb lay-out and the weird angle I entered across the two end stalls. Yes, I do get periodic looks by passersby and just shrug my shoulders and play dumb.

If I'm in a real hurry, I might steal a handicap spot upfront. Oftentimes, people have walked by and saw no handicap sticker/placcard on my vehicle and said to me "hey, what's your handicap for parking there???"-- I always reply with "I'm illiterate; can't read!!!"

I truly admire Don's Dad and Peanut Butter-Kid for having the kohonies in kicking in someones door. In my case; I choose to be a bit more stealth and refined, so I always carry a set of metal dikes/tin-snips in my glove box. If I happen to come across an @sshole, who deliberately parks too close to me or shows severe signs of disrepect in need of tutoring-- I simply bend down between the two vehicles and quickly "snip off" the two "valve stems" at the base of the two same-sided tires of the guy's car and then calmly drive away.

This method doesn't ruin their tires, but it definately ruins their day!!! They're then forced to call a tow truck and have the two(2) tire valve stems replaced by a professional tire shop causing an extremely severe hassle for them and a hell of a lot of wasted time. Riff Raff

1st paragragh = part of the problem :mad:
2nd paragraph = part of the problem :mad:
3rd paragraph = vandalism and a crime :mad:

05/04/2009, 10:45 AM
ya, when i did that i was much younger and nieve...nowadays i just figure there is no way around it...if you really wanna be not apart of this...buy a cone, park next to a median in the back, put a cone in the spot next to your car..if i owned a very expensive car thats what i would do..

05/04/2009, 11:42 AM
If I happen to come across an @sshole, who deliberately parks too close to me or shows severe signs of disrepect in need of tutoring

You get elected to that position of judge, jury, and executioner, or anointed?

Hey Riff - "signs of disrespect" are merely signs of insecurity - seen in a mirror.

That makes two flames on me, I guess. I'll take the demerits, though - I feel the need to clearly and publicly distance myself from that sort of behavior in the VX community - the entire breadth of this country isn't quite enough distance in this case.

05/04/2009, 11:54 AM

I feel the need to clearly and publicly distance myself from that sort of behavior in the VX community .

Well put.


05/06/2009, 10:06 AM
A couple years ago in Tucson we were waiting for my friend at a tux shop and this lady pulls up next to us when there are a good four other spots she could’ve chosen. She gets just as close as your Vegas idiot and opens the door right into the passenger side of my in-laws Cherokee. I am in the passenger side so I roll down the window and say in a not so nice and sarcastic voice “excuse me.” She responds back, “WHAAAT?!!”

She is mad at me!!!! This pisses me off even more, so I start yelling. Expletives are flying left and right, and then Cari rolls up my window from the driver’s side and puts on the child lock. It was that bad. If I could’ve opened my door, I would have got out. She was so close that I couldn’t get out.

I hate people sometimes. Lest be honest, most of the time. Especially when I don’t know them.

05/06/2009, 10:18 AM
ya, i dont think i would want to see you getting out of the VX to argue with me....

you may be one of the last here that i would want to argue with clint...

05/06/2009, 11:56 AM
ya, i dont think i would want to see you getting out of the VX to argue with me....

you may be one of the last here that i would want to argue with clint...

Whatever, with all your experiance in martial arts you would mess me up.

05/06/2009, 12:23 PM
A couple years ago in Tucson we were waiting for my friend at a tux shop and this lady pulls up next to us when there are a good four other spots she could’ve chosen. She gets just as close as your Vegas idiot and opens the door right into the passenger side of my in-laws Cherokee. I am in the passenger side so I roll down the window and say in a not so nice and sarcastic voice “excuse me.” She responds back, “WHAAAT?!!”

She is mad at me!!!! This pisses me off even more, so I start yelling. Expletives are flying left and right, and then Cari rolls up my window from the driver’s side and puts on the child lock. It was that bad. If I could’ve opened my door, I would have got out. She was so close that I couldn’t get out.

