View Full Version : Hi all...

10/28/2009, 06:18 PM
I had surgery on my neck on Oct. 1st... it went well... the post-op didn't go too good... I had issues and problems with the pain meds and side effects from the anesthesia, (was severely depressed)... but I'm all better now... (debatable, I know). I am now tho, PAIN free for like the first time in 5 years, although truly in like 27 years with phantom pains, they're almost non-existant, post-surgery... Whereas they had been really, really bad in the preceding couple of years prior to the surgery... almost gone now! (isn't it funny how pain is spoken of as almost an entity)

I have a 3.25" titanium plate in my neck now (insurance said the retractable claws was considered "Elective" and wouldn't pony-up the $$$). The Doc says I can go 4wheelin when I feel like it... !!!


10/28/2009, 06:29 PM
Oh man great news ! :yesgray:

Isn't easy to go thru all those situations & thereafter dealing with all the treatments that goes along.

Happy you are back on business,hell........ you are the ironman ! :p

don moore
10/28/2009, 06:41 PM
good to have you back........:work:

10/28/2009, 07:11 PM
Oh man great news ! :yesgray:

Isn't easy to go thru all those situations & thereafter dealing with all the treatments that goes along.

Happy you are back on business,hell........ you are the ironman ! :p

good to have you back........:work:


Glad to hear the final result was on the + side...:yesgray:

10/28/2009, 07:31 PM
I see a name change in the near future...


Good health to ya!


10/28/2009, 08:32 PM
Hey I was thinkin' about you just the other day and wonderin' if you'd had your surgery yet....good to hear you're on the mend AND you can go back to enjoying riding in your VX again! :thumbup::thumbup:

10/29/2009, 03:41 AM
Grats on the recovery. Good to have you back.

VX crazy
10/29/2009, 05:13 AM
Yeah! I meant to email you to see how all that went! I will email you about that next meeting too......you will like the group of people. So glad you are doing better!

10/29/2009, 07:05 AM
I see a name change in the near future...


Good health to ya!


now thats good. Welcome back

10/29/2009, 08:58 AM
Wow, that pain lived with you awhile! A woman I work with had to have a plate placed in her neck as well. Sadly, the doc did something wrong and after some time a couple of the screws he used started backing out and rubbing on living tissue, causing new pains. A few months ago she had to go back to get things redone by a different doc. 1st doc is being sued now I think. Hope everything continues to go well for you!

10/29/2009, 10:24 AM
The Doc says I can go 4wheelin when I feel like it... !!!


glad your doin ok!

Scott Harness
10/29/2009, 12:48 PM
Glad you are better!!

10/29/2009, 01:02 PM
I see a name change in the near future...


Good health to ya!


X2 here, and like the new name, only i can't spell titanium (copied
jo) but i can spell iron.

10/29/2009, 01:30 PM
It's amazing how much a nagging pain dictates how you percieve the world around you. I'm glad your feeling better.