View Full Version : Brake Light

Mark B
11/22/2009, 01:25 AM
Driving my VX and noticed the brake light on.
I do not drive the VX much but took it for my weekly drive and noticed the brake light on. Did not notice any problems with the VX driving, just the brake light stays on.
40,000 miles and original brakes.
Pulled on the emergency break and released and brake light still on.
Pumped brakes and light still on.
Any suggestions.

11/22/2009, 01:28 AM
Driving my VX and noticed the brake light on.
I do not drive the VX much but took it for my weekly drive and noticed the brake light on. Did not notice any problems with the VX driving, just the brake light stays on.
40,000 miles and original brakes.
Pulled on the emergency break and released and brake light still on.
Pumped brakes and light still on.
Any suggestions.

Check the level of the brake fluid...:_wrench:

11/22/2009, 12:32 PM
Ditto what dub says. My brake light came on once and I thought that it was my emergency brake too. Ended up being low fluid level in the master cylinder.

Mark B
11/22/2009, 12:43 PM
Did the brake fluid thing. It was low and added some fluid and the light went out.
Looks like some kind of level sensor in the brake fluid canister.
Thanks for the help.

11/22/2009, 04:05 PM
Did the brake fluid thing. It was low and added some fluid and the light went out.
Looks like some kind of level sensor in the brake fluid canister.
Thanks for the help.

Well, I could be wrong, but usually there is enough fluid in the master cylinder to last till your pads need changing. SOOOOOOOOooooo, maybe you have a leak, or maybe your pads are really close to needing changed and wonder about rotor thickness. Either way, BE real careful when you do a brake job, cause when you compress the pucks, that fluid has to go somewhere,... read all over your engine compartment and paint and brake fluid don't like each other along with whatever else it gets on.:mado::mado::mado: