View Full Version : Spare wire!

09/12/2010, 08:49 AM
I've just removed my Aircon compressor as the bearing has gone, but noticed a spare wire hanging there once it was removed! The small connector is the one for the aircon and the wire without the connector is the spare one. I don't think I trapped it or broke it, but anyone know if/where it should go???




09/12/2010, 10:30 AM
Possibly the wire that goes to the sending unit on the oil filter adapter. Oil pressor sensor? Is there a sensor on the back of your oil filter adapter?

09/13/2010, 10:43 AM
NO!!!!! That is the wire that goes to the underside of the POWER STEERING PUMP. There is a sensor inside of the power steering pump that this wire goes to. Mine was loose after I took my power steering pump out, the only way to fix this would be to unbolt the power steering pump and then try and get enough wire coming out of the "cap" on the bottom of the pump where the sensor screws in. Removing power steering pump normally requires emptying all the fluid, but you might have enough loose down there to pull out without removing hoses, but if you unscrew that sensor I believe fluid will pour out. My wire on the head of that cap was stripped so close to the head of the cap it took me forever to figure out where this wire was supposed to go to, but when I had to use the sensor and cap on the new power steering pump I figured it out. I had to dig some of my broken wire out from the head of the cap that fits onto the bottom of the PS pump and then solder my wire back on there and still it barely worked, very easy to rebreak the connection upon reinstalling, be careful and good luck.

09/13/2010, 01:17 PM

Thanks LittleBeast! But.... I've been driving it for a couple of days now with no problems. What does this sensor do? Am I risking trouble using it with a broken wire? To be honest it looks like it's been broken for quite a while!?!?



09/13/2010, 09:32 PM

Thanks LittleBeast! But.... I've been driving it for a couple of days now with no problems. What does this sensor do? Am I risking trouble using it with a broken wire? To be honest it looks like it's been broken for quite a while!?!?



Yeah dude sorry to freak you out, mine looked like it had been broken for a long time as well, the emphatic "NO" was me remembering trying to fix that thing and it taking FOREVER, and then it breaking twice as I was putting it back together. I have no idea what that sensor actually does, but when I took it apart it looked liked it just measured pressure, I have no idea why though.....