View Full Version : Brake Fluid Leak From Vacume Booster

06/29/2010, 11:21 AM
Well with 4 days till the french off road trip my VX is pissing out brake fluid.

what i dont understand is that its coming from between the fire wall and the booster, not the booster and the master cylinder??? I dont see how fluid is getting back there, normally if theres a leak in the piston it comes out the front of the booster doesnt it?? I cant even see a booster on ebay, just the master cylinders...

ANYONE had a similar problem or can shed some light on the situation??

I may try a garage in the morning but i'm not equiped to strip the brakes, get the part and bleed the brakes on my own... ARGHHHHH

06/29/2010, 11:43 AM
just spoke to greasemonkey (thanks mate!!!) and master cylinder is DEAD! trying to source another :(

06/29/2010, 12:37 PM
Sounds like you're destined to be in town to go to the museum with Wifey & I on Saturday.:)

06/29/2010, 01:11 PM
Ouch! Thats a bummer James!

Milner have one - assuming its the same as the Trooper one?

http://www.milneroffroad.com/categories.asp?cID=11736&p=2 Next day delivery

Its not cheap, but you get around 15% off by being a FWDC member: http://forum.fourwheeldriveclub.com/viewtopic.php?f=132&t=727

Alternatively theres a few on eBay

Good luck James!

06/29/2010, 02:34 PM
Anyone know if this will fit?


06/29/2010, 03:42 PM
I have one for sale as well. The leak you're probably having is between where the rod that attaches your brake pedal to the piston enters the piston chamber, sounds like a seal might have went. Here's a link (http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?t=17836) to my thread.

06/29/2010, 03:48 PM
James, I think it needs to be from a 3.2 Trooper... According to the downloadable parts list on here, it's part number 8971780100, which is Trooper 3.2 on this site: http://www.autocarspare.com/catalog/brake-master-cylinder/8971780100.html


06/29/2010, 03:53 PM
The offer from Ascinder would be your best bet, but dunno if he can get it to you in time for France! :(

I have bought from him and I'd highly recommend him - Top Man!

06/30/2010, 04:36 AM
Thanks for all the help guys, i ordered the milner part to my local garage for tomorrow AM so hopefully the part is correct and they get it done by tomorrow evening, fingers crossed!!!!

07/02/2010, 03:35 AM
Its ALIVE !!!! :dan_ban::jump::dan_ban::dance::clap::LineWave:

After the havoc of trying to source parts and get a garage to do the work at such short notice I picked the ‘fixed’ car up last night but the brakes were crap!! So I took it back this morning and got them to re-bleed them (it would seem they didn’t bother the first time) and its all workin great!!! France here I come.

07/02/2010, 03:38 AM
So I took it back this morning and got them to re-bleed them (it would seem they didn’t bother the first time) and its all workin great!!! France here I come.


Lots of pics please...:yesgray:

Have a great weekend.