View Full Version : what do do with rear seats

10/23/2009, 09:39 AM
I've been considering removing the rear seats to get more room and since not many people ride in the back. The seats are nice though and recline. Has anyone found a good use for them outside the VX? I don't know...maybe a swing chair or bachelor loveseat? Anything?

10/23/2009, 09:41 AM
I've been considering removing the rear seats to get more room and since not many people ride in the back. The seats are nice though and recline. Has anyone found a good use for them outside the VX? I don't know...maybe a swing chair or bachelor loveseat? Anything?

I put a seat cover over it and am storing it on a shelf in the garage. I have no need for it but in case I ever sell I will have it

10/23/2009, 12:57 PM
I yanked mine after about a month and sold it and haven't looked back.....and I finally got enough nerve to CUT OUT the rear seat belts last month! Yippee!! Nothing hanging in my way, AND improved visibility by a tiny bit in that rear side window! I may regret it if it's a problem if/when I sell, but I'll have years and years of no hassle with it until then! :bwgy:

But the bachelor love seat sounds kind of intriguing....in a disturbing kind of way......:_wtf:

10/23/2009, 01:51 PM
I sold mine as well. I am not regretting it at all.

10/23/2009, 02:12 PM
if someone is buying them they either damaged or sold theirs and found out they needed them. Now if it was a couple pieces of plastic like the roof rail pieces that are selling for a large price sure I would sell but the seats do not even sell for enough to buy a tire or wheel.

10/23/2009, 02:18 PM
yep, removing mine was one of the first mod's I did. Now it is taking up space in the workshop instead of the VX:mado:

10/23/2009, 04:25 PM
.....and I finally got enough nerve to CUT OUT the rear seat belts last month!

umm.... hate to tell you, but you could of removed those without cutting em little lady ;) just gotta take apart the back half of the vx. and a few bolts later they are gone.

baldwin- mine sat in my garage for 3 years, then when i sold my VX they went back in and the buyer said no way he would of bought it without them....just so you know.

10/23/2009, 04:33 PM
umm.... hate to tell you, but you could of removed those without cutting em little lady ;) just gotta take apart the back half of the vx. and a few bolts later they are gone.
Yeah, Dub kind if gave me an overview of the process of removing the panels....key words being "take apart the back half of vx".....have ya met me??? :_wtf::laugho: I poked around a bit trying to figure out how to pull that back panel.....then gave up for about 3 months....and cut them.....it was easier! :o

10/23/2009, 04:40 PM
I could use a set of black and grey if anyone wants to get rid of 'em. Either that or think of a way to fix mine. The latch on the bottom that hold the seat down has been torn off so they just flop around back there. Now I have them bungee corded down, so they are practically useless.

10/23/2009, 04:54 PM
Yeah, Dub kind if gave me an overview of the process of removing the panels....key words being "take apart the back half of vx".....have ya met me??? :_wtf::laugho: I poked around a bit trying to figure out how to pull that back panel.....then gave up for about 3 months....and cut them.....it was easier! :o

i guess its too late now... but i did a walkthrough. bolt by bolt.

you can always call me for wiring or dissasembly sue :thumbup:

10/23/2009, 07:30 PM
Hmm ive still got mine in the back. Tho when people ride in the back of it they normaly rate it as. good view, comfyish but how do these windows open :p

Then i normaly get bugged to put my window down for them to get freshair Lol. but yea otherwise i keep mine in incase i do needa take passengers etc.

10/24/2009, 12:37 AM
I pulled mine out the first week I had the vx and replaced with a box of woofers and it sits the closet and in perfect shape,like new black n grey and collecting dust lol.

Riff Raff
10/24/2009, 05:02 AM
Baldwin--- Yes, removing the worthless backseat is one of the best improvements one can make to the VX (that's why the VX has only 2 doors). The OEM backseat should definately be saved in case the VX is ever sold to a new owner, and will help maintain the VX's resale value.

If storage space is a problem (like ROWHARD commented); just enclose it in a big plastic leaf/garbage bag (to keep it clean from dust), then secure it with a couple of motorcycle tie-down straps and "suspend" it from the garage ceiling with a couple of eye-bolts. It's then up outa' the way, hanging from the ceiling and you're not constantly tripping over it.

