View Full Version : HELP. At a clients house and VX is stuck in PARK !!

08/28/2009, 01:48 AM
I have an hours parking and the VX wont move from park. it stuck just off oxford street!!! Its got to be the electric between the foot brke and the gear lever as its NOT clicking when i depress the foot pedal. I messed for a bit and it clicked and i got it back into gear but it wouldnt let me take the key out grrrrrr so HAD to put it back in park

Where are the elec connectors???? Need to check them asap!!!

Thanks guys!!

08/28/2009, 03:52 AM
Well, I don't know, but the electric manual is loaded here and in the back of the book is photos of the different locations of things, hope that helps

08/28/2009, 03:55 AM
Umm i thought we have a wire like (not electrical wire XD) that goes from the ignition to the selector thats why when your keys arent in you cant take it out of park ?

something like that, maybe thats having problems

08/28/2009, 05:33 AM
Back in the office, All fixed on the side of the road :D

It was the brake pedal switch, it wasn't working properly and the brake lights worn't working either. That switch tells the solenoid on the gear lever to un-lock so its definately an electrical system and not a cable.
I took the switch out and cleaned it up (luckily had an electrical tester on me) and it worked fine so re-installed it and hey presto.

Also, if this happens to anyone else you can remove the 10AMP 'STOP' fuse from the driver foot well and it over rides the system and lets you get the gear out of park. It disables the brake lights though so only do it if you have to !!!!

08/28/2009, 05:36 AM
on the 'silver lining' side, a guy stopped to ask what my VX was etc and took the details of the forum so i may have converted someone :D

08/28/2009, 05:46 AM
It was the brake pedal switch, it wasn't working properly and the brake lights worn't working either. That switch tells the solenoid on the gear lever to un-lock so its definately an electrical system and not a cable.
I took the switch out and cleaned it up (luckily had an electrical tester on me) and it worked fine so re-installed it and hey presto.

Also, if this happens to anyone else you can remove the 10AMP 'STOP' fuse from the driver foot well and it over rides the system and lets you get the gear out of park. It disables the brake lights though so only do it if you have to !!!!

Good info.

VX crazy
08/28/2009, 07:01 AM
Back in the office, All fixed on the side of the road :D

It was the brake pedal switch, it wasn't working properly and the brake lights worn't working either. That switch tells the solenoid on the gear lever to un-lock so its definately an electrical system and not a cable.
I took the switch out and cleaned it up (luckily had an electrical tester on me) and it worked fine so re-installed it and hey presto.

Also, if this happens to anyone else you can remove the 10AMP 'STOP' fuse from the driver foot well and it over rides the system and lets you get the gear out of park. It disables the brake lights though so only do it if you have to !!!!

Good to know! What if you took out the amp and put in drive and than put the amp back??

08/28/2009, 07:06 AM
It should work.

BTW, he's talkin 'bout a 10A fuse, not an amp.

08/28/2009, 07:10 AM
u mean we don't have a shift unlock like every other floor mout shift car i've ever driven???
beaver dam

08/28/2009, 07:34 AM
See, all that mudding and offroading is turning your VX into a clunker. :p

I get the sticking sometimes but it's just the solenoid in the shifter. My key sometimes likes to take a dirt nap in the ignition so I have to give the shifter a good "punch to the lip" to knock it loose. It's so habit now I don;t even realize I am doing it.

BTW, since you are getting around the island across the pond, make these clowns your clients and give them a wooden shampoo for me, would ya? ;)

Unit 1 Thornton Park Farm Thornton Milton Keynes MK17 0HW United Kingdom

They have decided to take my $144 to the local pub instead of sending my order and won't answer my calls or emails. I prefer the "sit down" tactic over the legal. ;)

08/28/2009, 07:51 AM
Thats right, if you take out the fuse, put it in gear and then insert the fuse its fine.

I know, i keep breaking things but hey, its damn good fun offroading it!!!! I think this was my fault too actually as the break pedal started squeeking and was driving me nuts and i couldnt see where it was coming from so i got a can of silicone spray and did a 'point and hope' at the length of the pedal :D Stopped the sqeek but had very shiny shoes for a while :D

08/28/2009, 08:00 AM
shiney shoes & skinny ties - now that's just plain sexy.

08/28/2009, 08:48 AM
fpmsl, hahahahahaha :D

08/28/2009, 09:47 PM
So now i'm confused. My vx will shift without any brake pedal application at all. Is that not normal? I know my wife's car needs the brakes applied but i just figured the vx was different. Haven't tried it without the keys in though. maybe i'm just confused as to what ya'll are talking about. don't mind me.:_iamwiths