I hate people sometimes. Lest be honest, most of the time. Especially when I don’t know them.

note to self; don't EVER park close to Clint if Cari isn't there...:smilewink

05/06/2009, 01:37 PM
Whatever, with all your experiance in martial arts you would mess me up.

if i could keep your hands off me...which wouldnt be possible good sir...

05/06/2009, 02:16 PM
note to self; don't EVER park close to Clint if Cari isn't there...:smilewink

if i could keep your hands off me...which wouldnt be possible good sir...

You guys kill me. I dont get it, I am a big mellow goofball. Just dont ask Ascinder about our snow shoe experience

05/06/2009, 02:26 PM
im a mellow guy too..takes A LOT to get me going...

full contact trained people are a lot different than a person with training in technique like me...

05/06/2009, 03:18 PM
This pisses me off even more, so I start yelling. Expletives are flying left and right, and then Cari rolls up my window from the driver’s side and puts on the child lock. It was that bad. If I could’ve opened my door, I would have got out. She was so close that I couldn’t get out..

I would have had to walk up and start making faces at you through the window. I do a lot of things that cause me to reflect later that they were not good ideas.

05/06/2009, 03:32 PM
I would have had to walk up and start making faces at you through the window. I do a lot of things that cause me to reflect later that they were not good ideas.

Faces I can deal with, it probly wouldve made the situation better because we both wouldve realized how silly it really was. The thing that made me so mad was that she was mad that I was mad that she hit and dented our vehicle and parked too close....

Another thing is when someone almost side swipes you while heading down the road on their cell. I have been in other situations that were similiar because someone got mad that I told them to hang up their phone, or stop texting and driving.

Sorry, I am protective over my stuff. Especially the VX and especially when my wife is in it. When you almost hit me because your stupid, I am gonna have something to say.

05/06/2009, 04:00 PM
Faces I can deal with, it probly wouldve made the situation better because we both wouldve realized how silly it really was. The thing that made me so mad was that she was mad that I was mad that she hit and dented our vehicle and parked too close....

Another thing is when someone almost side swipes you while heading down the road on their cell. I have been in other situations that were similiar because someone got mad that I told them to hang up their phone, or stop texting and driving.

Sorry, I am protective over my stuff. Especially the VX and especially when my wife is in it. When you almost hit me because your stupid, I am gonna have something to say.
funny you mention that.. on my way to school today im on a 2 lane each direction road and see a car passing me on the left except she's 1/4 into my lane.. after veering into the shoulder to avoid getting hit i laid on the horn.. she flipped me off... sigh

05/06/2009, 04:13 PM
funny you mention that.. on my way to school today im on a 2 lane each direction road and see a car passing me on the left except she's 1/4 into my lane.. after veering into the shoulder to avoid getting hit i laid on the horn.. she flipped me off... sigh

Its amazing isnt it?

05/06/2009, 06:22 PM
lol funny story, same thing happened to me today...going through a 2 lane left turn and this guy next to me just starts coming into my lane...so i move onto the shoulder and lay on the horn...funny thing is, i pull up to the next signal with my window down and scream "get outta my lane you jack@$$", i finally turn and look....its one of my buddies that just bought a new car and wasnt paying attention...

i was like man, you really pissed me off lol

05/06/2009, 08:39 PM
I swear, pulling into a parking spot should be one of the basic skills you have to demonstrate when taking your driver's test. If you can not control your car in a parking lot, God help us when you are on the open road. I mean, they even paint lines for you to park between. Is it really that hard for some people?:rollo:

05/07/2009, 01:16 AM
I swear, pulling into a parking spot should be one of the basic skills you have to demonstrate when taking your driver's test. If you can not control your car in a parking lot, God help us when you are on the open road. I mean, they even paint lines for you to park between. Is it really that hard for some people?:rollo:

You would think that, but these DMV Driving Tests (in my opinion from what I've seen here in Vegas) is a total joke.

And get this, the parking structure that I had parked in is double line parking. See below picture. Every parking spot is painted like this. HOW THE HELL is it that this idiot still parked over BOTH lines into my spot? Bleh!!! annoyed... :_brickwal

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/3162/medium/parking.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/13876)

05/07/2009, 03:09 AM
I hate people sometimes. Lest be honest, most of the time. Especially when I don’t know them.

