View Full Version : So Hungry.......

12/10/2009, 09:14 AM
Discovered over the weekend i need to use my suit to go to a wedding on the 19th so i am desperately trying to loose some fat to get back into the bloody thing. Haven't had to wear it for a year!! and its been a year of good food and beer, lol

Anywhoo, im starving and my muscles are killing from the gym every day.... its all very boring but i expect its good for me not to be drinking beer everyday! :bwgy:

Bring on the 19th!!! I'll be pissed and stuffed lol :D

12/10/2009, 09:27 AM
Just purge after every meal - models do it so it must be good!

12/10/2009, 09:29 AM
lol! all ive eaten is 5 clementines and a tin of tuna! Bring on dinner !

12/10/2009, 09:42 AM
I feel you man. From a doctor's perspective, I should be 185lbs. However, I am 220. So, I am basically 35lbs fat. I attribute the weight to years of service behind a computer, love of beer and food, and absolutely no desire to spend time at a public gym.

It's hard, really hard.


12/10/2009, 10:45 AM
Go get a bike, running shoes and goggles...works for me!:bwgy:

12/10/2009, 10:48 AM
Go get a bike, running shoes and goggles...works for me!:bwgy:

You are also a masochist, Billy. Most people like soft cushions under butt, cold beer in hand, and soothing music in ears. :D


PS - I envy you masochists. :_huh:

12/10/2009, 12:20 PM
BTW Bart, I will be in Henderson in Nov. '10 for the Silverman (http://www.silvermannv.com/) Ironman distance race. Has 9700' of climbing on the bike and another 1000' on the run...fun fun fun!

Good luck Crotch' on the diet. Watch out though you may get hooked on the fitness thing...then it makes it easier to eat more.

12/10/2009, 12:39 PM
I feel you man. From a doctor's perspective, I should be 185lbs. However, I am 220. So, I am basically 35lbs fat. I attribute the weight to years of service behind a computer, love of beer and food, and absolutely no desire to spend time at a public gym.

It's hard, really hard.

BartWhat? That's my exact work out routine! It's not working for you? :confused: It's kept me at my ideal weight and at 10% body fat! Then again, producing lightning bolts does burn more calories...

12/10/2009, 01:21 PM
ya, i know that my diet deals with lots of laying underneath of cars and lots of twisting of wrenches... works pretty well for me ;)

oh, and pizza and beer when im done

12/10/2009, 01:32 PM
Then again, producing lightning bolts does burn more calories...


Glad I could help.

12/10/2009, 01:49 PM
Crotch do I have a plan for you. Go to the doctor, tell him you want to get jaw surgery. They wire it shut for a week and then no chewing for 6 months!!! I have lost 20lbs in two weeks.

12/10/2009, 05:23 PM
i do furniture removals, ive weighed my self before the job say 61kb and have come back weighed my self and have been 60. but 1kg is basicly food go home eat bla bla relax come back weigh my self the next day and im back t0 61.:o

But yea besides that goodluck :bwgy:

12/10/2009, 05:43 PM
BRAT diet.... Banana, Rice, Applesauce and Toast.

It's picked by pediatricians well little ones get sick, It has all the nutritional values you need but, you can drop weight very easily. I just lost 24lbs in 5 weeks when I was on this diet, I was sick too but, it worked.

12/11/2009, 05:08 AM
OK here is my two cents or maybe three???

When I found out I had some heart problems I knew I had to get rid of some weight to help control my condition. I had learned a long time back that if you eat 6-7 meals in place of the three you could drop pounds. We I tried it and lost about 30-35 lbs in just a few weeks. The trick is to eat a little less each day and by doing so you would shrink you stomach. The hungry feeling will have to set in some every day since you will not be filling up you stomach but it will get smaller and as it does you will find you need less food to eat. The body does not need as much food as we feed it we only feel hungry because we have not filled the stomach - then of course the left over is turned into fat. It worked for me :)

12/11/2009, 06:00 AM
Cheers all!! Glad im not the only one then. My problem is (not sure if i mensioned this before) that most of my left leg is paralysed from breaking my back in a bike accident and i cant jog run etc, infact i can only just walk lol so i can only do something like an exercise bike in the gym but then that hurts in other areas ( i broke basically everything in this accident) after just 15 minutes. Ah well, i am 7 kilo's lighter in just 4 days so somethings working and im also wearing a shirt today that hasn't fit for a while :D

12/11/2009, 06:25 AM
Ya know.....:rolleyesg..:smilewink

They DO make bigger suits...:rotate:

12/11/2009, 06:33 AM
I guess its just a phsycological thing really, and also an good reason to loose some pounds i've been meaning to loose all year!

