View Full Version : Hood Insert needs some touching love

09/24/2009, 07:48 AM
I know that many of you guys had the hood insert repainted.

Now it's my turn to do so,my hood needs some work done on it (no Cracks at all),because out there's so many ways to do so i'll appretiate if you guys can provide me with the materials,tools needed & some how-to-do to get the task done.

09/24/2009, 08:27 AM
I know that many of you guys had the hood insert repainted.

Now it's my turn to do so,my hood needs some work done on it (no Cracks at all),because out there's so many ways to do so i'll appretiate if you guys can provide me with the materials,tools needed & some how-to-do to get the task done.

how serious do you want to be? You can use a couple coats of this; http://www.amazon.com/Turtle-Wax-T374KT-Color-Black/dp/B000AMAE4K/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=automotive&qid=1253806514&sr=8-3 to having it completely repainted.

09/24/2009, 03:02 PM
how serious do you want to be? You can use a couple coats of this; http://www.amazon.com/Turtle-Wax-T374KT-Color-Black/dp/B000AMAE4K/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=automotive&qid=1253806514&sr=8-3 to having it completely repainted.

Well,that's good for starters rowhard

Will i need to sand it before aplication ?

Is under coat need to be applied before coating ?

Thanks ! :o

09/25/2009, 08:27 AM
I've been using that stuff for four years on my hood insert and it looks great. I like it a lot.

http://www.vehicross.info/modules.php?name=Reviews&file=viewarticle&id=2 (http://www.vehicross.info/modules.php?name=Reviews&file=viewarticle&id=2)

Mark Griffin

10/21/2009, 12:28 PM
my insert could use a repaint also.

the corner by the driver's door is "peeling" up a little. how is the insert affixed to the hood? is it just adhesive or are their mechanical fasteners?

any tips on removing the insert for ease of painting/replacing the adhesive/fasteners.

10/21/2009, 12:55 PM

The insert is held down mechanically. There are "bolts" glued to the back of the insert that fit in holes in the hood and are then held down by nuts. You'll need to take the heat blanket off of the underside of the hood to get to the nuts to loosen them. Once you get the insert off you'll be able to see how the threaded rods are held on.

My insert was doing exactly what yours is doing now. I removed the insert and cleaned/scraped the left over glue off the back of the insert (making note of where the threaded rods where) then I used J.B. Weld to put the bolts back on. It's been a couple of years now and they seem to be holding up just fine.

10/21/2009, 01:41 PM
Don't forget that the windshield washer jets go through the insert too. You'll have to remove them as well. It's actually a simple process & should only take you about 15-20 min.

You'll probably break/lose several of the blanket fasteners during the process & should be able to pick up replacements at your favorite auto parts store. You won't be able to get exact replacements so just take one in with you & get the closest match.

10/21/2009, 06:01 PM
And while the inserts off give the little drains at the front of the bonnet a clean you can see what im talking about once you get the insert off.