I hears ya Bro...:yes:

Every time I go into a wal-mt, the first place I wanna go is the sporting goods aisle...

So I can put a baseball bat in my cart for prodding "sheeple" out of my way...:laughgray

They just STAND there, cart blocking one side of the aisle, them blocking the other side...with a vacant, zombie like stare...

Must have p-r-o-d-u-c-t...mooooooooooo...I mean...baaaaaaaaaaa

05/07/2009, 08:59 AM
The place that amazes me is the high school parking lot. I know, you are thinking: kids, what did you expect. But it's not just one ... or a few ... it's all of them. They're only a year or 2 out of drivers ed. Some of what they learned should have stuck.

These kids drive down the middle of the lane (even when there is oncoming traffic). They turn right in front of you to pull into a parking space (Hey, I'm leaving - I'm not gonna steal that space, even though there are 234 others within spitting distance). They back out of spaces & almost T-bone you (and they aren't leaving - just administrative maneuvering because they can't park straight, they know that you're there but don't care).

The odd part is that they are decent drivers on the road. Their brains just turn to mush as soon as they hit the school parking lot.

05/07/2009, 09:43 AM
1. Why should tax payers have to pay for parking on top of sports teams on top of their educations. Walk or take the bus you spoiled little brats
2. Big temptation to skip classes and they are already the least intelligent generation we have ever put out at a highest per pupil cots.
3. Arent they suppose to have an adult driver with them? What does that adult walk home and back so they can drive
4. Increased traffic and smog. Sure the teens are all eco friendly and such when somneone else is paying for it lets see how they feel when savingthe enviroment has a negative affect on them.

05/07/2009, 09:46 AM
You would think that, but these DMV Driving Tests (in my opinion from what I've seen here in Vegas) is a total joke.

And get this, the parking structure that I had parked in is double line parking. See below picture. Every parking spot is painted like this. HOW THE HELL is it that this idiot still parked over BOTH lines into my spot? Bleh!!! annoyed... :_brickwal

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/3162/medium/parking.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/13876)

God have mercy but if i were there that camry will get key marked I know that's evil,but common...there is where many idiots like this push you to

05/07/2009, 10:57 AM
God have mercy but if i were there that camry will get key marked I know that's evil,but common...there is where many idiots like this push you to

Don't you think a little perspective is called for at times? You're saying that someone who doesn't park correctly between the designated lines would be enough to piss you off to the point of keying that persons' car? I have to say that if I were a third party witness to something like that, it sure wouldn't be the person with the deficient parking skills that I would be reporting to security...or the police.

Just remember, as you are being ever watchful for opportunities to point out other people's mistakes, there's a good chance that someone is watching you too.

05/07/2009, 12:23 PM
You know what I REALLY hate....


The fact that ALL grocery stores allow them to be used as fanny packs now. Take them anywhere you want. I stopped off at Starbucks after work yesterday to meet up with a friend and there is a Safeway grocery store right next door. I was there for maybe 45 mins and when I left, there was a shopping cart using my week old car as a kickstand in the middle of the parking lot. Now, parking all up on top of me is one thing, but when some !@#$-tard doesn't have the common courtesy to push their !@#$ing emptied cart into the cart booth just a few spaces away, that gives me the full blown right to pick the cart up and throw it through your windshield.

That !@#hole who used that cart should be grateful for 3 things....

1 - I had no damage.
2 - I didn't witness it.
3 - I had no damage and didn't witness it.

05/07/2009, 07:36 PM
Don't you think a little perspective is called for at times? You're saying that someone who doesn't park correctly between the designated lines would be enough to piss you off to the point of keying that persons' car? I have to say that if I were a third party witness to something like that, it sure wouldn't be the person with the deficient parking skills that I would be reporting to security...or the police.

Just remember, as you are being ever watchful for opportunities to point out other people's mistakes, there's a good chance that someone is watching you too.

Mistakes ? you call that mistakes ? there's no such of what you call mistakes,i personally makes SURE before i got outter the horse to park where i should do so.