12/11/2009, 06:35 AM
Yeh, I know...I'm just trying to be a bad influence...:smilewink

12/11/2009, 06:45 AM
lol, with the amount i've saved on Food and beer this week I could afford a new suit!!!

12/11/2009, 08:26 AM
I firmly believe that (at least in the US) people consume 2-4 times the amount of food that we actually require to live a healthy life. You know what they say, "the less you eat, the longer you live".


12/11/2009, 08:40 AM
Yeah....that's true....but.....isn't it worth it


12/11/2009, 08:48 AM
I firmly believe that (at least in the US) people consume 2-4 times the amount of food that we actually require to live a healthy life. You know what they say, "the less you eat, the longer you live".


Yeah, it amazes me the amount of calories that Cari's boss tells people to eat. Some people only get like 500 a day. It all depends on what you do.

12/11/2009, 09:46 AM
Yeah....that's true....but.....isn't it worth it

AMEN Brother! I like how the best tasting foods are usually the messiest! OK, sometimes... You guys are making me hungry for junk food now dammit!

12/11/2009, 09:52 AM
Yeah, it amazes me the amount of calories that Cari's boss tells people to eat. Some people only get like 500 a day. It all depends on what you do.

With my sitting at a computer job, I definitely DO NOT need 2000 calories a day.

I went to Carl's Jr. a while back and got the Western Double Bacon Cheeseburger with chili cheese fries (i love em) and a large Farva and I looked it up online later and that meal was like 2600 calories!!!! Freakin RIDICULOUS. No wonder we are all lardazses.


12/11/2009, 10:25 AM
With my sitting at a computer job, I definitely DO NOT need 2000 calories a day.

I went to Carl's Jr. a while back and got the Western Double Bacon Cheeseburger with chili cheese fries (i love em) and a large Farva and I looked it up online later and that meal was like 2600 calories!!!! Freakin RIDICULOUS. No wonder we are all lardazses.


Yeah, thats why I gained so much during college and working. Up at 5:30am swing by Mcd's, sit on my butt all day at work, some fast food in between work and school, sit on my butt all night at school. Head home around 10:30pm swing by Jack and get an ultimate with curly fries and shake, go to sleep. Four days a week that was mostly my routine. Fatty Fatty.

12/11/2009, 01:48 PM
The average person requires about 1100-1300 caleries a day. A little less if trying to loose weight a little more to gain.
I consume 4000-7000 a day depending on my training load...and still lose weight;eeky;
Along with how much you eat and probably more important is what you eat. I found one of the easiest ways to lose weight is to do without fried and processed food as much as possible. It is okay to enjoy some junk every once in a while (helps control binging) as long as its in moderation. As stated above...eating 4-6 small meals a day is better than eating 3 larger meals. Most people eat their largest meal in the evening. This is not ideal. Morning and noon should be larger meals as you are more active and burn more caleries. Evening meal should be a lite meal as your body begins to slow down to prepare for sleep. One of the worst things you can do is skip meals. In the short term this will work but then your body begins to go into starvation mode. It adapts thinking it is not going to get a meal and slows metabolism and stores more fat to prepare for starvation.Hope that helps a bit.

12/11/2009, 05:06 PM
with all this talk about food im really craving a 4x4 from in-n-out...

can any of you cali/nev/ari people enjoy one for me?? (man i sure wish they would open one in colorado)

12/11/2009, 07:02 PM
with all this talk about food im really craving a 4x4 from in-n-out...

can any of you cali/nev/ari people enjoy one for me?? (man i sure wish they would open one in colorado)

After living in San Diego two different times, I never figured out the draw to In and out. Their food was marginal at best, and expensive.
I think it is some Socal hype. The same as everyone thinks that Socal is the place to be and that orange county is this magically cool place. Guess what, its not, only the parts they show you on tv.
Give me BFE Missouri or Ohio or Idaho and so on any day.

