View Full Version : Sil-Glyd, replacement for silly-cone spray

07/23/2010, 02:33 PM
Picked this stuff up at NAPA. I was using wheel bearing grease in my window channels, but apparently using that with Rubber leads to it caking and becoming very un-lubricating. I was using the spray silicone, but it would gunk up after a couple weeks, need to be re-applied and my windows would keep tilting.

I modified my regulator/up-down bracket so that the windows don't tilt anymore, and I removed, cleaned and sil-glyded the rubber channels. The windows are finally working fine.

I'll let people know in a few weeks if this stuff is as good as I've heard. It supposedly won't gunk up and is water repellent.

07/23/2010, 03:38 PM
I recomend Dry Lube. It is available at Home Depot for less than $5 a can. It is a silicate lubricant instead of petroleum so it does not collect dirt and dust.

Bob Barker
07/30/2010, 12:55 AM
It's been a week... any updates?

07/30/2010, 05:06 AM
It's been a week... any updates?

I'm still using/satisfied with this product (http://www.jigaloo.com/).

07/30/2010, 06:53 AM
I'm still using/satisfied with this product (http://www.jigaloo.com/).

which one or all of them

07/30/2010, 08:00 AM
I think he's currently using the Jig-a-Patch while trying to wean off the Jig-a-Loo.

07/30/2010, 08:47 AM
which one or all of them
