View Full Version : 0w-30

08/02/2010, 07:14 PM
So I usually use 5w-30 in all of my vehicles with good results. My question is with the "issues" on the VX's motor, does 0w-30 work? has anyone tried it?

On a side note, does anyone know the weight for fluid on the front diff offhand?

08/02/2010, 08:12 PM
The recommended diff weight is listed in your manual.
I tried Ow-30 once but don't remember the results cuz they didn't impress me much. It may have quieted the engine some but every oil change quieted it down some anyway so it is tough to tell how much difference there was... Not much help, I know...

08/02/2010, 08:49 PM
I changed to a summer weight 15w-50, and it sounds like a diesel... which I like. Did 1300 miles and consumed about .1 quart, still on full, left at barely over full.

08/03/2010, 07:02 AM
I changed to a summer weight 15w-50, and it sounds like a diesel... which I like. Did 1300 miles and consumed about .1 quart, still on full, left at barely over full.

And that's a good thing? No matter how much you may like the sound, it's NOT a good sound for a gasoline engine. :noo:

Luna X
08/03/2010, 11:04 AM
So, changing to a different weight oil could quiet down the engine noise on my VX?

Maybe this could answer "why does my VX sound like an F15...?"

08/03/2010, 01:53 PM
There is no one answer for this. The type of oil best suited for an engine depends on the engine itself but also season and temperature. Heat thins oils and cold thickens it. So it hot areas you want an oil with ahigh viscosity (resistance to flow) for when the heat thins it. In the cold youi want a low viscosity oil so when it thickens when parked your engine doesnt have to strain against a think mud to turn the engine over. You do not want to go to far in either direction unless the temperature is in a severe cold or hot zone. In addition I beleive altitude can also affect the oil viscosity adversely. So best oil? Like all things it depends.

08/03/2010, 05:36 PM
I have and will always use 10w-30 in the summer and 5w-30 in the winter.

I have been using Royal Purple 75w-90 in my diffs but I have seen a lot of posts of people using the mobil-1 ??w-140

08/03/2010, 10:33 PM
So, changing to a different weight oil could quiet down the engine noise on my VX?

Maybe this could answer "why does my VX sound like an F15...?"

I replied to your other thread, I don't think oil is the culprit.

08/04/2010, 05:01 PM
I was reading into "bob the oil guy" and just want to make sure the motor is protected even on start up. The first flush before I pull her out for winter will be the 0w-30, and I will let people know how that turns out, and if it does not, back to 5w-30. :) Gotta love the cold winters in Utah.

On the gear oil, does anyone know the pros and cons there for 90 vs. 140?

08/04/2010, 05:22 PM
I was reading into "bob the oil guy" and just want to make sure the motor is protected even on start up. The first flush before I pull her out for winter will be the 0w-30, and I will let people know how that turns out, and if it does not, back to 5w-30. :) Gotta love the cold winters in Utah.

You have cold winters in Utah...:confused:

Up here in the great white, 5w30 Synthetic works just fine, even at -35 deg.

And yes, I'm an Amzoil believer...:yesgray:

08/04/2010, 06:44 PM
Cold comparatively to say... Arizona :P

08/10/2010, 07:54 PM
0w-30 is good for a quick 500 mile flush, after that 10w-30 is the oem spec. We use Mobil1 with good results. One of our VX's is at 127k so recently switched to high mileage Mobil1, and oil consumtin is noticealbly reduced.

08/11/2010, 07:00 AM
I ran Mobile 1 0w-30 a few times when it first came out, no noticeable difference for me (mileage or sound). Now I use Castrol Edge 10w-30 which supposedly outperforms Mobile 1 (costs more too though) and I don't seem to burn as much oil.

Mile High VX
08/16/2010, 04:20 PM
I just switched from Amzoil 5W-30 to Mobile 1 5W-30 High Mileage. I'll see if it performs as well. If it does it's a lot less expensive...and easier to find.