Did the camry driver had any PERSPECTIVE ? please tell me where is it because i don't see any

People just hate each other so much & thinks only about ME & only ME that any thing you do to drain that feelings is just perfect.

I bet you 1 cent that the camry driver KNEW pretty well how he/she was parking,but he/she doesn't care,you find your way out though.

But i know for sure you'll stand behind your words .................................................' till it happens to you ;)

05/07/2009, 08:23 PM
1. Why should tax payers have to pay for parking on top of sports teams on top of their educations. Walk or take the bus you spoiled little brats

so your saying that its more important to have sports than to have people the ability to get back and forth to work and school...i know that as soon as i turned 16 i HAD to have a job...how am i supposed to get to work?? mind you that i lived 35 miles away from my school.....45 minute drive EACH way (daily) plus going to work...

ya, i wanna ride the bus and organize all of that.

easy to take away others priviledges when it doesnt affect you...

Jolly Roger VX'er
05/07/2009, 11:51 PM
You know what I REALLY hate....


The fact that ALL grocery stores allow them to be used as fanny packs now. Take them anywhere you want. I stopped off at Starbucks after work yesterday to meet up with a friend and there is a Safeway grocery store right next door. I was there for maybe 45 mins and when I left, there was a shopping cart using my week old car as a kickstand in the middle of the parking lot. Now, parking all up on top of me is one thing, but when some !@#$-tard doesn't have the common courtesy to push their !@#$ing emptied cart into the cart booth just a few spaces away, that gives me the full blown right to pick the cart up and throw it through your windshield.

That !@#hole who used that cart should be grateful for 3 things....

1 - I had no damage.
2 - I didn't witness it.
3 - I had no damage and didn't witness it.

I was with my dad in his car one day when some brainless twit unloaded his groceries & simply pushed the cart away from his parking spot (next to my Dad's space) and into the side of my dad's cavalier. My Dad about threw the cart through that guys windsheld but stopped short.....rats!

05/08/2009, 05:53 AM
Mistakes ? you call that mistakes ? there's no such of what you call mistakes,i personally makes SURE before i got outter the horse to park where i should do so.;)
Yes, I'd call the Camry incident a mistake. You are assuming that the person did it on purpose when there's no way you could know that. Purposefully and obliviously are two different things.

Did the camry driver had any PERSPECTIVE ? please tell me where is it because i don't see any;)I'm fairly certain that we aren't using the word perspective in the same ways.

People just hate each other so much & thinks only about ME & only ME that any thing you do to drain that feelings is just perfect.;)But by keying another persons' car just because they parked too close to you, YOU are taking the ME, ME, Me mentality even farther than you think the Camry driver did, so are there ANY winners in that situation? In my opinion, if you would have been there and keyed that car, both you AND the Camry driver would have essentially made the rest of US losers at that point.

I bet you 1 cent that the camry driver KNEW pretty well how he/she was parking,but he/she doesn't care,you find your way out though.;)Again, see first comment.

But i know for sure you'll stand behind your words .................................................' till it happens to you ;)It has happened to me many times in the past, and as a matter of fact happened last week. Someone parked within inches of my passenger side with plenty of other spaces nearby they could have chosen. But, after looking over my passenger side to look for any damage and finding none, I grumbled under my breath for a few moments calling the other driver a few choice names, then considered myself lucky that no damage had occured. So aside from a little irritation, I called no harm no foul and drove off, and without keying the other guys' vehicle if you can believe that. Yeah, I know, even I marvel at my own levels of self control in the face of inconsiderate obliviousness sometimes. :p


Incidentally, there was one time in the past when someone did open their door into my passenger fender at work. When I got to my car to leave that day, I saw how close the other car was and thought to look for possible damage. When I saw that the other driver had hit my fender causing paint damage, I left things how they were and called company security to make out an incident report. With security there, the owner was contacted and asked to come out to the parking lot. He initially denied causing the damage, but when the security officer made him open his door, it was obvious from where the contact point occured that it was his door that had caused the damage. With the security guard as a witness, the other driver had no choice but to give me his insurance info and the damage was taken care of from there.

