View Full Version : Honor our Soldiers

06/03/2010, 08:00 PM
A little late for Memorial Day but still worth viewing.


06/03/2010, 08:12 PM
And this belongs in the forum "VX Talk" why?

Riff Raff
06/04/2010, 06:59 AM
A little late.........

ROWHARD--- This is where you are so wrong!!! It's never, never too late to acknowlege our brothers in arms. You don't have to wait for a formal holiday like Memorial Day or Veterans Day to honor our Troops-- heck, any day will do. If it wasn't for folks like you, me, Marlin and all of the rest that came before us, and all of the rest that will follow, then there would have never been a VX or the freedom to even enjoy such a vehicle. So yes; Grif, it does have a distinct place on this VX forum and don't you ever, ever forget it!!!

God Bless you Rowhard and Marlin and thank you for your selfless military service to our great country. It is solely your personal sacrifice amongst our other brothers and sisters in arms and especially those that have given the ultimate sacrifice that has kept and continues to keep the USA the most powerful and most importantly "free" country in the entire world.