View Full Version : Last weekend's Wales trip...

06/03/2009, 05:57 AM
Got back late last night from a fun weekend's green laning in Wales with friends and colleagues. Brilliant weather made the whole weekend really great. Nobody broke anything either. Which is nice...

The Go Pro camera is really good, but in future I'll be more selevctive of my filiming and won't just leave it running shooting pictures. Roof mounting alose makes for really boring footage

Anyhoo - here are some pics and videos...


Lunch Stop

Dynamic Splashes ftw

The Perfect Bow Wave

Through the Boulder Hole on the Strata Florida lane:


I know that didn't look that dramatic so here's me half way up the rock wall. 2 of our party have broken halfshafts there in the past. Here's a snap [sic] of me on the way up the rock on the second pass:-


Bit of a Vista

Following one of the lanes - I'm amazed at how much work the suspension's doing!


The obligatory "Alan Lying Underneath" shot (I was just checking the belly pan)

Me carrying the camera and not realising its on!

Loads more experimentation needed with camera mounting locations (its a Go-Pro Motorsport Hero that i only got the other week) and some of the settings (its a bit dark taking stills). Operator error hindered it taking the best shots.

"Trauck of the Trip" was Carl's completely stock Suzuki Vitara on road tyres that followed our pimped toys almost everywhere. It lost the rearmost 10 inches of its 11-year-old exhaust pipe and the front corssmember has been somewhat reshaped, but he's now in touch with a friend of mine for some decent tyres and a bit more ground clearance. The think was like a mountain goat though - fabulously impressive! Was it sold as the Chevvy Tracker? Carl's has a 1.6 ptrol motor and he's having some "Barbie" stickers made up for it!



06/03/2009, 08:21 AM
Awesome, looks like it was a great trip!! and the weather was perfect. i've seen that lane a few times on youtube and wanted to do it for a while. Also loving the camera!

The VX copes well as always!!!

06/05/2009, 10:41 PM
Nice pics. Interesting bullbar setup on your vx too. It looks good!

06/06/2009, 12:28 AM
Nice pics! It makes me thinking about visiting Wales on VX. It should be doable :)

06/07/2009, 10:34 AM
Nice. I've done Strata Florida before and can vouch that that bomb hole is a lot deeper/steeper than it looks! Here's a pic of my old Landie doing it. There are some fantastic off-roading to be done and I'll definately be returning there soon!

BTW Alan... where did you get the rock sliders? I want some!!!!




06/08/2009, 01:18 AM
Nice Landy!!!

Did you chop down the cab and do the mods?

06/08/2009, 05:21 AM
Yeah, its not bad -for a Landy ;) (My boss is a dyed-in-the-wool Landy fan and used to work for them. Us Jap-drivers NEVER compliment a Landy in his presence. He was almost turning green when he had to compliment the Vitara...)

Sliders and bar are by Billsons Steel Services of Kettering - 01536 512194 and ask to speak to Glynn saying that Alan Bradley (the guy with the weird 4x4) gave you his name. They're really "can do", make a great job and have a really good attitude.