Now maybe that guy was a little more vigilant/considerate about his parking from then on and maybe not, but resorting to vandalism sure wouldn't have gotten my own car repaired at no cost to me that time. So, it HAS happened to me, and I STILL think keying another persons' car in a situation like that is just allowing yourself to escalate the matter way too far.

05/08/2009, 06:32 AM
so your saying that its more important to have sports than to have people the ability to get back and forth to work and school...i know that as soon as i turned 16 i HAD to have a job...how am i supposed to get to work?? mind you that i lived 35 miles away from my school.....45 minute drive EACH way (daily) plus going to work...

ya, i wanna ride the bus and organize all of that.

easy to take away others priviledges when it doesnt affect you...

A big +1 there. I played soccer and worked a 20+ hour a week job on top of school and other extracurricular activities. No way that works without a car.

2. Big temptation to skip classes and they are already the least intelligent generation we have ever put out at a highest per pupil cots.

That's a pretty sweeping and insulting generalization don't you think? We used to skip school by walking down the street to the local strip mall - we actually found that driving your car there increased your chances of being seen leaving (our spaces were numbered so it was easy to see if you weren't there).

And how do you substantiate the "least intelligent" remark? Are you basing that on drop-out rates or something? I can tell you for a fact that more people attend college than ever, and our high schools teach much more advanced math, science, and liberal arts classes than when our parents were in school. For example, my parents studied geometry and algebra in their senior years, while I was in the AP versions of calculus, biology, chemistry, and world history.

So hopefully you meant that remark with respect to only driving, but even in that case it's pretty difficult to substantiate. I would think that the main contributors to the problem discussed in this thread are the fact that there are more 16-18 year old drivers (and drivers overall) on the road than in previous generations, as well as the fact that we have exceptionally deficient driver education and testing requirements in this country (especially with comparison to European nations). The point was well-made earlier in this thread that driver's education should also encompass parking, which would probably diminish the number of these kinds of incidents. And I think that another good indicator of driving "intelligence" over time is that insurance companies have always identified the 16-18 demographic as highest-risk, and many even issue discounts for driver's education courses. Given that insurance companies are all about the statistics and probabilities, those actions would seem to indicate that they view the problem as not due to some fundamental intelligence defect specific to this generation, but rather as a common problem of young drivers of any generation due to their inexperience and lack of education.

05/08/2009, 10:17 AM
Yes, I'd call the Camry incident a mistake. You are assuming that the person did it on purpose when there's no way you could know that. Purposefully and obliviously are two different things.

I'm fairly certain that we aren't using the word perspective in the same ways.

But by keying another persons' car just because they parked too close to you, YOU are taking the ME, ME, Me mentality even farther than you think the Camry driver did, so are there ANY winners in that situation? In my opinion, if you would have been there and keyed that car, both you AND the Camry driver would have essentially made the rest of US losers at that point.

Again, see first comment.

It has happened to me many times in the past, and as a matter of fact happened last week. Someone parked within inches of my passenger side with plenty of other spaces nearby they could have chosen. But, after looking over my passenger side to look for any damage and finding none, I grumbled under my breath for a few moments calling the other driver a few choice names, then considered myself lucky that no damage had occured. So aside from a little irritation, I called no harm no foul and drove off, and without keying the other guys' vehicle if you can believe that. Yeah, I know, even I marvel at my own levels of self control in the face of inconsiderate obliviousness sometimes. :p


Incidentally, there was one time in the past when someone did open their door into my passenger fender at work. When I got to my car to leave that day, I saw how close the other car was and thought to look for possible damage. When I saw that the other driver had hit my fender causing paint damage, I left things how they were and called company security to make out an incident report. With security there, the owner was contacted and asked to come out to the parking lot. He initially denied causing the damage, but when the security officer made him open his door, it was obvious from where the contact point occured that it was his door that had caused the damage. With the security guard as a witness, the other driver had no choice but to give me his insurance info and the damage was taken care of from there.