A note about removal-- there are basically two(2) methods of rear seat removal:

REMOVAL OPTION-A: Remove the entire two(2) rear seat brackets by removing the vertical bolts from floor boards. Oftentimes, VX owner's have said that these vertical bracket bolts become rusted/corroded hidden from underneath the VX floorboard and will shear-off/break-in-half when wrench torque is applied in their attempted removal (not good, and a real PITA).:noo:

REMOVAL OPTION-B: Remove just the two(2) horizontal retaining "pivoting pins", thereby leaving the original rear seat brackets in-place (do not attempt to unscrew the vertical bracket bolts from the floorboard). Upon removal of the rear seat, immediately replace the horizontal "pivoting pins" back into the orginal seat brackets still on the VX floorboard. This will safeguard the "pivoting pins" from possibly being lost, and will automatically transform the rear seat brackets to becoming forward mounted "TIE-DOWN ANCHOR POINTS" for securing future interior cargo!!!:yeso:

Rear seat Removal Option-B, is the "preferred method".:yes:

10/24/2009, 07:44 AM
Actually, I can't see any proton driver considering removing the back seat unless he has retired his VX from accepting fares. (prolly needs to keep one of those 'Not for Hire' signs in the front window to avoid confusion).
With that said, I'm actually considering a 3rd row seat, kinda upgrade to like todays SUV's.
Just my 2 cents.

10/25/2009, 09:34 AM
After gaining inspiration from this thread I decided to take out the rear seat last night. And so it started. From Riff's post I selected option A because I didn't want those brackets sticking up when the seat was removed. After much profanity and scraped knuckles I soaked those two forward bolts in Bolt Buster and retired for the evening. Back at this morning. Called a friend. got hold of an impact hammer. What a PITA. It's out now and in the basement. Definitely not for the feint of heart. Put's a whole new ceiling on frustration tolerance. Highly recommended.

10/25/2009, 03:16 PM
Removed mine once all my stuff was moved to Chicago. I love all the room and not having to constantly fold the seats forward. If we need back seats for passengers, we take Gill's. Kahlua appreciates all the added room in the back too!

Riff Raff
10/25/2009, 03:55 PM
From Riff's post I selected option A because I didn't want those brackets sticking up when the seat was removed. After much profanity and scraped knuckles I soaked those two forward bolts in Bolt Buster and retired for the evening. Back at this morning. Called a friend. got hold of an impact hammer. What a PITA. It's out now and in the basement. Definitely not for the feint of heart. Put's a whole new ceiling on frustration tolerance. Highly recommended.

ScottinMA-- Damn:mad:, you mis-read my advice and selected the wrong method!!! Option-B is the "preferred method" and the rear seat brackets should remain in-place and not be removed. The PITA difficulties you encountered with the bracket removal only helps solidify my point.

Only the horizontal "pivoting retaining pins" should be removed as described in Option-B, and then re-inserted to prevent possible loss of the "pins". The brackets (now empty) then become forward mounted Tie-Down Anchor Points for interior cargo (to complement the other OEM anchor points within the VX cargo area).:yeso:

10/26/2009, 05:25 AM
ScottinMA-- Damn:mad:, you mis-read my advice and selected the wrong method!!! Option-B is the "preferred method" and the rear seat brackets should remain in-place and not be removed. The PITA difficulties you encountered with the bracket removal only helps solidify my point.

Only the horizontal "pivoting retaining pins" should be removed as described in Option-B, and then re-inserted to prevent possible loss of the "pins". The brackets (now empty) then become forward mounted Tie-Down Anchor Points for interior cargo (to complement the other OEM anchor points within the VX cargo area).:yeso:

Riff ,

No I didn't mis-read your post. Option B is the "easy" way to do it. I tend to seek the most abusive, arduous and frustrating path. Pulling those pins would have been too easy and then I would have had all that free time when I could have been pulling my hair out and screaming at the damn bolt! Besides, I wanted those brackets out of there. Now if only I can find a oriental rug and hookah for my new den of iniquity....

Riff Raff
10/26/2009, 05:34 AM
Riff ,

No I didn't mis-read your post. Option B is the "easy" way to do it. I tend to seek the most abusive, arduous and frustrating path. Pulling those pins would have been too easy and then I would have had all that free time when I could have been pulling my hair out and screaming at the damn bolt! Besides, I wanted those brackets out of there. Now if only I can find a oriental rug and hookah for my new den of iniquity....

ScottinMA--- Hmmm, I fully understand now. Thank you for that clarification.:o

10/26/2009, 05:45 AM
Rekin I'm one of the only ones who actually use the back seat. Mine remain where they belong ... solidly mounted in the VX.

03/27/2015, 09:07 PM
Sorry to revive a zombie thread, but what dimensions do you get after removing the back seat? Esp front to back..????


03/27/2015, 11:37 PM
Sorry to revive a zombie thread, but what dimensions do you get after removing the back seat? Esp front to back..????


WOW!! A blast from the past! Good to see you here again. Hiya been Grif?

Here's pics showing the rear area w/o the seat.
It's 5' from front to rear (that's what tape measure is showing in case you can't read it).

The cargo tote is 18" deep, to give you some perspective on how much space remains in front and back of it.



