View Full Version : Brakes/Rear Door Panel.

O Hell No O
03/28/2010, 11:10 AM
Hi everyone,

I have a couple annoying problems. First is the brakes, we changed the brakes when they were pretty much gone. After we did so, the ABS light comes on and off occasionally. After about 5 months its now on, and now we hear these loud and NASTY squeeking brakes. On behalf of the breaks, how do we fix that issue? Would it be a pain in the butt?

Also, the back door panel. How do you remove the cladding? I'm trying to get to the License plate assembly, one light doesn't work, the other kinda works. The plastic covering (clear), has been removed and not repairable. So i'm just trying to make something else out of it.

Any hints, thanks very much!

03/28/2010, 11:13 AM
Well, did you bleed the brakes? and if so, did you do it with the engine running? That is the correct way to bleed the brakes on the Vehicross. As far as the cladding, can't help you there.

P.S. Be sure to enter LDUB's contest: http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?threadid=17491

O Hell No O
03/28/2010, 11:36 AM
I actualy didn't have the engine running, also I only pumped the brakes a couple of times not sure if thats a "full" bleed.

Is there kinda a walk through on how to replace brakes? Or solve the ABS/Brake issue? I don't have the original manual as it didn't come with the VX.


03/28/2010, 12:31 PM
If you're pads are new and squeaking its because the shiM behind the pad squeaks when pressed by the caliper against the rotor. It makes it sound as if need a brake job even though the brakes are brand new. To fix it you go to autozone or advance autoparts and pick up a tiny pack of "stop squeal" or brake squeal stop, they carry it at the registers. Take the wheels off, calipers off, pads off and apply this stop squeal gel/goo to the back of the pad. Then put everything back and your noise should be gone.

I don't see how having the engine running affects the bleeding of the brakes? This makes no sense to me.. Just make sure to pump the brake pedal ~30 times before doing the brakes with the car off to pacify the ABS system

O Hell No O
03/28/2010, 12:38 PM
I did that when replacing the brake pads. I applied this sort of lubricant substance.

Do I have to reapply again?


03/28/2010, 12:39 PM
Manuals can be downloaded HERE (http://www.vehicross.info/modules.php?s=&name=Downloads&file=viewcategory&cid=3&page=1&perpage=20&sort=date&order=desc&daysprune=-1)

03/28/2010, 12:47 PM
not if you did it right. Are your rotors warped? Did you change your rotors when you did your brakes? Look at all four rotors and look for any gouges. Its a little strange to start squealing after applying stop-squeal.. Is the squealing from all four wheels?

O Hell No O
03/28/2010, 12:55 PM
I applied to all 4 brakes, I didn't look at the rotors, but they looked in good shape. Af far as I can tell.
It started the queeking after a couple of monts from changing the brake pads. And Triath, thanks ALOT for that :) Now I can learn more about the car.

O Hell No O
03/28/2010, 01:03 PM
So I installed the VX Retail CD, and it doesn't respond O.o, I downloaded the 100mb+ file and used MagicISO.

I guess it doesn't work in Windows Vista?

03/28/2010, 01:09 PM
Try putting it on a CD. If I remember right...its been a long time...that should work.

03/28/2010, 02:21 PM
deermagnet did a great write-up on how to replace the rusted out license plate bracket: http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?t=17533&highlight=replace+license+plate+bracket

As for the brakes; I'm not too sure about the squeeling, but you do need to have the engine running to bleed the brakes properly on a VX. I had Merlin at St. Charles Isuzu send over some instructions, and it did say to have the engine running. I can send you the pdf if you would like because I can't figure out how to post it up here.

03/28/2010, 02:44 PM
So I installed the VX Retail CD, and it doesn't respond O.o, I downloaded the 100mb+ file and used MagicISO.

I guess it doesn't work in Windows Vista?

It's downloadable here under downloads and only needs a adobe reader which is a free download if you don't have it. Also the Electrical manual is there

O Hell No O
03/28/2010, 02:56 PM
Allrighty, thanks for that walk through. Also I still can't get that CD to work. Not sure what i'm doing wrong. I've put only the ISO file onto CD, didn't work. I've extracted the ISO and put all the extracted files onto the CD and still doesn't work. Any ideas?

O Hell No O
03/28/2010, 03:27 PM
Hardeman, you can send that PDF file to Battlefield2142.Pilot@gmail.com


03/28/2010, 05:21 PM
This is our bleeding procedure I posted here before. You have to remove the ABS fuse, and yes, the engine MUST BE RUNNING!



03/28/2010, 06:41 PM
Mark must have posted the bleeding instructions just as I was hitting send on an email to you. The instructions that Mark posted are the same ones that I got from Merlin.

Thanks Mark, because now everyone can see them.:thumbup:

03/29/2010, 06:53 AM
also, check outmy how to guide on replacing the ABS module. the end of it shows a step by step on brake bleeding. just make sure you pull the abs fuse leave the engine running and do not let the master cylinder get empty