Now maybe that guy was a little more vigilant/considerate about his parking from then on and maybe not, but resorting to vandalism sure wouldn't have gotten my own car repaired at no cost to me that time. So, it HAS happened to me, and I STILL think keying another persons' car in a situation like that is just allowing yourself to escalate the matter way too far.

You see the problem here is that you assumed the camry driver didn't purposely parked like that.
But in the real world the evidence suggest that the camry driver parked the way he/she did because the driver wanted to have enough space to get in/outter the car with no problem & at the same time expressing his careless concern about how the driver parked next to him should get in/out.

The camry driver had the white divider line right front of his/her face yet still didn't look back & check to see how bad the camry was positioned.

If you park your car way close enough to the point that me or either my family can't get in without performing a circus show jumpimg from here to there to gain access I MEAN you'll get key because you proved me you care a S... about others so don't expect reciprocity;then next time you park like that you'll remember to fix that "mistake" by positioning your car the right way & keep that in perspective

I do get your point about it & is accepted,but as how i say before: this is where idiots like that push you to edge sometimes

PS:You can only understand how right the world is by looking at it the opposite way

05/08/2009, 02:22 PM
so your saying that its more important to have sports than to have people the ability to get back and forth to work and school...i know that as soon as i turned 16 i HAD to have a job...how am i supposed to get to work?? mind you that i lived 35 miles away from my school.....45 minute drive EACH way (daily) plus going to work...

ya, i wanna ride the bus and organize all of that.

easy to take away others priviledges when it doesnt affect you...

I just do not htink tax payers should have to pay for student parking lots to be built. If you read more closely I also do not think they should pay for sports teams or any extra curricular activities. Tax payers should pay for schools, school teachers, and school books. Why do we pay millions for stadiums for HS sports but eliminate gym from the curriculum? Why de we need to pay more money per student now and still have falling down buildings old books and illiterate graduates.

05/08/2009, 02:33 PM
A big +1 there. I played soccer and worked a 20+ hour a week job on top of school and other extracurricular activities. No way that works without a car..

You can have your car drive it all you want why should I pay for your parking?

That's a pretty sweeping and insulting generalization don't you think? We used to skip school by walking down the street to the local strip mall - we actually found that driving your car there increased your chances of being seen leaving (our spaces were numbered so it was easy to see if you weren't there). ..

Nothing you can do about walk aways but drive aways could just say I did not drive that day it gives an extra way to do it. Someone who drives away could always walk as well but if you did not drive you cannot drive away.

And how do you substantiate the "least intelligent" remark? Are you basing that on drop-out rates or something? I can tell you for a fact that more people attend college than ever, and our high schools teach much more advanced math, science, and liberal arts classes than when our parents were in school. For example, my parents studied geometry and algebra in their senior years, while I was in the AP versions of calculus, biology, chemistry, and world history. ..

I may have generalized too much here. I did not mean that all students were less intelligent. We are graduating students now that can do stuff that I never dreamed of in HS and I actually did quite well in advanced classes and College. What I meant was that there is a huge percentage of kids in High school now that are stuck in bad schools with bad teachers and the School teachers unions keep them stuck their with the bad teachers. I think our school taxes should go to better schools, better teachers (Nota all teachers are bad I do not want to go that road again) and not just the same bad teachers getting better pay.

Do you realize when the teachers say they only get paid so much a year that they never say they are only working 9 months a year? If they call it a years pay they should work all year like everyone else or be upfront about the fact they get 3 months paid vacation every summer. Also we have bad teachers. We have all had one and if the union gets their way we keep the bad teachers and pay them more for being bad. Or they are saying we are not doing our best but pay us more and we will do better? Is this the person you want teaching the kids?

05/09/2009, 10:19 AM
You see the problem here is that you assumed the camry driver didn't purposely parked like that.
Actually, I didn't assume anything. Just because I said that you had assumed one thing doesn't automatically mean that I assumed the opposite.

But in the real world the evidence suggest that the camry driver parked the way he/she did because the driver wanted to have enough space to get in/outter the car with no problem & at the same time expressing his careless concern about how the driver parked next to him should get in/out.
I agree that is one possible explanation (*), but regardless of whether it's accurate or not, it was still a mistake (purposeful or not), and not one that would warrant you keying the persons' car. But that's just my opinion. You're free to do what you want of course, as long as you are willing to accept the possible consequences.

