View Full Version : VX wants to keep the keys

07/25/2003, 08:32 PM
I've had this happen a few times now - I go to turn off the VX and the key is stuck in the ignition (yes, while key is in proper position and should come out). I've had to turn it on and off and repeat a few times before the key comes free as normal. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Maybe this is not a new issue with my VX, as I've only had it a short while and one of the keys the dealership gave me was slightly bent from either similar experiences in the past (or opening the rear door with the key and not the handle).

07/25/2003, 09:03 PM
I had a Honda that would require me to turn the wheel a bit to release the key - does moving the steering wheel a bit release the key?

07/25/2003, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by IsuZOOM
I had a Honda that would require me to turn the wheel a bit to release the key - does moving the steering wheel a bit release the key?

That's the steering lock. Just about every car has it. It's to prohibit steering without the key. Kind of a low tech anti-theft feature.

07/26/2003, 05:20 AM
Originally posted by Heraclid
(or opening the rear door with the key and not the handle). There's a handle?

07/26/2003, 05:58 AM
Check the transmission cable lock. There is a cable that runs from the transmission (Shifter) to the ignition switch that prevents removal of the key unless the gear selector is in park. The cable can come out of adjustment and not release your key.

07/26/2003, 06:09 AM
Originally posted by IsuZOOM
There's a handle?

Look to the right of the rear license plate..

07/26/2003, 06:13 AM
Make sure your front wheels are straight. My vx won't lock into park if the wheels are turned too much. Sucks when you have to curb, but if you get it locked into park first, then curb your wheels the key comes right out.

07/26/2003, 06:32 AM
As HotFlyer mentioned the transmission lock may be the culprit. I've had issues with this on a couple of auto-tranny Troopers. Once I figured it out I would just move the shifter from front to back to front in one firm motion and then the key came right out. It would only happen intermittently and was never annoying enough for me to see what was out of adjustment/alignment.

07/26/2003, 08:43 AM
I thought it might be the steering lock thing because my Avenger used to do the same thing and a turn of the wheel would release it. More commonly, it would require that in order to start the car. That's the first thing I tried, and unfortunately, that doesn't work here. And the VX has always been in park, of course. I've never had a problem with it letting me lock into park thus far.

Moving the key to slightly different positions also has not released it. Seems like when it does come out, it is with a quick, fluid motion (i.e. not a two-stage turning it off and then pulling, but rather one continuous movement). I have never had any problem during starting, only shutdown. The key rotates fine and is not locked into a given postion in that regard - it will turn and restart the VX, just won't come out when you shut it off.

I do believe that the last time this happened I shifted into neutral and back and the key released right after. I think. I know I was messing with the shifter hoping it would do something. <shrug> I haven't done so previously and don't know if that will always work or was coincidence, and it has come out without doing that. Like Joe said was also his experience, mine is also intermittent and I go days and several shutdowns between these occurences.
It always eventually comes free, but would be real annoying when in a hurry or if it decided not to come out at all.

07/26/2003, 09:39 AM
As everyone else has chimed in with the most common answers, another thing to look for is a bur on the key. I found this after dropping my keys and the key had a small bur on th tip. Once I buffed the bump out of the key all worked fine.