View Full Version : Looks like da tird...GILBERT MN !

09/10/2009, 05:34 AM
of Oktober will be the date!

Gilbert MN is the location.

There are a few here who are also active on the MWIOR, where this is also posted.

I'll add links & more info later, so check back if you're interested in attending...:thumbup:

09/10/2009, 06:36 AM
Here's a link to the MWIOR thread... http://mwior.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=7c0c73fc329a68c7378e7069b914d1 f0&topic=519.0

And a link to the Gilbert MN offroad park... http://files.dnr.state.mn.us/maps/ohv/iron_range.pdf


Some vid from last year... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHyr9sQt7Mc


Also, the most reasonable lodging... http://www.kokesmotel.com/

Thanks go to Big Swede for all the info/links...:thanx:

09/13/2009, 06:51 AM
Greg's on board...EXCELLENT...:dance:...:dan_ban:...:dance:

09/13/2009, 11:58 AM
ya know, I can't help but think you'd get more sign ups if ya changed the title....I just don't think folks are thank anxious to see a tird (aka turd)...:laugho:

09/15/2009, 02:59 PM
ya know, I can't help but think you'd get more sign ups if ya changed the title....I just don't think folks are thank anxious to see a tird (aka turd)...:laugho:

You may be right...:mbrasd: So I tweaked the title a little...:smack:

But I see Kenny & Swede on board too...:dance:..:dan_ban:..:dance:

09/15/2009, 03:04 PM
Just had a look at Gilbert MN and they really didn't think hard about the road names there, lol !!!! theres a long and winding road called........long and winding road, lol

09/15/2009, 03:40 PM
You may be right...:mbrasd: So I tweaked the title a little...:smack:

Ahhh, I's just messin' witcha Dub!

09/16/2009, 07:20 AM
Just had a look at Gilbert MN and they really didn't think hard about the road names there, lol !!!! theres a long and winding road called........long and winding road, lol
Not to mention Lake Ore-Be-Gone...yep, it's an old flooded iron mine pit.

09/26/2009, 04:02 AM
Less'n a week away...:dance:.:dan_ban:.:_beer:.:dan_ban:.:dance:

09/26/2009, 08:15 AM
Just had a look at Gilbert MN and they really didn't think hard about the road names there, lol !!!! theres a long and winding road called........long and winding road, lol

Where do you think The Beatles got the idea for their song ? They visited Gilbert MN in 1969, song was #1 in 1970.

09/27/2009, 05:23 PM
Hey Larry, what are your plans for arrival and lodging?

09/27/2009, 08:41 PM
Hey Larry, what are your plans for arrival and lodging?

Arrive mid-late afternoon Fri, Check in to Koke's, maybe get registered at the park too.

don moore
09/27/2009, 11:49 PM
Just had a look at Gilbert MN and they really didn't think hard about the road names there, lol !!!! theres a long and winding road called........long and winding road, lol

i live next to a road that runs next to the river ,,its called River Road.....

10/02/2009, 06:36 AM
Out tha door baby...everybody have a good weekend!

:dance:...:dan_ban:...:_beer:...:dan_ban:.. .:dance:


10/02/2009, 07:14 AM
Out tha door baby...everybody have a good weekend!

Rite back atcha

Have fun undoing all the detail work you & TLMP did last week.

10/07/2009, 05:09 AM
Had a good time hangin' wit the nortwoods gang...:dance:

The weather left a lot to be desired, mostly cloudy & rainy. But the company made up for it!

Had some fume issues (see "breather" thread) which curtailed some wheeling/socializing activities for TLMP & me...:confusedw

All in all, a pretty good weekend, with no carnage to speak of...unless we mention Greggs exhaust tip...:uhohgray:...:yesgray:

Sorry I didn't get to see you before we left, Kenny & Big Swede, we hunted down Big Jim & Brother Mike, then beat feet outta town, JUST getting home in time for me to go...:sleepgray (I had to work @ midnight)

I'll post the best pics in a day or two.

10/07/2009, 06:41 AM
You must have left early, I got up before 8 and you were gone (that's early for me on a Sunday...). Heck, I was home before noon.

It was fun to see everybody.

10/08/2009, 02:46 AM
You must have left early, I got up before 8 and you were gone (that's early for me on a Sunday...). Heck, I was home before noon.

It was fun to see everybody.

Yah, I wandered by your room about 0645 but saw no lights or signs of activity. Went over to the Bonsai Tea downtown for some coffee, then called Jim & Mike, and woke them up.
Had some brefast while they got themselves toghther, then hit the road.

Here are some pics...

Kenny coming up the switchbacks
Trail Boss numero uno, Big Swede
Mike's Wrangler
Orion's carnage
Kenny flex
Mike being eaten by the "big muskie"
Big Jim stuffs a tire

More pics in my gallery.

10/08/2009, 08:04 AM
Looks like fun fun fun! U even snapped a shot of one of those pesky Jeeps! :D

10/08/2009, 08:42 AM
Mike being eaten by the "big muskie"
I'm glad they repaired the "Big Fish"...it was looking pretty sad last year.

Thanks for the pics...see if you can get Jim's too, I know he was taking some. I, as usual, forgot my camera. :rolleyes:

10/08/2009, 08:45 AM
Looks like a muddy good time! ;)


10/09/2009, 02:56 AM
I'm glad they repaired the "Big Fish"...it was looking pretty sad last year.

Yah, the big fish is looking much improved from last year. While we were there, a lady stopped to take some pics. She informed me that it was still a WIP(notice it has no eyes), & that she had been taking pics of the progress.
Also, she told me that it's on one of the postcards in the credits of Nat Lamps "Vacation"...:cool:

Last year...


This year...


Here's a short article...http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.roadsideamerica.com/attract/images/mn/MNBENfish_ramstad.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.roadsideamerica.com/tip/710&usg=__YoGA0PypbaP6VArTDoD50GHvRz4=&h=155&w=280&sz=9&hl=en&start=11&tbnid=2wZzR8-kNzlR3M:&tbnh=63&tbnw=114&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbig%2Bfish%2Bsuppper%2Bclub%26gbv%3D2 %26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG

Google "big fish supper club" for more.

10/09/2009, 07:27 AM
Also, she told me that it's on one of the postcards in the credits of Nat Lamps "Vacation"...:cool:
Yes it is! I have noticed that...I think Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox from Bemidji might be in there too.