View Full Version : I've been flying, swimming and mountain climbing!

08/30/2010, 03:40 PM
Just had a great weekend in Wales. Did loads and drove loads, but the best bits were when I went flying:


And swimming:


And mountain climbing:


I know I've been bitchin about the hard ride you get from the shocks, but they soaked up that jump like it was nothing - I don't even think it hit the bump stops! I was really weird though because I wasn't even going that fast!

Only two problems from a very busy weekend was that I lost my number plate in that water and now my aircon compressor is making a horrid noise... Anyone know if it's possible/easy to change the bearing?

Nick :bgwo:

08/30/2010, 03:46 PM
Only two problems from a very busy weekend was that I lost my number plate in that water and now my aircon compressor is making a horrid noise... Anyone know if it's possible/easy to change the bearing?

Nick :bgwo:

They are easy to remove and replace....gotto watch that water :D

08/30/2010, 05:28 PM
That 1st shot is most derinately calandar worthy!:thumbup::thumbup:

08/30/2010, 08:20 PM
Great pic's...#1 is great, my fav is #3. Calender worthy for sure...

08/31/2010, 12:49 AM


08/31/2010, 02:33 AM
I love that those pics, especially the first one!!

08/31/2010, 07:10 AM
nd now my aircon compressor is making a horrid noise... Anyone know if it's possible/easy to change the bearing?

Nick :bgwo:

HA!! Welcome to my world, lol mine's been making a racket for a year. If you find a bearing code, lemme know and i'll order one too. Company up the road wanted about £150 - £250 to sort it out.

Nice picks anyway though Nick, looks like fun!

08/31/2010, 07:50 AM
Also went diving and surfing ;)

08/31/2010, 10:27 AM
Great pix.

I would've lost my bully bar for sure if I went 'diving' like that.

08/31/2010, 07:34 PM
AWESOME photos! I can't wait for the weekend. I'm going to visit my sister and will make a detour on the way so I can have a little off-pavement fun! Looking forward to something more exciting than the Bunny* Trails that are accessible locally.

* I actually consider them to be Mustang Trails since I'm pretty sure my car could navigate them, too. :)