(*) PS: Here's another possible explanation. The Camry driver got a call that a family member who worked near that parking garage had been involved in an accident/emergency, etc. and the Camry driver was rushing to the scene to be with that family member. Granted that's an extreme possibilty, but if it were you in that case rushing to the saide of one of your family members, would you be paying close attention to the lines on a parking spot in that situation? And say that were the case, on top of your family members' trouble, you then come back to your car to go home and find that someone has keyed your car because you parked too close to them? Perspective.

05/11/2009, 06:33 AM
Don't wanna get in the middle of this arguement (even tho I kinda started it).

But ...

"You can have your car drive it all you want why should I pay for your parking?"

Student parking passes cost $100 several years ago - don't know what they're going for now.

05/11/2009, 06:38 AM
I'm one of those guys, that have to park at the opposite side of the parking farthest from ANYONE... There would be 50+ open parking spots around me and when I return, there is always someone parked RIGHT NEXT to me...

Well here, I was at the Fashion Show Mall parking, on the edge as close as I can get to the pillar so no one parking next to me will have to worry about hitting my VX... well, I come back and to my surprise!!! (btw, spot next to me was open when I parked)...

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/3162/thumbs/1241210408120.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/13808) http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/3162/thumbs/1241210293040.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/13807)

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/3162/thumbs/1241210280403.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/13806) http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/3162/thumbs/1241210237799.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/13804)

Could you imagine what was going through my mind when I see this, I couldnt even get my Son in the car, Had to go through the Driver side and reach and stretch to buckle him into his car seat, mind you, i'm 6'6" tall @ 230lbs...

Bleh, had to vent for a moment...

Theres tonnes of room ! Even i could get in there and im a chubby fooker !!! :D

05/11/2009, 07:10 AM
Don't wanna get in the middle of this arguement (even tho I kinda started it).

But ...

"You can have your car drive it all you want why should I pay for your parking?"

Student parking passes cost $100 several years ago - don't know what they're going for now.

drexel is $372 per term (11 weeks) to park on a campus lot

05/11/2009, 07:29 AM
drexel is $372 per term (11 weeks) to park on a campus lot

Betwenn land permits and parking an average sized parking lot hold 100 cars can cost in the millions to build and then you have upkeep. In NYC a reserved parking space in a garage costs over $50,000

05/11/2009, 08:26 AM
In NYC a reserved parking space in a garage costs over $50,000[/QUOTE]

PS: Plus taxes my friend

05/11/2009, 08:46 AM
"Student parking passes cost $100 several years ago - don't know what they're going for now."

Clarification: I'm talking High School - in Stafford, VA (so real estate is not primo).

05/11/2009, 08:47 AM
Betwenn land permits and parking an average sized parking lot hold 100 cars can cost in the millions to build and then you have upkeep. In NYC a reserved parking space in a garage costs over $50,000

:_confused and a ferrari costs $350,000, but the chevy i drove in high school was $500... and i bet you wont find a public school in NYC with student parking

im not arguing either way.. i had to drive to high school.. i lived 10 miles from the school, and did work study outside of school for two periods of the day. i had to drive to work in the morning, then had to drive to school from work... but i know a guy who saw the bus drive past his house and knew it was time to drive himself to school.... i was just giving tom a reference to what parking school parking costs

Riff Raff
05/11/2009, 03:06 PM
Hmmm, students driving to school within 10 miles??? I say get a damn bicycle and just leave a bit earlier from home in order to make the commute. I rode a bicycle to Elementary; then Junior High; then Senior High; and then to a 4-year University and each way was well over 10 miles. Kid's today are fat-n-lazy from their computer games; they need to excercise more, and get a bicycle which are much easier to park than a car and get way better gas mileage!!! In regards to school parking fees in NYC-- let me look at the school parking rate chart for a "Bicycle"............................oh, yeah; here it is........................it says "FREE"!!!

