View Full Version : Cargo Door Adjustment Advice?

07/20/2010, 08:02 PM
Big apologies - I tried to search but didn't find anything helpful using the keyword combinations I thought of.

My door is out of adjustment.

If I close it gently, it latches but I can easily push on it and it will go in another 1/8" or so and bounce back a bit yet remain latched.

If I close it with more force, it latches and seems to fit just as solid as one of the passenger doors. It also lines up better with the rest of the sheet metal. However, when I try to open it again, I have to push the door in with my shoulder or I might risk breaking my key.

I think the obvious solution would be to move the U-shaped metal latch bar back toward the rear a bit, but thought I'd ask for advice. Should the black metal guide that's attached to the hatch move back a little as well?

Bob Barker
07/20/2010, 08:08 PM
Probably just a striker bar adjustment. That's the U shaped metal latch bar... Move a hair in one direction and then judge the door shutting, and if needed go further or maybe back in the other direction.

Luna X
07/20/2010, 08:17 PM
It sounds as if the striker has slid out of adjustment and is now too far in.

Normally, to be on the safe side, I would use a #1 phillips (slightly larger than a normal size) to loosen the 2 screws that hold the striker in place.

Since it seems as though the latch catches when slammed shut, try bringing the stricker out a little and see what that does.

You will probably have some trial and error, loosening, making adjustments, tightening, etc... but in the end you'll get it just right.

Also, check to see if the hinges are still true and don't have any play in them by picking up on the door when it's open.

Hope this helps/makes sense.

07/20/2010, 09:02 PM
You loosen the bolts on the U/V part in the door jam and bring it all the way out and then tighten the bolts slightly so the part will move with some pressure. Then you close the door slowly until it latches. Now the U/V part should have moved back to the exact position it needs to be when the door latches. Open the door and tighten the bolts making sure the part doesn't move.


07/21/2010, 04:42 PM
Thanks, gang!

It only took two tries before I found the sweet spot so now the door works perfectly. I guess I was just a little gun shy after messing up the driver's door - didn't want to get down to just 1 functioning door! :rollgray:

Luna, I liked your tip about checking for play in the hinges. (They're fine, BTW.)

10/23/2011, 09:40 AM
Thanks, gang!

It only took two tries before I found the sweet spot so now the door works perfectly. I guess I was just a little gun shy after messing up the driver's door - didn't want to get down to just 1 functioning door! :rollgray:

Luna, I liked your tip about checking for play in the hinges. (They're fine, BTW.)

wonder if this adjustment would fix my rear door problem. Seems like every other time I close it, it will not latch at all and just bounces open. Might happen two or three times before it latches. Doesn't matter if it is opened with the key or the popper. But when it latches, there are no other issues.