12/11/2009, 09:21 PM
After living in San Diego two different times, I never figured out the draw to In and out. Their food was marginal at best, and expensive.
I think it is some Socal hype. The same as everyone thinks that Socal is the place to be and that orange county is this magically cool place. Guess what, its not, only the parts they show you on tv.
Give me BFE Missouri or Ohio or Idaho and so on any day.

Sorry but In and Out is probably one of the healthier of the fast food joints. They prep all their food to order including their fries. I guess you like your food when it's been sitting under a warmer all day long!

No SoCal isn't the best place, but definitely in the top 3. 1st is Moab, 2nd and 3rd are tied for Pacific Northwest and Cali. I have traveled all over the states and these have everything an outdoor enthusiast could want. Californians just have a low BS tolerance... maybe that's why you don't like it...

Missouri is filled with man made lakes, sponsered by Eric Estrada... I like the real deal! Idaho is cool, Moab is better! Ohio... meh... not a fan... I plan on visiting Cedar Point soon though. Hopefully that will sway my vote.

My folks moved to Cali from the Midwest and they don't even want to come back to visit me! Why??? Cause it's AWESOME on the west coast!!!! Some of the best scenic driving you could ever do, on and off the road!

OH yea... I lose about 1-2lbs every morning after I relieve myself... Maybe you should use the w.c. more often... :winko:

I am so glad I am 23 and don't have to worry about this stuff for a few more years... hopefully ever! LOL My day will come...

12/11/2009, 09:23 PM
I REALLY don't understand why everyone loves In&Out. I like Carl's Jr. MUCH better.


12/11/2009, 09:36 PM
I REALLY don't understand why everyone loves In&Out. I like Carl's Jr. MUCH better.


carls JR is my second favorite. thats where i eat here in colorado when i want fast food. fairly healthily made also actually.

don moore
12/12/2009, 12:39 PM
in and out ..tastes like the burgers that BOBs hambergers use to make ...we dont have them anymore ..and in and out are not here ,carls are good ..

12/12/2009, 12:53 PM
I REALLY don't understand why everyone loves In&Out. I like Carl's Jr. MUCH better.


have you ever had a 2x4, animal style, with onions? :drool2:

12/14/2009, 08:28 AM
I never figured out the draw to In and out. Their food was marginal at best, and expensive.
I think it is some Socal hype.Holy Carp! I can't believe it, I agree with Marlin! In&Out was blown WAY out of propotion as I was headed there for the first time. Never been back! I couldn't understand the draw because the taste was not Good Times in CO; not even close. Jack, don't you like Good Times? Big Daddy Combo w/ Root Beer & Wild Dippin Sauce - Mmm MMM, my fave!

12/14/2009, 08:37 AM
The average person requires about 1100-1300 caleries a day. A little less if trying to loose weight a little more to gain.
I consume 4000-7000 a day depending on my training load...and still lose weight;eeky;
Along with how much you eat and probably more important is what you eat. I found one of the easiest ways to lose weight is to do without fried and processed food as much as possible. It is okay to enjoy some junk every once in a while (helps control binging) as long as its in moderation. As stated above...eating 4-6 small meals a day is better than eating 3 larger meals. Most people eat their largest meal in the evening. This is not ideal. Morning and noon should be larger meals as you are more active and burn more caleries. Evening meal should be a lite meal as your body begins to slow down to prepare for sleep. One of the worst things you can do is skip meals. In the short term this will work but then your body begins to go into starvation mode. It adapts thinking it is not going to get a meal and slows metabolism and stores more fat to prepare for starvation.Hope that helps a bit.

Good words to live by. One point to add tho, if you diet - take a one-a-day suppliment to help avoid that starvation mode. BTW, I don't practice what I preach:)

"I consume 4000-7000 a day depending on my training load...and still lose weight"


Just Kidding. I love you man!