05/11/2009, 10:04 PM
Hmmm, students driving to school within 10 miles??? I say get a damn bicycle and just leave a bit earlier from home in order to make the commute. I rode a bicycle to Elementary; then Junior High; then Senior High; and then to a 4-year University and each way was well over 10 miles. Kid's today are fat-n-lazy from their computer games; they need to excercise more, and get a bicycle which are much easier to park than a car and get way better gas mileage!!! In regards to school parking fees in NYC-- let me look at the school parking rate chart for a "Bicycle"............................oh, yeah; here it is........................it says "FREE"!!!

yep biking 15-25 miles a day plus either running or swimming in addition to working 30-40 hr weeks and going to 14 hours worth of class a week.. im a lazy bum alright

05/12/2009, 06:22 AM
yep biking 15-25 miles a day plus either running or swimming in addition to working 30-40 hr weeks and going to 14 hours worth of class a week.. im a lazy bum alright

Come on, get it together Eric. Lazy :gring:

05/12/2009, 07:50 AM
yep biking 15-25 miles a day plus either running or swimming in addition to working 30-40 hr weeks and going to 14 hours worth of class a week.. im a lazy bum alright

But when I was in HS I went to class 6-7 hours a day 5 days a week and worked after school and on weekends at my parents nursery. In college I worked 40 hours a week and took 15-18 hours each semester while taking the bus.

05/12/2009, 08:06 AM
sorry didn't read the entire thread, but I deal with this too... price of having a unique stand out vehicle. No matter where you park, people want to be next to you... and unfortunately they don't pay attention to how close they park.

This is why I make sure I carry my offroad air down supplies. Just unscrew the core to their schrader valves. :D

05/21/2009, 09:01 PM
Wow! With threads like this, who needs Jerry Springer! (Arg-arg-arg-arg-arg - per Mr. Krabs.)

05/22/2009, 04:42 PM
Well i guess i should post my story about this....I got home one day after work and these kids ( 6-8 years old) were playing with their Razor scooters on the curb right next to my jeep. I politely told them to be careful that they didnt hit my car. I walked into my apartment and straight to the window that overlooked the parking lot and right as i looked out the window one of the little jerks slammed the handlebar right into the side of the jeep! I was pissed off so instead of yelling at them like i wanted to do I hit the "panic" button on my remote and let me tell you...i have never seen a kid run so fast!!! I went down shortly after and realized they put 3 dings(even took off paint) . They are so lucky that i didnt run after them so i could have the parents pay for the damage!!!!!:mad:

05/22/2009, 06:34 PM
Well i guess i should post my story about this....I got home one day after work and these kids ( 6-8 years old) were playing with their Razor scooters on the curb right next to my jeep. I politely told them to be careful that they didnt hit my car. I walked into my apartment and straight to the window that overlooked the parking lot and right as i looked out the window one of the little jerks slammed the handlebar right into the side of the jeep! I was pissed off so instead of yelling at them like i wanted to do I hit the "panic" button on my remote and let me tell you...i have never seen a kid run so fast!!! I went down shortly after and realized they put 3 dings(even took off paint) . They are so lucky that i didnt run after them so i could have the parents pay for the damage!!!!!:mad:

And you SHOULD make their parents pay for the damage, then maybe, just maybe they will assume some parental responsibilities for their 'little ones'. Sorry, but that is just part of the problem with this country and it is spreading acrossed the world

Riff Raff
05/22/2009, 06:50 PM
And you SHOULD make their parents pay for the damage, then maybe, just maybe they will assume some parental responsibilities for their 'little ones'. Sorry, but that is just part of the problem with this country and it is spreading acrossed the world

Good point ROWHARD, I agree. "MRS. CRN CNN"s big mistake was trusting the little brat kids in thinking that they would follow the gentle plea to be careful and not scratch the car. If it were me, I'd have personally ran off those damn kids like crows sitting on my front porch. Then, I woulda' watched out the same window to see if the punk kids came back. If they did, there would be hell to pay. I'd put the fear of God in those worthless kids so bad, that they wouldn't know whether to wipe their watch or wind their @ss!!!