View Full Version : Doing a little early Thanksgiving prep tonight...

11/24/2009, 10:13 PM
http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/PUMPKIN.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=16276)



Ya'all have a good and SAFE one!


11/24/2009, 10:23 PM
Priceless!!!! LMFAO...............and a great T-giving to U and all the other fellow VX'rs in the world.

11/25/2009, 03:53 AM
Who knew that pumpkins have no fashion sense...:_confused

I mean seriously, pink gloves with neutral tone shoes?...unheard of...:right:..;puke:

Everyone have a HAPPY TURKEY DAY !

11/25/2009, 05:18 AM
:laughy::laughy: Thats AWESOME!!! Not sure how I feel about pumpkin pie now...

Everyone have a HAPPY TURKEY DAY !

^^^ Right back at ya

11/25/2009, 05:32 AM
Who knew that pumpkins have no fashion sense...:_confused

I mean seriously, pink gloves with neutral tone shoes?...unheard of...:right:..;puke:

Startin to wonder 'bout you Boy!!!

Happy Turkey Day Ever'body!!!

11/25/2009, 06:31 AM
Startin to wonder 'bout you Boy!!!

The line forms to the rear...your number is 1420...:rolleyesg

11/25/2009, 07:28 AM
Nice number choice Dub! Happy Turkey Day, Turkeys!

11/25/2009, 07:38 AM
Nice number choice Dub! Happy Turkey Day, Turkeys!

I'za wonderin' who'za'gonna catch that first...:smilewink.:laughing:.:yesgray:

11/25/2009, 08:02 AM
Being that we are speaking of a day of thanks, I want to thank all of you for making every day worth thanking.

Over the last year and a bit, I have seen, read, heard, and have had done to (for) me, things that no words can ever begin to express the thoughts that are in my head. So in the simplest of terms;

Thank you!

May everyone stay safe and enjoy your day as you intend.

Happy Thanksgiving!!


11/25/2009, 08:10 AM
Right back atcha Boss Man...:thumbup:

Happy :thanx:-giving

11/25/2009, 08:27 AM
I'za wonderin' who'za'gonna catch that first...:smilewink.:laughing:.:yesgray:

I H8 being the densest one in the crowd ('specially THIS crowd). What is the significance of 1420?

BTW - happy turkey day to you too boss. Have a great one.

Scott Harness
11/25/2009, 09:28 AM
Peace and Love everybody Happy Thanksgiving!

11/25/2009, 09:50 AM
First, I'm very Thankful to see "the Boss" posting stuff again..that's one skinny tough guy...lol
To all my VX family (including er..uh..um...Tom4Bren) have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.
My wife is fixing my favorite..Turkey w/popcorn dressing.
Here's the dressing recipe if anyone is interested.
3 Tbs sage
1 cup salted butter
4 tsp salt
3 cups uncooked popcorn
Mix the above ingredients and stuff in your Turkey.
Place the bird in a pre-heated oven (preheated to 400 degrees)
When the popcorn pops and blows the butt out of the turkey, it's time to eat.
All the best, all the time! Handeeman/Mike

Oh and remember...you are what ya eat!

11/25/2009, 10:59 AM
I H8 being the densest one in the crowd ('specially THIS crowd). What is the significance of 1420?

I'll tell ya L8tr...:smilewink

11/25/2009, 11:03 AM
I H8 being the densest one in the crowd ('specially THIS crowd). What is the significance of 1420?


11/25/2009, 11:17 AM
[I'll tell ya L8tr...

Dont hold out on us because I have no clue either. I May have and idea but I seriously think its wrong. :confused:

Anyways happy T-day to everyone. Good to see you back boos man and back @ ya. :) Everyone be safe.

Now back to the subject at hand which is jo's photo. Why does Jo have pink gloves should be the real question :confused::p

Scott Harness
11/25/2009, 11:20 AM
The line forms to the rear...your number is 1420...:rolleyesg

Is it the year foreigners:bgwb:landed and started indoctrinating native americans:mado:

11/25/2009, 12:12 PM
Is it the year foreigners:bgwb:landed and started indoctrinating native americans:mado:
wouldn't that be 1492?:_thinking

11/25/2009, 12:35 PM
wouldn't that be 1492?:_thinking

The guys in 1420 were an advanced scouting party, & as Scott mentioned...Aliens..:yesgray:

11/25/2009, 03:07 PM
The guys in 1420 were an advanced scouting party, & as Scott mentioned...Aliens..:yesgray:
:_thinking:_thinking:_thinking...I give up....I'm lost....nevermind....

11/25/2009, 06:07 PM
Happy Thanksgiving, Jo! And everyone else!


PS - San Diego was awesome, LA is INSANE. Thanks for hanging out!! :_beer:

11/26/2009, 10:37 AM
well, i may be young. be at least im in the loop for once.

for all you older folks.....1420 most likely makes you look like this----> ;Dy;

11/27/2009, 04:50 AM
Dont hold out on us because I have no clue either. I May have and idea but I seriously think its wrong.

Go to wikipedia & search on 420 (not 1420). Prolly is what you thought it was.

don moore
11/27/2009, 09:39 PM
see ..thats why Ive never like pumkin pie......ha

lol when my sister in-law makes it it turns out gray.....ewwwww

11/28/2009, 08:43 AM
well, i may be young. be at least im in the loop for once.

for all you older folks.....1420 most likely makes you look like this----> ;Dy;

HAHA Jack I reminds me of the joke I pulled on my friend 2 years ago in Moab. Thanks buddy :)

11/29/2009, 09:33 AM
Hey just got this punkin' pic sent to me from a friend...it must be circling the world via email now! Jo your punkin' turd is famous....