12/14/2009, 10:29 AM
"I consume 4000-7000 a day depending on my training load...and still lose weight"


Just Kidding. I love you man!

Trust me, it's not as easy as it sounds!

As far as the burger debate goes...I prefer these (http://joesfarmgrill.com/)!:drool2:

12/14/2009, 10:34 AM
A burger debate, now we're talking. I vote for the TGI Friday's Cheesy Bacon Cheeseburger. Black Angus burger with American Cheese and some good bacon then on top of it all, a nice thick slice of deep fried provolone. Sooo good. Dammnit, and now I'm hungry for one and our TIGI's is closed for renovations.:upsetgray

12/14/2009, 10:38 AM
A burger debate, now we're talking. I vote for the TGI Friday's Cheesy Bacon Cheeseburger. Black Angus burger with American Cheese and some good bacon then on top of it all, a nice thick slice of deep fried provolone. Sooo good. Dammnit, and now I'm hungry for one and our TIGI's is closed for renovations.:upsetgray

All in all, I think most people will agree REAL White Castle is one of the best out there!

12/14/2009, 10:40 AM
All in all, I think most people will agree REAL White Castle is one of the best out there!

Ah yes. White Castle with cheese and no onions. The steamed bun just makes them awesome.

12/14/2009, 11:13 AM
If we are including restaurants... I have EVERYONE beat!!! You HAVE to go here if you EVER are in the vicinity of the Chicago area... EVER!

No one and I mean NO ONE does it better!!! :drool:

12/14/2009, 01:26 PM
I'm kinda leanin towards Fudruckers for a great (dripping down your chin) burger.

12/15/2009, 04:13 AM
I can't believe i start a thread about being hungry and all you lot do is post up pictures and talk about tasty burgers, lol. I'm struggling not to lick my computer screen!!!

12/15/2009, 07:26 AM
Whaddya mean you can't believe it - you're talking mostly to HUNGRY Americans! :)

12/15/2009, 07:28 AM
I'm struggling not to lick my computer screen!!!

I have no response to that ... but SOOOO many things come to mind.

12/15/2009, 09:36 AM
lol :D

12/15/2009, 10:56 AM

12/15/2009, 01:38 PM
Polie, is that the "heart attack special"? WOW, I can feel my arteries hardening just looking at it.

12/18/2009, 03:20 AM
IT FITS!!!! whohoo, i dont need to buy another suit! Lost about 16lb's in 11 days thankgod!!! Saved me about 200 quid and about 100 in food lol

12/18/2009, 03:22 AM
IT FITS!!!! whohoo, i dont need to buy another suit! Lost about 16lb's in 11 days thankgod!!! Saved me about 200 quid and about 100 in food lol

Quick mate, have a couple of beerz and some fatty food to celebrate :D

12/18/2009, 03:45 AM
lol, got some friends coming over to our new place tonight and im desperate to pig out on beers but its gonna be just a couple of glasses of wine again :( ah well, i'll fill up on beer and food at the wedding tomorrow :D

12/18/2009, 11:24 AM
Had me a 9 oz fillet with a bleu cheese crust on top along with a couple pints of Guinness last night. :drool: Tonight's gonna be a big ol' calzone with a pitcher or two of sangria. Come on over CR, there's plenty. :bwgy: Oh yeah, and I can't forget to mention all the wine I had at work yesterday...Franciscan Port, Ravenswood Moscato and Zinfandel, Wild Horse Chardonnay, and Clos du Bois Merlot. Working for a fine wine company is so awesome.

12/18/2009, 01:27 PM
RapidP, I have a good friend that is part owner of his own winery up in the Gilroy area. I will have to find out the name of it.

12/18/2009, 07:56 PM
:bwgy: Oh yeah, and I can't forget to mention all the wine I had at work yesterday...Franciscan Port, Ravenswood Moscato and Zinfandel, Wold Horse Chardonnay, and Clos du Bois Merlot. Working for a fine wine company is so awesome.
Yeah, must be rough! Paid to drink wine at work.....:rollo2::p